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Dan, Week 6


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Are we not allowed to mention other players in a particular houseguest thread? That's kind of strict, don't you think?

We all know they have different personalities but they have different play styles also. I don't see the harm but I'm easy :P

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Of course you can mention other players in a thread. I'm not sure what anyone is referencing saying you can't.

Only thing I could guess... Maybe a house guests' thread somehow was "hijacked" by members posting multiple times about another house guests. And, then maybe another member told them to move the discussion back to the proper thread. Which is 'preche ( :lol: ) But, at the same time it's not a big deal to reseasonably intermingle either.

Hope this clears it up.

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IMO it says a lot about Dan that he admitted he "studied Dr. Will" for hours and "learned from him" about not getting emotional playing BB. Also that he tried so hard this season to get MB to give up Frank and "roll with him". It all rings sad to me........IMO Dan should Grow up, invest in his own life and stop trying to emulate Dr. Will.............although I was never on the Dan train, I also never had negative feelings for him.

Telling Frank to "sell himself", the comment to Frank about now you're rolling with the 2 BEST BB players, IMO has only diminished his brand.

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The "selling himself" was so supposed to funny, imo. But, I agree that the rolling with the 2 best players, was pure arrogance and I saw some of that the 1st few weeks and less and less the last two.

For me, Dan's arrogance isn't "ugly" to anyone but himself. (Arrogance being unattractive character trait, imo.) And, he rarely demonstrates that attitude. On the other hand, F/B arrogance is at the expense of others on a personal level which is disgusting to watch, for me.

I guess I can accept a person that gets a burst of arrogant attitude from time to time in the heat of the moment way more than I can accept a vicious, attacking, in your face kind of arrogance that is never ending.

Where's Marty's choo-choo when you need it! ;)

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The "selling himself" was so supposed to funny, imo. But, I agree that the rolling with the 2 best players, was pure arrogance and I saw some of that the 1st few weeks and less and less the last two.

For me, Dan's arrogance isn't "ugly" to anyone but himself. (Arrogance being unattractive character trait, imo.) And, he rarely demonstrates that attitude. On the other hand, F/B arrogance is at the expense of others on a personal level which is disgusting to watch, for me.

I guess I can accept a person that gets a burst of arrogant attitude from time to time in the heat of the moment way more than I can accept a vicious, attacking, in your face kind of arrogance that is never ending.

Where's Marty's choo-choo when you need it! ;)

well said.......CHOO CHOO

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He's not even contemplating keeping Boogie... he just didn't want to get into it with Frank so, just yeah, yeah'd him. Plus, he said he's always willing to talk... that's just good game play... never close a door to an opportunity if it should arise.

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He's not even contemplating keeping Boogie... he just didn't want to get into it with Frank so, just yeah, yeah'd him. Plus, he said he's always willing to talk... that's just good game play... never close a door to an opportunity if it should arise.

Plus he told Britney that was freaking everything and I don't think he left anything out. I would not put it past Shane to take a deal if he had a vote and was not HOH.

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Seems odd that you don't like anyone because of their cockiness but, you like Frank??? Frank is the 2nd cockiest person in there! Not saying you shouldn't like Frank I'm just not sure I understand the not liking Ian for cockiness when Frank is way worse, imo.

I just wish Frank hadn't been with Boogie and hadn't changed to the dark side further and further each week.

Less now than earlier in the game I could see him wanting to play this game as straight up as he could. He has the gift of gab (comparable to Dr. Will himself, imo) and with his physical prowess and social game he could have won this thing. But, unfortunately Dan saw just how good he was and targeted him early which pushed F/B together more and more and Booger wiped himself all over Frank and each week he slipped further and further down the rabbit hole of vile arrogance of Boogie World.

Too bad for Frank because I think all of them (including Dan) see that he is a good guy and like him. But, even after Boogie leaves this week... he'll only really have Ashley and Jenn on his side. And, those odds are very good... ya never know though. Things would change if one of those 3 wins the next HoH. ;)

i just dont like them! ESPECIALLY the qpack! What kind of name is that anyway! Lame! Ian and this i want to be a double agent thing is getting old and wish he gets caught! He is enjoying it too much! He wants to be a villian so bad that he doesnt realize he is a hero! SMH! I like frank, because he hasnt cross anyone! He has been lied to his face constant and everyone is trying to get him out! Frank is an underdog and now is a loner! And alot of times i pull for the underdogs!

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I so hope Dan does not go out just yet. I don't want him to win again but I do like him and want to see him play a little longer. Let Frank be the first in the jury house! I'm pulling for Brit (long shot) or Dan for HOH, heck even Danielle at this point!

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I really hope Frank wins HOH. Hopefully with Boogie gone he can realize Ian is a rat and use that against him. I guess im different, but apparently I like the "evil" people and everyone on here likes the "good" people. Even though the "good" people are worst liers and backstabbers of them all.

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I don't agree at all that the "good" people are worse liars/backstabbers.

However, there are time I think I'd like to see Frank play his own game and wise up and see that if he made Dan an ally instead of his nemisis... they both might make it further. How it is now... neither Dan or Frank will win this game or make F2 because they are the top of the hit list for each side of the house.

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I really hope Frank wins HOH. Hopefully with Boogie gone he can realize Ian is a rat and use that against him. I guess im different, but apparently I like the "evil" people and everyone on here likes the "good" people. Even though the "good" people are worst liers and backstabbers of them all.

No, you're not different. It's just that those of us who do like and support Frank and Mike Boogie tend to keep it on the down-low on this forum since the quack pack ravers

rule the roost. I don't see Frank and Mike as evil, just two guys who have beaten the odds so far. I admire that Mike is still playing this game all these years after first being

on what has become a legendary season of Big Brother (season two). Just b/c our comments are not the majority doesn't mean we don't exist. Welcome to morty's, bindeho.

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No need to keep it on the down low... happy to see all comments, opinions. Would be so boring if we all agreed all the time! As long as the rules are followed and it's a respectful conversation there's no need to be bashful. (In a nut shell our rules are sayi anything you feel, think, observe about the house guests, Big Brother, CBS, etc. Just don't get personal/disrespectful towards each other for their opinions.)

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