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4 Returning HG's (Mentors) Who do you want back?

Returning Past hg's?  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you want back?

    • Britney BB12
    • Dan BB10
    • Daniele BB8&13
    • Enzo BB12
    • 'Evel' Dick BB8&13
    • Howie BB6&7
    • Janelle BB6&7
    • Jeff BB11&13
    • Jessie BB10&11
    • Kaysar BB6&7
    • Mike 'Boogie' BB2&7
    • Natalie BB11
    • Rachel BB12&13
    • Ragan BB12
    • Renny BB10
    • Will BB2&7

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Now that this rumor is posted on the news page and has at least a good chance of being true, what do you think of it? I have mixed feelings about this. It sounds kind of cool but seems like it could easily fall apart. I assume the mentors keep choosing people until everyone in the house has one? And then what, the mentors just pull their people into a room and say "Okay here's your alliance for the season. Go team go." And then they just chill until their team is gone? That seems really pointless and boring. And what is the incentive for people to actually care what their mentor thinks? And I see our favorite producer, Grodner, manipulating the crap out of this season to keep the mentors there as long as possible. And one more thing: Rachel? Again? Seriously? I like her better than probably 95% of people because I think she's great tv but this is a bit much. Has anyone from any competition reality show ever actually done three seasons in a row?

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Guest 6Borders

If true, I think it's going to go down as one of the stupidest twists in the history of Big Brother.

I think there will be 4 mentors and they will each have a "team" of newbies to mentor. No matter how they set up this "big twist" it all comes down to keeping Grodner's little fav's in the game and manipulating the game how she wants it and giving "jobs" to people like Rachel who's only other skill is getting men to spend $250 on a bottle of champagne.

I just wish we could go back to the game the way it was with all new people and just let them play the game. Who needs Rachel and Boogie to "mentor" you and tell you how to play Big Brother? They only won because Grodner wanted them to win and manipulated the game for them.

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There have been so many seasons where there were all kinds of rumors flying about and this one is no exception! lol

I'm not buying into any of them until I see for my own eyes what will take place. I have already stated I'm not crazy about any of the HG returning from previous seasons so we'll see what happens. I will be a little disappointed if they break them up into groups right off the bat. *sigh*

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anything that brings back former hg outside of hosting comps or giving a brief interview is a bad twist

last year we barely got to know the newbies not that they were anything special in terms of gameplay i saw

but still you get the point

if this mentors thing is true the same will happen this year

the mentors will suck up all the tv time and the newbies will be an after thought

what makes bb special each season is getting to know a whole new cast of characters and seeing their gameplay unfold in front of our eyes

with returning hg's "potentially" again the attention will be on them 75% of time and we'll see their gameplay which we are all too familiar with <_<:animated_bouncy:

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It's a case of a little is good, so a lot must be better, but it just isn't! I think we all have favorite house guests, people we wonder about after the show wraps up. We're curious what happened to them, how they used the money, did they get married, did they break up with their girlfriend/boyfriend for the show mance. How would the old contestants from the past fair against these new contestants (especially true when you get a break out star on a new season, they always get compared to Dr. Will or if they're a female whose remotely pretty, to Janelle).

The thing CBS doesn't get however, is that we'd be more interested in a wrap up show, a special "where are they now" episode or a true "all-stars" season, or if they wanted to do some sort of cross over show, a whole unique show separate from regular big brother, like they do with the MTV road rules vs real world stuff.

It allows the franchise to grow and build, without ruining the show for long time viewers/fans.

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Just watched Rumor Control on Superpass with Rachel and Danielle. What a mess! Rachel was supposedly on vacation in Costa Rica with Brendon but her Skype camera was spinning and shaking around so bad I think I saw more of the jungle around the resort than her face. Then the host had to tell her to shut her mouth cause she wouldn't stop babbling on about a poison frog and they lost her feed. They took calls and I'm pretty sure they lost or couldn't hear 75% of them. At least twice the callers asked pretty clear questions but the dumb host wasn't even listening and didn't know what was asked so she just went to the next call.

Anyways, the main point is that when Dani said she heard Rachel was going to be a mentor, Rachel didn't deny it, she avoided answering by going into what people she thought would be good mentors. Then when they were talking about Janelle being a mentor Rachel said she can't be a mentor because she is in Greece and they are doing a Skype interview this Friday. At the end of the show the host said we can rule out Rachel coming back. It's all very confusing and I don't know what to think. Technically, since Rachel and Janelle's interview is Friday and the HGs don't go into the house until Saturday it is still possible they are both mentors but a little strange because they are supposed to be in sequester.

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Guest 6Borders

I vote Grodner hires Casper Sabe!

All great, well thought-out (something which would be unique to Team Grodner) ideas and it would keep about 90% of the viewers happy most of the time.

Thanks for a great post!

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I don't like this mentor thing at all, I hate the idea that former Houseguests are coming back into the game yet again. The first time they did this I was OK, this could be interesting but then when they did again the next season and then the next I was I like OK give me a break all ready. The bring people back has been done and smashed to pieces yet Lazy Grodner can't think of anything new to do.

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Guest 6Borders

Keep Julie Chen, fire Grodner and hire a real producer for BB...should be a win-win for CBS!!!

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as much as i would like to see grodner gone , it wont happen

the ratings has been getting progressively better each season :animated_bouncy:

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The producers will milk the franchise till there is nothing left, instead of feeding it and letting it grow.

Other than BB,AR, Survivior one of my favorite shows is WWE wrestling (quit laughing). For the last few years wrestling has been on a down hill slide. One of the major reasons for the decline is the powers that be keep troting out the stars of the past trying to get instant satisfaction instead of developing new characters that will develop their own following. The older stars are made to shine at the expense of younger performers. I see BB doing the same thing. Instead of working hard to develop new assets (which they are) they are squeezing everything they can out of the old ones. Soon the old ones will have nothing left (now), by the time the producers find out it could be to late.

So...mentors, bad idea.

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One thing I'd like to point out is that while everyone is complaining about returning players, last season was the first season since BB7 to have them as contestants in the game. Returning players have been much more prevalent in Survivor, which next season will have had them for four of the last six seasons.

What I don't like is half-assed all-star seasons. All-star seasons are great if done only once every 4 or 5 years but mixing all-stars and new players is just silly and handicaps any of the new players from becoming BB stars because all the attention and editing is focused on the familiar players. Why can't they just do a new cast this season and do all-stars for BB15?

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I think the reason they are doing this is similar to what Loudmouth is saying but for different reasons. Casting is such hit or miss for BB. They try to go off of a formula, dumber blonde, muscle-head, closeted gay person, up tight republican/religious/anti-gay person, etc to get the same results as they've had in previous seasons which were successful, but it's such a strange thing what happens chemistry wise when you mix different people together, and sometimes there is fireworks, and other times nothing happens. I think they go for these "stars" as HG's because they know that there is a guaranteed abrasiveness going to be there. Either because they know how the person acts in the BB house already, or because they know many of the new cast are fans of the old show.

I also feel like on some level they try to do what the fans of the show want. People have been saying for years the house would be so much better if real big brother fans were on the show. Well last season, minus the vets, we had a whole house of true BB fans on the show. The trouble is, when you put a fan of a series on the show, they stop acting in a way to please the fans because suddenly for them it's very real, and very much about how they should play to get the money, or it totally destroys their game trying to appeal to the fans (which never works to actually win fans) since people always mistakenly think that fans will love them on the show. In their real lives they have people that love them, they don't consider themselves bad people, so they don't for the life of them think that anyone will hate them. It's natural to think that way, but in the game setting that doesn't always translate.

As dumb as some of the things they've done on BB is, I don't think it would truly be any better if someone like me were behind the helm. Trying to keep an aging reality television show with a corny format/competitions going year after year can not be easy, especially because keeping those feeds running 24/7 isn't as easy as we like to think, since they have to censor stuff for things not on a release, and have to go to fish any time they sing, etc it requires a lot of moderating, in addition they have so much footage from the show they have to try to find the best footage to show the storyline of that particular show as sometimes things happen so fast in the BB house, or for reasons they can't show on television they have to work to craft it, in such a way that the general theme of what happens gets explained.

I worked on a video recruitment project for school once, to explain what our alternative school was all about. We shot a number of interviews with the student body, we had hours of different footage from various events, etc and it was incredibly hard work to get just the right soundbites, and piece everything together in a way which made sense. While I realize these people are professionals and not amateurs like the people who worked on the project and I am, but it was still harder than it looks. The larger volume of stuff you have to sift through, the harder it is to get just the right stuff.

All of that is a round about way of saying I think that creating the show BB takes far more work than any other network television show at present, and certainly more involved than many current reality tv shows (except for maybe glass house), so while I don't like all the lame twists, or the game interference, the interference is there to make the game more interesting as there were a few seasons where all the truly interesting people got evicted first and the rest of the season was a total snooze factory.

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Guest 6Borders

I think the mentors may be coming out of Pandora's Box and they won't all be in the house at the same time.

I think we will get a lot more spin on the show when the cast is revealed on Thursday.

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One thing I'd like to point out is that while everyone is complaining about returning players, last season was the first season since BB7 to have them as contestants in the game. Returning players have been much more prevalent in Survivor, which next season will have had them for four of the last six seasons.

BB11 had Jessie return. But I agree, Survivor does the returning players thing way more than BB.

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what makes bb special each season is getting to know a whole new cast of characters and seeing their gameplay unfold in front of our eyes

UVP, you took the words right out of my brain....:)

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I don't mind the idea of former Houseguests coming back in the house to play again, what I don't like is that is seems to be happening more frequently. In BB11 they had Jessie come back, then they did lasy year and it looks like they are going to do it this year. What I don't like about the mentor thing is that I think it opens the show up for manipulation somehow either from the mentors or the producers. Also if I was a new Houseguest on the show this year I would resent having a mentor because I think the new Houseguests should have to figure the game out for themselves instead of a mentor telling then what to do. I mean basically we could have it where the mentor tells the HOH who to nominate, and then who to get evicted. On the other hand we are basically choosing alliances as it would seem more like a team game. I just think the whole idea is very unimaginative but Grodner is known to be lazy and not have an imagination.

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Guest 6Borders

Agree with bbjag on one point..a mentor is nothing more than a Grodner mouthpiece!

Again I ask the 500K question...if you were a BBHG would you NOT open Pandora's Box and risk Grodner-Wrath and losing your shot at the prize...and then we (the fans with the money which support the show) ask "what did your contract say???" (aka...how much is the show manipulated???)???

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All I know is if I was a newbie I would say Ef You BB I walk!

Really the only way to stop this ish is for us viewers to stop watching! But we wont because it is like crack. Typical drug dealers. Give it to us free (BS free) then start charging us (giving us BS twistst) we HAVE to come back.

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There is a lot of complaining about HouseGuest returning. But wasn't last year and all-stars the only time HG returned? Besides hosting comps etc? So some have only played twice. And no one has played three times? Did Dr.Will play more then twice? I mean correct me if I am wrong.

I dont get the distain for returning House-Guest especially ones who either made it to the end or jury, or had a great game and was just sent packing for one simple mistake.

Rachelle playing 2yrs in a row I can see an issue with as well as Brendon. That was out of hand. Because at least some dont play back2back and either grow up, get older and correct the mistakes they made the first time around. As I have said no issue with returning HG. But no more then once. So a total of twice. If you cant win the game the second time, give it up.

As Casper stated another show would be awesome with some of the much better players. Or maybe every year select a panel of Six past players who made it at least to jury and at intervals within the season have a round-table where they discuss what players maybe doing right and/or doing wrong. I would really love that. It would give a different persepctive. Also they may still have fireworks with the past guest as they disagree on the panel.

Just a thought. If what I am hearing is true, this season makes little to know sense as far as mentors go. I mean if you did all the work and got into the house, then were told you must listen to X because they played before, wouldn't you just say Naaa I think I'll be better on my own. Maybe give them a choice whether to utilize the mentor or not. The new players may even say screw you mentor and sabotage a team/individual while working with someone else in the house. I dont know just trying to make it sound interesting I guess Lol.

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Bad idea.. Let these new Hamsters play on their own.. Why do they need help? If I were a Hg this season I would be first pissed that production would think I would need assistance to navigate through the game and second that I possibly would have to do what some former Hg tells me to do. Wtf?

And I don't like the fact that this is being sugar coated as a new twist, just be straight forward and say we are doing another season with some former Hgs AGAIN.. It's being presented like its something new and fresh. I am the farthest thing from dumb so don't try to camouflage something as something else..

I'm telling you right now if they pull this crap next season and it's not all stars 2, I'm done with this show.. My allegiance will go to the glass house which by the way I'm beginning to enjoy a lot more now.

We have been fans of the show for YEARS and have been begging for new and exciting stuff and especially on here amazing ideas have been given and if Allison chooses to treat us like we're the dumb die hard fans that will support anything, she will lose a fan in me.

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