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Elissa - DE/Week 10/11 - Evicted (D/E Sep. 5) - Juror #6


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Elissa got out the player that I thought she needed to evict and I still believe her HOH was a failure. Because of her wishy washy decision making, she didn't do anything to improve her position in the game. She was on her way to putting together an alliance of her, GM, Spencer and Judd. But she got side tracked with Amanda and let Andy slip into her spot. So, a new alliance formed on her watch and she was not a part of it. I'm just not impressed at all with her game.

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Elissa got out the player that I thought she needed to evict and I still believe her HOH was a failure. Because of her wishy washy decision making, she didn't do anything to improve her position in the game. She was on her way to putting together an alliance of her, GM, Spencer and Judd. But she got side tracked with Amanda and let Andy slip into her spot. So, a new alliance formed on her watch and she was not a part of it. I'm just not impressed at all with her game.

I agree that the Amanda spectacle sidetracked her. I think that she's leaving on the second eviction unless she wins HOH or POV.

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Wow Elissa in GinaMarie's HOH room is being so phony right now. She has said "This is sooooo amaaaazingggg" at least 24 times and actually uttered the words "I already miss Aaryn" and "I can't think of any place I'd rather be". I don't know if she's purposely trying to bait Amanda into snapping or if she's just actually that annoying and phony.

I don't know who to hate more, Amanda or Elissa.

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Wow Elissa in GinaMarie's HOH room is being so phony right now. She has said "This is sooooo amaaaazingggg" at least 24 times and actually uttered the words "I already miss Aaryn" and "I can't think of any place I'd rather be". I don't know if she's purposely trying to bait Amanda into snapping or if she's just actually that annoying and phony.

I don't know who to hate more, Amanda or Elissa.

I DO Amazon hands down!!!!!!!!!!!..Elissa is in good with GM ..just watch her win the veto if she's put up next week! i love Elissa and despise that amazonbitch..can't wait to see her flip out all week when she goes up with mcnasty!! :party_smilie:

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I try to like Elissa but she is pretty annoying. Everyone else is sooooo grosssss and dissscussssttinggg.

She was talking to Andy and Spencer about how her life is so much better than Amanda's. Then Amanda comes in and says "Elissa you always say your life is better than everyone elses". Then Elissa says "I have never said that". You just said it 2 minutes prior.

Amanda is a colossal bitch and crybaby and Elissa is an uppity fake beyotch. I can't like either one of them.

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I try to like Elissa but she is pretty annoying. Everyone else is sooooo grosssss and dissscussssttinggg.

She was talking to Andy and Spencer about how her life is so much better than Amanda's. Then Amanda comes in and says "Elissa you always say your life is better than everyone elses". Then Elissa says "I have never said that". You just said it 2 minutes prior.

Amanda is a colossal bitch and crybaby and Elissa is an uppity fake beyotch. I can't like either one of them.

to each his own..Amazon goes around lying constantly and she's a big bully..i don't see Elissa like that at all ..she has been picked on since the first day..i think she's held her own and not been an a-hole about it Amazon is the one who thinks she's above everyone ..she flipped out when she couldn't get Elissa to do what she wanted with her hoh and she's already starting on GM i have to agree with Elissa ..Amazon is gross and disgusting i don't think i would have the patience not to smash amazons face in if she was in my face like she did to Elissa all week and she's still doing it ..it's going to be so funny when her butts on the block with her "boy" :hahohi::hahohi::hahohi:

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I like elissa. I still don't think that it was fair to the other hg's to bring in one houseguest with familial ties to the game. Nor was it fair to elissa but she decided to do it; so there. in my opinion, even though I pretty much like her better than any of the others; elissa should have nominated amanda and mccrae Seemed simple to me. I would like to see elissa and ginamarie as the final two.

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Elissa needs to shut up and quit complaining about Amanda. If she wants to win she needs to do it on her own at this point. Veto's and HoH's. She is everyone's last nerve as well as mine. I feel for her and it was terrible last week but I can't quite get behind her 100 percent.

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Wow Elissa in GinaMarie's HOH room is being so phony right now. She has said "This is sooooo amaaaazingggg" at least 24 times and actually uttered the words "I already miss Aaryn" and "I can't think of any place I'd rather be". I don't know if she's purposely trying to bait Amanda into snapping or if she's just actually that annoying and phony.

I don't know who to hate more, Amanda or Elissa.

Yea, I saw that tape later and boy did duckface look like a tranny more then ever in that sequined cat woman looking outfit. :laugh4:

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I like elissa. I still don't think that it was fair to the other hg's to bring in one houseguest with familial ties to the game. Nor was it fair to elissa but she decided to do it; so there. in my opinion, even though I pretty much like her better than any of the others; elissa should have nominated amanda and mccrae Seemed simple to me. I would like to see elissa and ginamarie as the final two.

you're so right slimcruz..and i agree it would be cool to see those 2 in the end ..i think the people who get annoyed because she "doesn't need the money" forget this isn't a game of charity..how anyone could put up with Amazonbitchs mouth and disgusting ways astounds me she and her little dirty boy are GROSS :stupid::smile1:

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Wow Elissa in GinaMarie's HOH room is being so phony right now. She has said "This is sooooo amaaaazingggg" at least 24 times and actually uttered the words "I already miss Aaryn" and "I can't think of any place I'd rather be". I don't know if she's purposely trying to bait Amanda into snapping or if she's just actually that annoying and phony.

I don't know who to hate more, Amanda or Elissa.

Lol. They are both making idiots of themselves.

I don't hate either one of them but honestly, if I was in that house with Elissa, I would have to self evict. Ha ha! She actually annoys me more than her freak sister.

After watching a few seasons of BB, I finally came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely that I would ever be able to actually like any hg enough to want them to win. Last year though, I was pleasantly surprised and actually rooted for Ian! This year, I'm back to a state of apathy concerning the winner...as long as it isnt Aaryn (check) or the phony, annoying, superficial, self-righteous fembot who can't imagine why anyone would dislike her. I don't know that I really would want Amanda to win either but I wouldn't mind it for the sole purpose of (yet again) "confusing" her highness. Lol

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Lol. They are both making idiots of themselves.

I don't hate either one of them but honestly, if I was in that house with Elissa, I would have to self evict. Ha ha! She actually annoys me more than her freak sister.

After watching a few seasons of BB, I finally came to the conclusion that it was highly unlikely that I would ever be able to actually like any hg enough to want them to win. Last year though, I was pleasantly surprised and actually rooted for Ian! This year, I'm back to a state of apathy concerning the winner...as long as it isnt Aaryn (check) or the phony, annoying, superficial, self-righteous fembot who can't imagine why anyone would dislike her. I don't know that I really would want Amanda to win either but I wouldn't mind it for the sole purpose of (yet again) "confusing" her highness. Lol

She annoys me more than Rachel too, which is pretty incredible. I think it is because Rachel didn't think her ish didn't stink. She was just a sore loser and bad winner. Elissa is all that with a snotty too good tude, while being a dirty hypocrite. Not that I want Rachel back, but I would rather watch the real deal than this thing.

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Elissa would be better off if she just laid low and tried to make friendships. She won't stop trash talking. I know that is what they do but right now she is not on the block and she should not be trying to throw everyone under the buss.

She needs to tone down the I am better then everyone else or she will be up and out lickity split.

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if i were Elissa i couldn't help but rub it in to that uppitty batsh#t crazy amazon that she's going out the door this week ...if anyone thinks they are better than anyone else it's Amazon..things don't go her way ..she tortures people ..like she did to Elissa all week and still is doing it..i would have had to smash her in the pie hole if she was in my face like she was to Elissa ..Elissa has handled it well by not stooping to her level..good for her

GO ELISSA :clap::clap:

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I hope the stupid boys don't vote McCrea out instead of Amanda. They are putting too much on Amanda not winning the DE HOH. OR I guess they know she will put up Elissa and GM and the boys will be left to get her out the next HOH since she cant play. Hmmmm maybe I just figured out their plan? LOL

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