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The BEST move in the game JUSt happened!


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WRONG.......If Erika takes Booger over Janelle she has no chance.

Janelle would vote for Booger out of revence.

Howie would be made to vote for Booger by Janelle.

Will would vote for Booger.

Danielle would vote for Booger out of revence.

James would vote for Booger just to keep a girl from winning.

Marci would be influenced to vote for Booger

CG is the only wild card there and Will would probably get him to vote for Booger.

Erika's only remote chance at winning is to take Janelle to F2 with her.......and I think she realizes that now.

What do you all think would happen if Booger won HOH next week - would he take Erika?


Danielle - Boogie

Will - Boogie

Janelle - Erika?

Howie - Erika


(James - probably Boogie?, George - probably Erika? Marcellas - Erika? . . . does that mean Boogie wouldn't take Erika? Can he win against Janelle? or would his best shot still be against Erika in which case Erika might actually throw it in Boogie's direction? Hmmm . . . I'm still not sure Janelle can trust Erika . . . )

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Once Janelle evicts the great Dr. Will... she will gain the respect of the entire jury. Even with Will going there to smooze the votes for Boogie... Boogie has to get to the final two to win it.

If it's the girls in the finale'... I predict a clean sweep for Janelle to win.

If Boogie wins and takes Erika... Janelle will have 4 or 5 days to go and defend Erika.

I don't know that she'll be able to convince everyone but, since her and Erika figured out the "Banana Bread" strategy and Janelle talks about it... James/Danielle will get pissed too.

I think it will end up:

Marcellas votes for Erika

Howie votes for Erika

James votes for Boogie (I'm leaning this way but it doesn't matter.)

Danielle votes for Erika (I'm leaning this way but, it doesn't matter.)

Georgie votes for Erika

Will votes for Boogie

Janelle votes for Erika

If Erika takes Boogie instead of Janelle... then she'll lose cause Janie will make sure she doesn't win... and since Will will already be there campaigning for Boogie. Erika's 2nd place is all but sealed. However, I genuinely believe that Erika will keep Janelle if she wins final HOH.

Soooo... Whichever way it works out... one of the girls is going to win this season. Wooo Hooo!!!!

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darnit! i missed all the good action AGAIN!!!

as much as i like will and janelle's little flirtmance... it would totally be awsome to see her vote him out and then the two girls go after boogie. girl power x 2 :lol: against one ugly booger.

::::::::::::::kicks self for getting action instead of watching feeds:::::::::::::::

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CT has said through out this game the girls are emotional players and they used their (Jan and Ericka) emotions to their advantage but in the end they allowed their own emotions (or should I say ego's) get the better of them. Ericka said that she was packing until she went outside for her laundry and heard Boogie and Will discussing their finale (victory) party. You know that old saying "Hell hath no fury like a women scorned".

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Is anyone else worried that Erika and Mike seem to be playing with an negative relation ploy. Ever since Mike has been concerned with Will's obsession over Janelle he and Erika have been ummm seemingly apart. Has he written her off and thinks he doesn't need her anymore or is it that Mike and Erika think their best chance is with each other at the end?

If Erika's for real then she deserves a lot more credit than I've been giving her.

If her and Mike end up playing against Janelle in the comps then "homance" is the correct term.

Hopefully it's that Erika woke up. It would be great to watch chill town go down by the player I least expected it from

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I read on JU that the girls told each other about their "banana bread" deal with CT. FINALLY!!!! And Will actually floated the idea of Janie NOT using the veto.

OMG if she doesn't evict him today, she is totally brain dead. And if she does, I want her to win it all.

Gotta give props to both women if they pull this off. Janie has all the information she needs (thanks to Erika) to see CT for the snakes they are.


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The best night of feeds since Janie made Beau cry.

If Will leaves, I don't think he'll be influencing anybody's vote in the jury. Every single one of them is there because of his lies, they're not going to believe a word he says now.

And I think Will is the only one that could possibly beat Janelle in the final two. And now, with one more HOH win, Janelle doesn't have to worry if Erika is really going to take her or not. She has two people to choose from, both totally beatable, so then I think she eliminates the last odor of Chilltown from the house and goes to the finals with Erika.

If all that happens, Howie is going to be a happy man. Especially if Janie does what Erika suggested, and says "Howie, Marcellus, this is for you"-----just before she sends Will out the door. :D

She just has to decide, without emotion getting in the way, what the best thing is for her to do for HER.

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if will is evicted tonight and then janelle makes it into the final 2.... i really believe that Will will tell everyone in the jury that Janelle deserves to win over anyone because she is the only person to ever get the DR. Evil out AND she is the best competitor.

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I'm so ticked I actually went to bed early last night and missed it all, BUT according to all the clips I've been watching to catch up, Will is going to be evicted tonight. Janelle has said over and over she does not want to be humiliated on national TV now. Her and Erika have been going over evictions and discussing how big/small the mistakes actually were. They were both feeling so stupid and I don't think there's a chance in hell she won't evict him now.

Also... I really think Will will be gracious and give credit where credit is due. I cannot see him being angry or spiteful at all.

I am soooo anxious for tonight's show, I can hardly stand it. :D

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Guest StarBaby

For all of Will's talk about how he will trash Janelle to the jury to get a win for Booger, I think he will respect her gameplay, and he might just let the chips fall where they may. I think deep down Booger might be relieved that Will is gone, because he does tend to live in the shadow of Will, who is better looking, better gamer, smarter, more clever (I could go on and on). But I think his initial EMOTIONAL (LMAO) reaction will be indignation that those girls (and I'm sure he won't use that word) managed to mess up his little plan. Last night he was ranting about how dare they mess up THEIR (his and Will's) game.

My only fear is that Erika could be planning a double cross on Janelle, or that Booger wins final HOH (God, I hope not), but at this point, I am starting to believe Erika is genuinely ticked off and is out to get CT! So, that being said -- GO GIRLS!! Girl power rules the BB house, FINALLY!

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Guest StarBaby

I kinda like "Chick Town". I agree I would love for them to do a DR segment. They could die laughing about how Chilltown (AKA - hell) just froze over!

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I think Mike is really loving this whole set up. He knows Will is probably leaving and now is not in his way in case there are real emotions between Mike and Janie. Erika told Mike that she was going out fighting. That it would be messy and Mike laughed and agreed. He told Will some of it but I don't think he told him that it would do much good. When Will asked Mike if Janie and Erika were talking in WR - Mike told him no.

I am hoping if Will leaves - that Mike doesn't tell Erika how relieved he is that Will is gone because he was sure that Will would have taken Janie to the finals. But then again... I am not thinking like most people on the boards. I still don't trust Erika. She has never been there for Janie at all. Will in his own twisted way has been.

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I am a bit wary of Janelle trusting Erika in the final 2, based on what happened last year with Ivette. Janelle has all of the right reasons for Erika to take her to the F2, but then again, same went for Ivette. If Will goes into sequester and Booger is not right after him, Will will tell the jury all of the CT doings were Booger's idea and that HE is the better gamer. Come voting time, I believe Will will vote for the best player, if for any other reason than to say he is not an emotional voter and doesn't take the game personally.

Now, if Will is evicted and Booger remains his gentlemanly self, I think he will stamp his own eviction notice. He has demostrated time again that this "Cool Kid Club" is just a facade. Booger is an immature bully who has been coddled far too long and by far too many.

Here's a question: If Janelle and Erika are the final 2...who is the better player? One who made a lot of moves, but also stumbled and made a few bad ones, or the one who made, only a couple of moves, but those moves were really good? :blink:

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Normally I'd be very weary of Janelle trusting Erika but I really think Erika has seen the light. I don't think for a second that she'll go back on her deal with Janelle. She wants revenge and I think she''ll get it. :D

Now for me the only worry is that if Boogie wins HOH, I think he'll definitely take Erika. He has 0 chance of winning against Janelle.

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Call me crazy but I think Erika swearing on her Mother means a lot in this deal with Janie. I know that Erika and her mom are super close and Erika loves her very much.

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You're absolutely right, Marty. Erika was very sincere in the entire conversation. She was furious and is out for revenge. I don't doubt that for a second. Her and Janelle were emphatic about how they were so stupid and did NOT want to be made fools of any longer.

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had this all been planned out by boogie and erika, erika would have gone and woke up boogie sometime in the last few hours to tell him the plan worked.

i can safely say that i am believing there is now a CHICKTOWN alliance. :D

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