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Eric Week 4 - America's Player

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He already knows what America wants him to do.

Since he is working for us then we should not just do his own little private vote. I thought that he was supposed to do his best to swing the votes to what America wants.

Of course we don't have the rule book on AP.

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I thought that he was supposed to do his best to swing the votes to what America wants.

I thought so too. His efforts to do so thus far have either been nonexistant or have consisted of a one-time-only, half hearted pitch to a few other HGs that never ends up working.

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Eric did succeed in getting Jen on the block this week, though. Dustin wasn't going to put her up at the beginning. Eric talked to him and then he did put her up, and she promptly got taken off.

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My guess is that we have voted for him to evict Kail but that isnt what the group wants to do, so he isnt campaigning for it. If he campaigns too much they might figure out that it was him who voted opposite and then he'll have to explain his way out of it (that actually might be fun to watch). If he knows that the vote is definitely going the other way, he would be stupid to campaign. Instead I think he is going to chaulk this one up as a loss, vote like we told him to and let someone else take the blame. It worked so well last week that Nick (who got blamed for the second vote for Mike) is probably going home this week.

And, I think that Erics expert game playing skill is exactly why BB picked him to be AP. They knew he was the only one in the bunch smart/sane enough to pull it off. I mean, could you picture Amber as AP. She would've had an aneurysm by now (or at least become severly dehydrated).

Eric is fast becoming one of my main reasons to watch the feeds. Especially when he and Jess are playing together.

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I keep hoping that Eric is smart enough to know that Zach will vote against Kail, that Dick and Danielle will be easy to turn close to the deadline (they're practically there already), and that all he needs to do is convince Jessica to make it 5-3.

Pushing too hard too soon would jeopardize his position as America's Player (Dick is already suspicious that he seems to have special knowledge) as well as his position with other house guests (they already think he's a sleeper).

Once the vote went through, Nick and those who voted for him to stay would outnumber Jen, Jameka, and Amber and would be in a great position to win HOH. One member of the Bible Alliance would already be gone (Kail), and the new nominees would have to be Jen and either Dustin or Jameka based on their roles in disrupting everything this week.

If Eric is as smart as I think he is.

On the off chance that Jen, Jameka, or Amber won HOH, Eric would be far from the top of the hit list.

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i think this little weasle knows that he has to vote for kail and is just trying to appear that he really want to vote nick out so he can pawn off his vote on the next unsuspecting HG... he'll probably blame jen, or dani

he has to know he's pissing off america cause he knows we want kail out for 2 weeks now and now the banner planes, i hope the next sunday night question is something good like who's property should he ruin again er something cause ima vote for dick cause i belive dick will rip off erics head

it's like eric wants to be the only guy in the house left, he thinks he's that chris guy from survivor

what does he think he can just ignore america, he has the right to know who we like and dislike a clear advantage over the other HG's so he should be at our mercy he doesn't get to choose

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Eric is my favorite player but he should be working to get our wishs carried out or we should fire him and hire a new AP.

Eric cant pin the vote on Dani and Dick if it comes out 4-4 because it will already be obvious that Dick, Dani and Zach voted for Nick to stay with those other 3 votes.

Eric would be smart to swing that last vote (jess) and then he will still be in the majority.

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I've liked Eric up until this point, but if he doesn't flip the vote he's making a huge mistake in my opinion. As it is, Dick and Danielle will count the votes, realize they don't have the numbers and probably vote Nick out because they don't think it will matter, Zach will vote Kail out and be 6-2 to evict Nick. I don't think Eric will be so lucky to have a scapegoat fall into his lap like Nick did last week with Amber "figuring something out", the obvious ones to blame are Dick/Dani but I believe the other players respect their game enough to know they aren't that stupid.

Hopefully Eric realizes the LNC is over, and he has to pick a side. Even if this week a scapegoat does work, eventually with less and less people he will be more and more isolated, and people will figure out it's him, that's why I think it's pretty clear he should choose Dick/Dani/Nick to side with because he has to know that they are way more popular with America. I'm not saying he should side with the popular group because he is "supposed to", it's also his best game plan because their targets are the same targets America wants out and he'll be voting with the majority which is much easier for him.

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I think his down fall will be America turning on him for not at least trying to carry out our wishes to swing the vote. He is doing the exact opposite this week and with a vengeance.

I don't know the rules for AP or when he gets to bow of doing tasks for us. If there is no sunset for him the America will be brutal.

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Since we (America) are Eric's covert alliance, so to speak, the peeps in the DR should tell Eric we are p.o.'d at him. The other alliances get to communicate, so we should too.

"America" is the kind of ally who will throw him under the bus...to help somebody else get ahead in the game.

Ginger, you are right. Eric votes the way "America" wants...task completed :)

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AC isn't "Who does America want Eric to vote to evict from the BB house"

It's "Who does America want Eric to GET EVICTED from the BB house".

Last week he even attempted to campaign to kick out Mike, but he's not even trying for Nick. In my own opinion he can't pick and choose which tasks to do or not do. He's "America's Player" which means what we say goes, even if it's to keep someone because they're popular and kick out someone cause we don't like them. If he didn't forsee that it would be a popularity contest and try to make a way to work for him anyways then he's not as bright as most think. Also, if he didn't want the burden he could have just said "No thanks" to the whole AP twist. Instead he keeps saying this stuff like "Oh I'm with YOU America!" and "You can't spell America without Eric!" and yet he's going in the complete opposite direction of our request.

I just have a feeling a lot of casual BB fans in addition to some of the livefeeders who have already seen this, will be extremely annoyed with Eric. BB can't even string together 2 minutes of footage of Eric attempting to save Nick-- thats all he had to do, attempt-- and you know America won't be happy about Eric's selfish gameplay. Yes, this is Big Brother, and they're supposed to be selfish but Eric is also supposed to be America's player-- "I'm working FOR YOU America!" and he certainly isn't doing that.

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