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Brendon - (Co-HoH & PoV) Week 1

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he needs to have rachel tone it way downnnnnnnnnnnnn

still making themselves a huge target due to her behavior :animated_bouncy:

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Brendon needs to quit harping on Rachel about what he thinks she did wrong, he just keeps on goin on and on, she seems to take him in stride thoanimated_scratchchin.gif

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Brendon needs to quit harping on Rachel about what he thinks she did wrong, he just keeps on goin on and on, she seems to take him in stride thoanimated_scratchchin.gif

I am actually starting to like Rachel more now. She is her own person, and she does not apolegize for it. I like that she doesn't let Brenda change her.

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he truly is sort of fem, and really he over analyzes everything, which could get them in trouble is she listens to him, yes I thinks she needs to tone her emotions down a tad, but he acts like he knows everything there is that is goin on, needs to chillrolleyes4.gif

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How many times does he have to say.. "Let's have a house meeting and call them out"... how many times in bb history has someone appreciated someone call a house meeting.. that's so stupid.. glad Daniele is there to talk sense into them

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Oh Rachel I LOVE you oh sweetie I LOVE you. I am doing this for you. I love that you get emotional when other people are hurt. Oooooooooooooooh Rachel I LOVE you!!!

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where's the baring smilie,lolanimated_bouncy.gif

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I don't care what anyone says.. I think he's sweet, and regardless of whatever him and Rachel have been through together I think it's pretty obvious he really cares about her. I do think he helps her simmer down, and she gets him to relax a little and loosen up/be more fun. I do think they're a good match.

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Guest 6Borders

Ho-Hum...more of same. Rach whining and Bren trying to calm her down and tell her he loves her,,,blah blah blah. This is why I don't like returnees...we've been there and seen and heard that!!

I do have to say Brendon seems (so far) to be more interactive with the others and that skit last night was pretty funny...Brendon actually does have some talent.

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I think he is a much better player this year, and does realize that it was Rachel's fault that everyone turned on her last year. He keeps telling her this is not last year. Rachel says that she is a big fan of the game then she should know that she and Brendon as well as Jeff and Jordon and Danielle and Dick (before he left) would be targets because they are all in relationships of some kind. She acts like it is a personal attack against her and not game play. I hope that he can keep her from freaking out.

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