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Name: Shelly Moore

Age: 41

Hometown: Centerville, Ohio (living in Prairieville, La.)

Occupation: Outdoors Industry Executive

Three adjectives that describe you: Dynamic, tenacious and giving

Favorite activities: I like to play with my family. We play wall ball and Super Mario is hilarious. We like to ride bikes and scooters and swim a lot. I also like collecting all the junk mail, then saving it, and then putting all of it in a postage paid junk mail envelope to send back to one of the senders.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the BIG BROTHER house? (Dealing with) the filth of people who don't clean up their stuff. The other hard part would be sleeping in a room with people who snore. Also, popping a zit in front of America would be a new challenge.

Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I'm a leader, a ring leader and a team builder. I would try to pull a good group of people together that could mutually benefit from the arrangement.

Which past BIG BROTHER cast member did you like most or least? I loved Jeff and Jordan. They were genuine and real. They were also extremely classy and represented themselves very well as human beings.

What are you afraid of? Snakes and really tall buildings.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My daughter. Every smile, every hug, every word... she is part of her daddy and me.

Finish this sentence: My life's motto is... It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena... Teddy Roosevelt

What would you take into the house and why? My husband and daughter smiling in a picture, Monster Blue (energy drink) and ear plugs.

What would you do if BIG BROTHER made you famous? I would make a bee line to St. Jude's hospital with my little girl and do all we could for those kids.

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She thinks Jeff is extremely classy, and represented himself very well as a human being? During his season, Jeff used the derogatory term for homosexual numerous times in his battles with Russell and Jessie. Not very classy.

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I am totally torn on her....

1st thought - I will call her SHELIA from BB9, she is gonna be whiney and lazy and annoying....

then I find out we have the same fav drink - Blue Monster, which I drink non stop morning till night, so maybe she won't be too bad - LOL food-smiley-005.gif

she does seem real though, won't get caught up in much drama b/c she's not a kid ya know?

who knows...I hate making predictions b/c I always change my mind a week later and I hate being WRONG!

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I get the impression she's easily irritated by other people's idiosyncrasies. Of course, I could be way off base. Seems like a nice lady...maybe too nice and normal for BB, lol.

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she says she will never be a floater

i think she will stick around to make jury since she will probably suck at comps

i doubt she will win thou the over 40ish female doesnt seem to be able to get over the

hump to win this game :animated_bouncy:

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She has a strange voice, no? But then again so do I. I like her I think. She is the Oldest, (so far), so I hope she does good, and I hope she kicks some butt for us 40 somethings. :hurray:

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She had a good interview. It seems to me she is very grounded and has a lot of common sense. That can get you a long way in this game.

You could tell she's a long time fan of BB by her answers and that may help her a lot once we find out who the other HG from previous seasons are going to be.

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I can't watch videos at work and because they use Flash, I can't see them on my iPhone either, so my opinion is only based on what I see here about her.

Looks like she is controlling. I wonder what will happen when she doesn't get her way.

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all of female hg over 40ish last few season that i remember were quite similar

i wonder if shelly will be the one to break mold or will she continued the tradition

only time will tell :animated_bouncy:

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I don't wanna shoot myself in the foot on this one by jumping to conclusions.

But something is off here. Just saying. Shelly sticks out to me (not in a good or bad way - just different way). She says she is neither Ken nor Barbie in her video and is worried about bathroom cameras, making sure to change in shorts. Could she be our first transgendered houseguest?

Jun from BB tweets: "I think @lezbionic may be on to something...this Shelly chick says she's neither a Barbie nor a Ken...so...maybe she's a Karbie?!"

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