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I don't wanna shoot myself in the foot on this one by jumping to conclusions.

But something is off here. Just saying. Shelly sticks out to me (not in a good or bad way - just different way). She says she is neither Ken nor Barbie in her video and is worried about bathroom cameras, making sure to change in shorts. Could she be our first transgendered houseguest?

Jun from BB tweets: "I think @lezbionic may be on to something...this Shelly chick says she's neither a Barbie nor a Ken...so...maybe she's a Karbie?!"


I seriously doubt it...although there certainly is no reason why BB couldn't/shouldn't have a transgendered person compete. She has a husband and child, and she does pretty much seem like a woman, to me anyway. Also...she said "I'm not Barbie, and I'm definitely not Ken" ... kind of like saying "Do I look like a dude?" (I don't think so.)

Anyway...I kind of like her. She seems no nonsense and blunt....may work to her disadvantage though.

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I'm not sure what to think of her yet, will have to see her interact with the other HGs first. If she is a good Corporate Executive she'll have some leadership, influence and motivation skills that might help her get far. Or, she might be a domineering, power tripping CEO personality. We just don't know yet.

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i still say if she isnt like sheila, kathy, renny i would be surprised :animated_bouncy:

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Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I'm a leader, a ring leader and a team builder. I would try to pull a good group of people together that could mutually benefit from the arrangement.

the first person evicted from the bb house ..............

j/k i think she will last awhile but not if she is this leader like in her strategy :animated_bouncy:

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"sheila, kathy, renny i would be surprised"

i dont think renny fits into the same category as the other two..

She is definitely more entertaining than the other two, but if we're talking about competition performance/wins I think she does.

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I like her! She is from my hometown, you gotta like them if they represent! I hope she does well...Renny was also from South Louisiana. Shelly seems like a Strong Southern Woman that is laid back and easy to get along with until you get on her bad side...then, Watch Out!!

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I never predict who I am going to like this early in the game. I am however hoping she brings some skills in the comps, if not physical at least mental. The last couple of over 40 women were embarrassing. I mean kathy was a total suck up of extra oxygen and all around kiss ass, that I just couldn't stand it. And I doubt if I have to say much about miss 46 yr. old single mom...I did like renny's personality, but she even let me down. I hope I can like shelly, she seems intelligent so I hope she at least has the ability to do something in the mental comps. Well we will see tomorrow, and I am so excited. I have my dvr programmed to record the series, even though I will probably watch 15 min. after it airs to fast forward through the commercials lol.

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