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Zach Week 4


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I don't think people need to defend liking or disliking any of these people for how they are in the house...you either learn how people really are over time and like them more or end up disappointed in how they truly are - I"ve had both happen and I think we all have to an extent

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I did feel bad for him too when they were slanderin him. Most of them are guilty of walking away and shunning him. But, he can turn on a dime so he shouild not accuse others of what he has done.

Also, was Nick really his best friend in the house that he felt so compelled to vote for him to stay. He really made himself a target---heck, his future dad in law and bedmate voted Nick out.

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i watched that clip of zach on the style network's now defunct show 'style court' and he had a personality and had colorful friends..how'd he end up so boring in this house? maybe because the other assholes get up and leave when he sits down to talk? i do think he's weird and different, but being different from the rest of these bozos is a compliment

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I think Zach doesnt Gel with them.

Everything he says is probably over thier head, anyway.

Too bad. He seems like someone with some interesting ideas/thoughts.

Plus, loyalty makes people automatically personality-full. It means they have principles they'd fight for.

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