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Dan, Week 6


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I'm not a fan of Dan at all this season. He's being so arrogant he makes Boogie look humble. He is trying to make himself look like this brilliant BB genius by making so many alliances and giving all these BS cryptic messages when he's talking to people so that no one can prove that he's lying about anything but it's just making people distrustful of him. I wouldn't mind seeing him get backdoored this week honestly. It's not that I think he's a bad player, he's just a really boring player to watch because he never wants to talk any game and even when he does, he never gives any straight answers.

I liked Dan a lot when he played in his season, however, this time he's been so quiet. He's not a combative person so his style of gameplay is totally different. Right now, he's observing and not trying to be on the forefront. I respect him for his protection of Ian. Dan was one of the first to approach Ian even though Ian was on Boogie's team. Boogie never protected Ian - it was always about Frank.

Dan is smart, slow and methodical. He doesn't let Boogie's actions control him. He doesn't trust either Boogie or Frank and they are definitely afraid of him imo.

I think you have to be cryptic with your answers in this game. :)

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Dan is so good at getting people to talk about themselves and acting very interested in their lives. He asks them questions and leads them farther into details. I'm sure he remembers all they tell him so that he can bring up little details in other converations, reinforcing the idea that he really listened to them. So, even if people know he is dangerous, they also feel a connection with him and feel that he really likes them as a person.

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dan get off your christian butt and stop this attack on Joe. You are a poor example to your team and to other people who admire you. Right now I think you suck at being a christian man. Go home!!!

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dan get off your christian butt and stop this attack on Joe. You are a poor example to your team and to other people who admire you. Right now I think you suck at being a christian man. Go home!!!

I would never judge a person's faith. ;)

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I would never judge a person's faith. ;)

I agree... In this group of people he seems so out of his element. I give him kudos for not outing Ian, but with the way Ian is acting these days he SHOULD out him!

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One reason I'd like to see Frank stay is he may be the only one who would put Dan on the block. Wish he had stuck to his guns and put him up with Joe. Now Boogie has totally screwed him and he is probably going on the block.

I agree! I dont like anyone in the house right now except frank and i couldnt stand him because of willie incident but everyone's cockiness is getting on my nerves! Especially ians! I was really liking this kid until he became cocky!

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I would never judge a person's faith. ;)

Oh I definitely would! ;) When someone says homosexuality is wrong in their religion and supposedly has a lot of standards they constanly throw in people's faces because of their religion--constantly talk about how holy they are---it's on--very fair game. They want to talk--I will answer--Hypocrites are the worst type out there!

Now go right ahead and do your little choo choo guys! :D :D :D

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I agree! I dont like anyone in the house right now except frank and i couldnt stand him because of willie incident but everyone's cockiness is getting on my nerves! Especially ians! I was really liking this kid until he became cocky!

Seems odd that you don't like anyone because of their cockiness but, you like Frank??? Frank is the 2nd cockiest person in there! Not saying you shouldn't like Frank I'm just not sure I understand the not liking Ian for cockiness when Frank is way worse, imo.

I just wish Frank hadn't been with Boogie and hadn't changed to the dark side further and further each week.

Less now than earlier in the game I could see him wanting to play this game as straight up as he could. He has the gift of gab (comparable to Dr. Will himself, imo) and with his physical prowess and social game he could have won this thing. But, unfortunately Dan saw just how good he was and targeted him early which pushed F/B together more and more and Booger wiped himself all over Frank and each week he slipped further and further down the rabbit hole of vile arrogance of Boogie World.

Too bad for Frank because I think all of them (including Dan) see that he is a good guy and like him. But, even after Boogie leaves this week... he'll only really have Ashley and Jenn on his side. And, those odds are very good... ya never know though. Things would change if one of those 3 wins the next HoH. ;)

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Seems I just wish Frank hadn't been with Boogie and hadn't changed to the dark side further and further each week.

I don't get why everyone thinks Frank is being so evil or even why Boogie is being evil. Boogie has played the cleanest game of the veterans this year. He hasn't lied or backstabbed anybody yet has been betrayed and blindsided multiple times and doesn't even know that Ian has been screwing him over for weeks now. Frank is being super loyal to Boogie because Boogie has worked so hard to keep him in the game while he has been living on the block for more than half the game. And I can't even think of any lies Frank has told or deals he has gone back on the entire season. Yeah if cockiness makes you a bad player than they both suck but I don't see anyone saying Dr. Will sucked when he was just as cocky.

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Booger and Frank are disgusting the way they talk about people. They trash Jenn and Ashley (well everyone in the house) then order them around while laughing about their stupidity.

Just can't stand them. Nasty men!

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I don't get why everyone thinks Frank is being so evil or even why Boogie is being evil. Boogie has played the cleanest game of the veterans this year. He hasn't lied or backstabbed anybody yet has been betrayed and blindsided multiple times and doesn't even know that Ian has been screwing him over for weeks now. Frank is being super loyal to Boogie because Boogie has worked so hard to keep him in the game while he has been living on the block for more than half the game. And I can't even think of any lies Frank has told or deals he has gone back on the entire season. Yeah if cockiness makes you a bad player than they both suck but I don't see anyone saying Dr. Will sucked when he was just as cocky.

The only reason Boogie hasn't backstabbed anyone yet is because he hasn't had any power to do so. His intentions were to save Dan (last week) for his own benefit, not Frank's. His arrogance and trash talking behind everyone's back when they don't do exactly what he wants them to is vile.

And, Frank would have backdoored Dan if Boogie hadn't stopped him so, there is no "angel" in this cast. They've all plotted against each other, they've all had to tell lies (yes, even frank and boogie... ie. telling people they weren't targeting to their face and then behind closed doors talk about "they b$%#h needs to go next" not down the road like they are telling B/S now.) That's just one example off the top of my head and there are many more by all of them frankly (no pun intended.) I just saying that for F/B to claim they've been honest this season and being straight-shooters is total BS.

Also, the difference is how the scheming is being done... I see that originally Frank wanted to be as honest as he could without the cockiness and bravado of making fun of people and the more he is with Boogie the more he is like Boogie... scummy. imo Dan is also cocky but, I don't see him attacking people on a personal level. Dan's pursuit of Frank is not because he doesn't like him it's because he see's Frank as the best player in the house (besides himself) and Frank is in the way of the $500,000. I don't think Dan has any delusions that Boogie is going to be willing to work with him if Frank were to leave... but, he still knew Frank had to go before F/B took a swipe the the S6 and rally the floaters against them. Which was going to happen this week or next if F/B or one of their minion had won HoH this week.

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As for Dr. Will, I HATED him at first, especially when was with Boogie, it wasn't until Boogie and Shannon ( the toothbrush cleaner?) left and he turned on the charm and was utterly hilarious in the diary room did I begin to like him.

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Seems like a stretch between Will and Dan, but hey I'm all for connections between all bb plays regardless of season or thread b/c it's all good.

Just wish the same people who have a problem with it in some threads would practice what they preach in others.

I wasn't a big Donato fan either, but this isn't his thread nor is he on the game so I don't really see how it applies.
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I agree and said somewhere that he is really showing his students how to act when a bully tries to pull you into a fight.

Good point! Very good role model... They aren't at ED bullying level but they are still sleazy.

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Seems like a stretch between Will and Dan, but hey I'm all for connections between all bb plays regardless of season or thread b/c it's all good.

Just wish the same people who have a problem with it in some threads would practice what they preach in others.

If that was aimed at me, since that was my quote, I didn't compare them someone else did, I just answered the question......I don't why we have to compare any players against one another, since they are all different people, but everyone continues to do it

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