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Week 7 - Favorite & Least Favorite House Guest Poll


Favorite/Least Favorite House Guest  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's your favorite house guest?

    • Britney
    • Dan
    • Danielle
    • Frank
    • Ian
    • Jenn
    • Joe
    • Shane
  2. 2. Who's your least favorite house guest?

    • Britney
    • Dan
    • Danielle
    • Frank
    • Ian
    • Jenn
    • Joe
    • Shane

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Favorite Dan

Least favorite Frank


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No fav.. still can't get behind any of the reruns. Even if I like Dan's play, I don't want a repeat to win...

Can't pick a least fav either but leanling to Jenn after her performance last week and need to see how Frank plays now that the Booger king is gone....

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Fav = Dan. However I do not want him to win because he is a retread (coach).

Least = Frank. I do not want him to win either. However, if he makes it to the final two, he definitely will deserve the win.

When you get down to it, outside of Dan, none of the players excite me and it would be fine with me if none of them won the game. I hate Frank because he is so self-centered and he teamed up with Boogie. He is basically Boogie 2. You can definitely why they are drawn to each other. Dan and Brit is out because they are coaches. They rest of them all have flaws that irritates the hell out me. I do like Joe, except he can't win comps.

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Fav = Ian Don't know why but I like the little fella

Least = Jenn Ultra floater and total waste of white.

I really don't care who wins as long as it's not a coach. Three free weeks in the house seems very unfair to me.

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My fav is Shane... my least fav is Jenn just b/c I find her boring. But, the one I want out the most is Frank!

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Dan is a beast I hope he makes it out of the week and I would like to see Ian take the game. Frank is my least favorite. Even with Boogie gone Frank is going out for blood and that blood being dans. Shane is a bigger threat to him in competitions and Ian was the one who ratted them out. Both pieces of info he should now be certian of but has a blind vengance to someone who has done nothing to him in three weeks.

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If Dan is one of your favorites, and finds a way to get off the block. How can you start to hate him for that? Ian has been getting on my nerves a lot this week I wish I wouldn't have voted already. I would change my least fav to Ian.

It's more disapointment than anything else.

I was hoping for a more honest game from Dan but he's been channelling more and more "Boogie" each week.

When he first started talking about ratting out Ian for helping them, I began losing respect for Dan.

Then again during the Pandoras Box while slamming the door in Brit's face, and lying about already winning the Veto-ball.

And now he's back-stabbed his entire alliance...

Not too sad to see Boogie jr. eventually leave.

He's an unholy holy-man. :devilish:

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Fav Dan (He is no more unholy than the rest of the QP who were throwing him under the bus as quick as they could with Frank. He could see that they were willing to let him be voted out and did absolutely nothing to save him).

Least Fav Ian

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Least fav, Dan. (He's a con-man, and really good at it. He'd rob your grandmother blind.)

Most fav, Ian. (Best of a bad bunch. Yes, he's creepy, weird, and psycho. But maybe $500K will stop him growing up to be a serial killer. He clearly could use the money more than the rest of the spoiled bunch.)

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