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Elissa - DE/Week 10/11 - Evicted (D/E Sep. 5) - Juror #6


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Elissa would be better off if she just laid low and tried to make friendships. She won't stop trash talking. I know that is what they do but right now she is not on the block and she should not be trying to throw everyone under the buss.

She needs to tone down the I am better then everyone else or she will be up and out lickity split.

agree. she seems unable to shut it down. remind you of someone?

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to each his own..Amazon goes around lying constantly and she's a big bully..i don't see Elissa like that at all ..she has been picked on since the first day..i think she's held her own and not been an a-hole about it Amazon is the one who thinks she's above everyone ..she flipped out when she couldn't get Elissa to do what she wanted with her hoh and she's already starting on GM i have to agree with Elissa ..Amazon is gross and disgusting i don't think i would have the patience not to smash amazons face in if she was in my fahece like she did to Elissa all week and .still doing it ..it's going to be so funny when her butts on the block with her "boy" :hahohi::hahohi::hahohi:

I totally agree with you! Elissa wanted to break up Mcranda..namely by sending Amanda home. It's about time. Amanda is mean, intimidating and a bully. You don't have to be that way to win BB. It also shows how Amanda really is when she's not in the BB house. It's disgusting. Who hooks up w/ a guy the same week you meet him? And, doing the dirty on the live feeds where millions of viewers see her? I'd be embarrassed if I was her.

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How far back do Elissa's clothes drawers go? She has a never ending wardrobe. :P

She must be a really skilled packer.

I totally agree with you! Elissa wanted to break up Mcranda..namely by sending Amanda home. It's about time. Amanda is mean, intimidating and a bully. You don't have to be that way to win BB. It also shows how Amanda really is when she's not in the BB house. It's disgusting. Who hooks up w/ a guy the same week you meet him? And, doing the dirty on the live feeds where millions of viewers see her? I'd be embarrassed if I was her.

Lots of people do that. However, most have the good sense to part ways before breakfast. ;)

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How far back do Elissa's clothes drawers go? She has a never ending wardrobe. :P

She must be a really skilled packer.

LOL, I think they might get to request more of their clothing that they don't actually have in the house. She DOES have a lot of outfits.

I'm equally amused at how they leave with one medium sized bag. There's no way all of their things will fit into a bag that size. I used to travel a lot and am a skilled packer, but I'm not a magician.

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I totally agree with you! Elissa wanted to break up Mcranda..namely by sending Amanda home. It's about time. Amanda is mean, intimidating and a bully. You don't have to be that way to win BB. It also shows how Amanda really is when she's not in the BB house. It's disgusting. Who hooks up w/ a guy the same week you meet him? And, doing the dirty on the live feeds where millions of viewers see her? I'd be embarrassed if I was her.

yes! and the creep she hooks up with? what a joke..i'm so glad to see them sweating it this week! :hahohi::hahohi:

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SAFE :animated_bouncy:

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She annoys me more than Rachel too, which is pretty incredible. I think it is because Rachel didn't think her ish didn't stink. She was just a sore loser and bad winner. Elissa is all that with a snotty too good tude, while being a dirty hypocrite. Not that I want Rachel back, but I would rather watch the real deal than this thing.

You"re killin me!!! Lmao

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While I have appreciated Elissa's strength in this game from the beginning, she was starting to annoy me last night. She had the HOH room last week to distance herself from the nasty ho and Helen was around to keep the nasty ho at bay while Elissa was able to find areas of the house to be alone. Now she needs to learn again, how to avoid the nasty ho. Carrying on last night about how nasty & disgusting "it" is got to be too much. We all know, as do the other houseguests just how disgusting the behaviour of the McNasty's is. Let it go and concentrate on the game.

As for her talking about what her and her family have, it's great that they worked so hard for it (all of us Canadian's do), but it is not necessary to ramble on about it. So, Elissa needs to calm down, play the game and further herself to the finals. The fact that everyone claims to need the money more than the others is pure bs. If they really needed the money that much, they wouldn't have taken so much time away from their jobs to play the game. They all do it for recognition and greed. Unfortunately, the recognition some of them are getting is going to very unwelcome to them when the leave the house.

Be vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting ducks...


so NOT funny...just rude!

You could be right, BBLOVER. They keep Amanda, she puts up Elissa. Elissa goes, Amanda can't play for HoH and next HoH puts up Amanda.

Do you really believe that she is capable of winning anything else? Seriously, she hardly manages to stay in any of the comps very long and with McCrae gone, will have nobody to throw her one.

if i were Elissa i couldn't help but rub it in to that uppitty batsh#t crazy amazon that she's going out the door this week ...if anyone thinks they are better than anyone else it's Amazon..things don't go her way ..she tortures people ..like she did to Elissa all week and still is doing it..i would have had to smash her in the pie hole if she was in my face like she was to Elissa ..Elissa has handled it well by not stooping to her level..good for her

GO ELISSA :clap::clap:

I'm in total agreement.

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The duck reference is about her obviously enhanced lips. It is reminiscent of the timeworn aspect of candice's thread.

I like elissa but I would like elissa better if she wouldn't talk so much. If you think elissa relates to any of the people in that house; think again. That's okay but she needs to keep it to herself while competing with them. I can't imagine that they would ever allow elissa to win but I am surprised that she is still there.

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Yeah I don't get the duck references either. What does this even mean??

Some folks on the board have been calling her "duckface".

I like many things about Elissa, and there are some things she has done that I don't like. I wish that those who don't like her at all could perhaps comment on her actions rather than her appearance. She's not the only HG who is ridiculed on here based on her appearance. :(

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in my opinion, anybody who has lips should probably rethink having them enhanced unless it is for medical reasons or your doctor has a very light hand. It is not attractive. elissa has the added misfortune of contorting her face sometimes when she talks and that makes her enhanced lips even more obvious. rachel did the same. I do think that elissa's lips are much less blowsy than they were and I don't think that she looks like a duck but then some of you think that evel dick is devastatingly handsome so wth ever.

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Some folks on the board have been calling her "duckface".

I like many things about Elissa, and there are some things she has done that I don't like. I wish that those who don't like her at all could perhaps comment on her actions rather than her appearance. She's not the only HG who is ridiculed on here based on her appearance. :(

I bet those calling her duck face have the most perfect body/face themselves!

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And wear chartreuse a lot. Or are married to a man who actually knows the word chartreuse which would be remarkable unless he is a dress designer or a girl.

Oh geez, if that's the case, my masculinity index just took a dip... I admit... I do know chartreuse... But but... I know it 'cause I've been traveling the world for years to flyfish for saltwater game fish and we use chartreuse deer hair to make many of the most effective flies... Really...

I pump iron too... big heavy iron... and I use rusty nails as toothpicks... and I drink my whiskey out of dirty glasses...


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