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Sunday, August 9th


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12:30 AM BBT

Natalie, Chima and Natalie up in HOH talking.

Natalie says straightforward honest with you I'd like to see the 5 of us go straight through. (not sure who the 5 are) Natalie says she was very vocal about voting for Ronnie to stay. The only person she didn't tell was Lydia. She says she can give lydia her word. She is going to vote to evict Russell. Chima says, and she's saying it in front of me too. Natalie says that people have come to her and said stuff about her and Lydia not getting along but she can put her differences aside because it's not like with Russell where stuff was taken to a level it should never have been taken to. Says her and Lydia have never clicked. She doesn't know why and maybe they won't ever but she's willing to put it aside.

Natalie says she wouldn't split Jeff and Jordan up, she'd put them up together. Chima says we may all be friends but we do whatever we want.

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was thinking I really want to see Jeff/Jordan win HOH this week not so much for their safety, but to watch the grawfling that the remaining houseguest will do. Whenever they have been in power they EXPECTED everyone to come to them. Bet they say, if they want to talk to them they can call them upstairs. Then when he doesn't they will feel like they did since week one!

also hope BB plays the Jefferson Song .... "Movin on UP" the first morning!!

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Russel is safe you idiots! Ah I love it!

I know! We should take a poll. Which event Thursday night will piss Chima off the most?

1. Her HOH isn't worth the ugly weave she has on her snobby head.

2. One of her allies is GONE!

3. Her worst nightmare is still there!!

was thinking I really want to see Jeff/Jordan win HOH this week not so much for their safety, but to watch the grawfling that the remaining houseguest will do

That's a very good point. I'm hoping that they are all going to be reeling from the shock for a while and it will throw their game off until Jeff is the new HOH!

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Okay they are pretty sure jeff is the WIZARD, (their words) correct.

Can someone tell me who came up with the IDEA that if they didn't put up Jeff or Jordan that jeff would be less likely to use the POWER?

And if they had one braincell between them why on earth do they collectivly think this would make him less likely ,or prevent him from using it?

This seems to be the reason they are telling kevin not to use the POV because chima would have to put up one of their own ,so as not to put jeff or jordan up?

What fantasyland are they living in,jeff should/would use the power whether he is up or not,it is his only shot of NOT going up and home next week,are these people plain STUPID?yeah I know!!! :animated_rotfl:

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Okay they are pretty sure jeff is the WIZARD, (their words) correct.

Can someone tell me who came up with the IDEA that if they didn't put up Jeff or Jordan that jeff would be less likely to use the POWER?

And if they had one braincell between them why on earth do they think this would make him less likely ,or prevent him from using it?

This seems to be the reason they are telling kevin not to use the POV because chima would have to put upone of their own ,so as not to put jeff or jordan up?

What fantasyland are they living in,jeff should/would use the power whether he is up or not,it is his only shot of NOT going up next week,are these people plain STUPID?yeah I know!!! :animated_rotfl:

Even better, Chima TELLS Jeff, "I think you have the power, so there is no way I would put up you or Jordan as a replacement". Jeff realizes tho & says to Russ(I think) "Then, the ONLY reason Jordan or I AREN'T up...or going up, is b/c you think I have the power...otherwise, we'd be screwed." Yepper...looks AND brains...gotta love that man!

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Is Natalie always nasty to the BB voice who has told her a couple of things today like "put on your microphone" and "you are not allowed to talk about production". She has a smart-assed remark for everything. Maybe she's being nasty to them because she's trying so hard to be nice to everyone else so they won't choose her as a replacement nominee with the Coup. Little does she know ...

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WOW Russel is mental. He has a point about Chima though! What ahypocrite to call people racist and then turn around and call him a terrorist! This kid is not responsible for thw war or whatever! That is a very hurtful comment

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4:06pm BBT

Feeds back and now we have Chima telling the outside group plus Jordan who has now come outside that Natalie was born in 92. (They think she is 18 remember)

And Chima you are supposed to be a brain. If Natalie was born in 92 she would only be 17. My son just turned 18 in May and he was born in 91.

I'm sorry about the above post. I was trying to quote a LFU and obviously didn't do it right and I don't know how to fix it. Can one of the mods help me edit? Thanks-- Scifichick

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I'm confused... I thought the fight night between Russ and Chima was staged? Feeds aren't working on my computer and hours of tech support with Real Player couldn't ddn't fix it but according to Hamster Watch a few days ago:

Ever feel like you've been had? Flashback to August 1 approx. 2.30am on Feed 3 - last Friday night/Saturday morning - to hear Russell & Chima choreograph their fight that took place last night.. I kept thinking their animosity came on awfully sudden on Saturday, and that it was convenient the fight took place exactly within the Showtime window, and that Chima recovered so fast afterward, happy about having given "good tv"

Why are they so pissed at each other? The show is making it out to be because of the fight, but that can't be it can it?

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I'm confused... I thought the fight night between Russ and Chima was staged? Feeds aren't working on my computer and hours of tech support with Real Player couldn't ddn't fix it but according to Hamster Watch a few days ago:

Ever feel like you've been had? Flashback to August 1 approx. 2.30am on Feed 3 - last Friday night/Saturday morning - to hear Russell & Chima choreograph their fight that took place last night.. I kept thinking their animosity came on awfully sudden on Saturday, and that it was convenient the fight took place exactly within the Showtime window, and that Chima recovered so fast afterward, happy about having given "good tv"

Why are they so pissed at each other? The show is making it out to be because of the fight, but that can't be it can it?

Yes Hamsters is insisting they had a fake fight but since she put him up and is campaigning for him to go how can she take that chance?

I think Hamsters is wrong

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Russell may be drunkenly rattling, but he's doing the right thing, for Jeff at least. He needs to try and make amends to as many people he can before Thursday. It may not be sincere, but it will lessen the bitter pill that Jeff may be delivering. Anything that can potentially help Jeff & Jordan, I'm for 100%. Russell needs to be on his BEST behavior.

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