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Britney (Coach ), Week 2


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Britney has 2 speeds Yelling and nagging - or moping around and acting defeated.

yes right! Oh and playing the innocent victim....Just like she did with her Brendon fight her season. This girl has no clue. And seems to have been way over sheltered for her entire life.

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I see that she hasn't done anything about that terminal whineiness. She can truck on out of there as far as I am concerned and take that big, old, blowsy, tasteless blonde with her. Janelle and Britney. Jeez. I can think of 25 BB women I would rather have seen again than those two.

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Worst mentor on the show. I don't know what they were thinking to bring her back. She could have de-fused Willie, but instead lit the fuse. Why was it necessary for her to tell him what Frank said regarding the slur against Wil? A good coach wood have talked to the other hgs instead, and pointed Frank out as a liar. And then when she saw how angry Willie was after the coach's comp, she should have taken him into the HN room, and calmed him down, but instead she began to incite him by criticizing him. She's just awful, and I want her gone.

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Guest Corky812

I'm sure Brittany's husband and family are so proud of the way she is "coaching".

She's now playing the big victim, she got saddled with a lunatic like Willie (I think one of her conversations prior to all this was wow, she couldn't believe he was still available to be picked) and how embarrassing it was to her, how it made her look bad and on and on.

If she says "back in the day" one more time I will probably lose my lunch (exactly what "day" would that be Brittany?) and everything is "so annoying"!

Alision Grodner needs to kick her out and take away her coaching stipend!

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I for one enjoy Brittany's humor. She pretty much sucks as a player and as a coach. I just wish she would actually say the things she says in the diary room to the actual house guests but she doesn't want to cause drama and with this cast of total dumb asses I don't blame her. These people believe anything anyone tells them and I am so done and its sad it's only week 2. I though the brigade was bad this group is 10 times worse and 10 times as boring. They better throw the coaches in now if nothing else to upset Joe and Frank's grand plan.

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Guest Corky812

Like Willie, Brittany brought this all on herself and the sooner she is gone from the show the better in my opinion.

She and her hubby will probably be on Amazing Race next year (unless she is pregnant).

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Like Willie, Brittany brought this all on herself and the sooner she is gone from the show the better in my opinion.

She and her hubby will probably be on Amazing Race next year (unless she is pregnant).

That would be a hoot. Britney is big on lounging-around and engaging in lengthy, deeply philosophical discussions.

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I find Brit funny.

Game note, she wasn't the best player... not bad by anymeans... she just put all her eggs in one basket.

This season: She got screwed.. plain and simple.

If willie didnt go crazy and leave, she would have had willie evicted this week... and the threat may have not been against her team next week.

now she is likely going to have 2/3 of her players leave within a week..

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Guest Corky812

I thought Brittany was funny "her season" (didn't she have that priceless line about losing her dignity on a giant weiner or something like that). This season she sucks and she's created her own problems. She picked her players and she's gotta live with it.

The biggest problem is when Alison Grodner brings these people back they tend to act like complete idiots, totally full of themselves and they think they are BB gods or something.

These people should have ONE season and that's it. If Alison Grodner wants to do another All Stars fine but don't mix old players with new players, no matter what they are calling themselves.

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I guess that one reason I am kind of down on Britney is that she irritated me with the Hayden/Lane thing. I think that she has so much potential. I agree with King123 that she can be really funny. Maybe I expected too much of her. Dunno. I do think that she is pretty. Sometimes, very much so.

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Guest Corky812

I'm just sick of her self pity and her over-blown ego.

I blame Alison Grodner for this lame season, but Brittany could have turned it down.

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Guest Corky812

At this point, about all I can can is, "bless her heart."

...and pass the giant weiner cos she lost her dignity this season for sure!

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I am doing a total 360 here but I kind of like Britney again. Actually, say what you will; Britney is the best-looking girl in the house, imo.

I think you are on your own with Brit. Oh ya you have King123 with you..... anyone else? :rolleyes:

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As I said before, Brit is absolutely the worst coach ever, in anything. After tonight's show, I am convince that she is wasting space that someone could have used. I didn't see a single thing that she offered her players that they could not have gotten from a five year old. Where was the advice on what to do? I didn't see a thing she did to motivate her team. She is nothing more than a cheerleader and that's only when someone else (Shane) does something. Does she have any deals in place to protect her team? She just sucks in my opinion. She is just worthless in the game. She is just there to pick up some free cash. If Dan loses all his players, they should let him play Brit, one on one, for her players.

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Hope her hubby is having fun without her. She said on last night's feed (complainingly) "He wants to have sex too much."

Guess he just has to get her drunk.

OMG! Is the money worth this humiliation for your family--if YOUR husband wants to have sex with YOU it's a good thing!

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I am doing a total 360 here but I kind of like Britney again. Actually, say what you will; Britney is the best-looking girl in the house, imo.

physically she is beautiful... inside? not so much

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