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Ashley, Week 4


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doubtful she leaves this week as well :animated_bouncy:

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Why does this chick always look stoned? They have to struggle to find shots of her for the live show or during game talk where she doesn't look completely out of her mind.

Serious question: Did she not get enough oxygen when her mom was in labor or something. She just seems .. so not there most of the time. I think she says some funny stuff in the DR .. but .. I don't get this chick. She's just.. weird.

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Why does this chick always look stoned? They have to struggle to find shots of her for the live show or during game talk where she doesn't look completely out of her mind.

Serious question: Did she not get enough oxygen when her mom was in labor or something. She just seems .. so not there most of the time. I think she says some funny stuff in the DR .. but .. I don't get this chick. She's just.. weird.

Didn't Boogie say that they were missing some muscle relaxers and then someone else said that she is trying to OD on them taking more than the recommended amount.

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Course I had to laugh when the idiot was on live feeds, flexing and weight-lifting while facing her. He did this while Ian was trying to talk to her and Dani was out of sight. I thought that was pretty curious and interesting. And Ashley's eyes were glued on him the entire time.

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Everyone knows Lenray is right--Shane said he has no interest on national Television---of course he will use her this week--just like boogie used skrubika

yeah but they can stilll hold their alliance without the showmance...I thought that Shane had already shared that with her...Shane is not Boogie at all

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yeah but they can stilll hold their alliance without the showmance...I thought that Shane had already shared that with her...Shane is not Boogie at all

Shane is not Boogie but he has flirted with her back--definitely--he doesn't have to be mean but the kissing, the long mouth kiss just

because she won when he said behind her back that night he doesn't want it, and saying there will be more kissing--he said this right

in front of her on the show--this is leading her on. He could be more firm. She is under the impression they could have

something. And he always flirts just enough to keep leading her on.

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Shane is not Boogie but he has flirted with her back--definitely--he doesn't have to be mean but the kissing, the long mouth kiss just

because she won when he said behind her back that night he doesn't want it, and saying there will be more kissing--he said this right

in front of her on the show--this is leading her on. He could be more firm. She is under the impression they could have

something. And he always flirts just enough to keep leading her on.

I know. I find that makes him look low class when the girl is clearly insane. A guy tried to dupe me that way one time, and I told him off pretty quick, but thank goodness. I'm not Danielle. It's gotta be hard to be her and be duped on national tv.

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Actually, Danielle is the one looking low-class in my opinion. Shane isn't holding her hostage. She is full well free to ignore his ass and tell him to kiss hers. Shane is able to play those games with Danielle because she is a willing participant. Ditto to the Danielle/Dan relationship. Men possess a special radar that enables them to zero in on weak women.

Sorry. This is the Ashley thread. As for Ashley...........I just dunno.

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I think Shane has no interest in her. And doesn't want showmance.

i dont know, he use the veto on her and all she had to do was to bat her eyes! I hope next week she is able to squash that nomance with dani and shane! Dani's ego is getting a little bit to big and it needs to be deflated!

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I don't understand why Ashley goes to the lengths she does to convince Janelle she's with her and then runs to relentlessly bash her to and with the others. She and Wil thoroughly enjoy being deceitful b!tches. They seem to think it's good gameplay. They're both unappreciative twits, imo.

Even duma$$ Danielle has picked up on what a pillhead Ashley is.

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I don't understand why Ashley goes to the lengths she does to convince Janelle she's with her and then runs to relentlessly bash her to and with the others. She and Wil thoroughly enjoy being deceitful b!tches. They seem to think it's good gameplay. They're both unappreciative twits, imo.

Even duma$$ Danielle has picked up on what a pillhead Ashley is.

preach it wildcat :)

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