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Zach Week 4


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fly on the wall iraq_flag.jpgiraq_flag.jpgiraq_flag.jpg

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I'm so hoping Zach is nominated and wins POV and then wins HOH next week and puts up Jameka and Amber and send either one home...........

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i would like that iraq_flag.jpgiraq_flag.jpgiraq_flag.jpg

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I kinda feel bad for the poor guy to be honest with you. I'm not rooting for him or anything, but I don't despise him like I do Amber. He's right when he says that it is like high school, and he gets picked last.

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I kinda feel bad for the poor guy to be honest with you. I'm not rooting for him or anything, but I don't despise him like I do Amber. He's right when he says that it is like high school, and he gets picked last.

after watching his meeting with Dustin last night, me2.

Chlodol- the women say he creeps them out, with unwnated leg touching.

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i do hate to see any one person get singled out by the mob in the BB house, they all do revert back to school kid like behavior....instead of telling him to his face 'hey werido dont ever touch my leg' (or whatever he's supposedly done) they run off to talk about how small his penis is and how boring his stories are

his stories ARE boring, and from what i saw of the streaking i guess i'll agree on that part too.....whenever there's this one person that 'everyone' in the house spends their time talking about (this year, zach jen kail) i wish both for the zachs to win hoh and kick them all out AND for zach to just go ahead and get voted out now and see who these 'friendship wannabes' will have to talk about next

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Yeah but to call him a rapist and a child molester. I just don't understand where all this animosity is coming from. He is kind of creepy looking (he looks like a mix between Howie Gordon of BB6 and Arnold Schwarzenegger), but sheesh. Nobody can tell me and I've read / seen nowhere where he's done anything to warrant that kind of bashing. Howie was more inappropriate than him, talking about boobs and saying how hot women were, but Howie was more social and it was funny, especially when he went against the Nerd Herd.

They've done the same thing before though, like with Michael, Kaysar's friend on BB6. It's awful how mean they are to Zach. I just wish I knew what he did that was so awful. I'm imagining that it's something like the "Sexual Harrassment" skit from Saturday Night Live where they say to avoid a sexual harrassment suit, follow certain steps like "Be attractive" and "Don't be ugly". I wonder if it were someone who's good looking like Nick that did it, if the girls would have reacted differently.

I don't really care one way or another about Zach leaving or staying, but it is almost like it's out of nowhere.

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I wonder if it were someone who's good looking like Nick that did it, if the girls would have reacted differently.

X-actly.....and its one thing to 'bash' with just saying 'what a f---ing weirdo' but they have to bring out the 'molester' and 'rapist'....what a bunch of douchebags

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after watching his meeting with Dustin last night, me2.

Chlodol- the women say he creeps them out, with unwnated leg touching.

I guess the women just aren't interested in him. Jessica has no prob posing for weirdo Dick, Dani has no trouble getting under the covers with a total stranger, Amber flashes for cameras and Jen walks around half naked.

Really, tainting the guy's character by calling him those things is low.

Like I said, if they were interested in him this wouldn't even be an issue.

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well I'm glad it's not just me then. I don't get live feeds but read what I can and I just couldn't get where all of that was coming from. I guess it is the scapegoat thing, where the group has to have someone to look down upon. I agree that chances are the same behaviours from someone the girls found attractive would have been perceived far more positively.

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i shall agree with anyone who says its wrong to slander someone's rep like that. i think its one thing to say someone is dumb, emotional, fat, crazy, wacko, in need of meds... that kinda of thing.. but when it crosses the line like calling someone a rapist or molester.. or physically violent.. well thats just wrong.

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As far as I can see of Zach, he's really been a non entity in the house... Sure he went streking and showed the stuff so to speak, but that doesn't make him a what they are all saying... I don't really care one way or the other abut Zach... I can take him or leave him, but he doesn't deserve the names he's getting in there...

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