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Monday, August 3rd


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What I can't believe about this stuff is these people are acting like the POV meeting has already occured. Sure Ronnie will I hope remain the target but I could see Russ getting Michelle to use Veto on Lydia and put up Chima...that would be hilarious. Usually the chit hits the fan AFTER the POV ceremony. I guess this America Votes is making them nuts. When ronnie leaves this Thursday the HGs will know for sure Ron did not have America's vote.

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(LenRay @ Aug 3 2009, 02:55 AM) post_snapback.gif Funniest thing Russ said about Chima earlier tonight...that her hair (weave) was shedding all over the place.

I guess Chima will be barred from sleeping in Russel's bed then now :animated_bouncy:

Well Chima got one on Russ that cracked me up yesterday....says that Russ was watching the spy screen all the time getting paranoid about what people were doing and saying. She said she told Russ great, now you can get paranoia with pictures!!

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OMG, sooooo good to have my internet back. I got cut off 2 days early with my move, so I have not had internet since last thurs, right when they announced the voting for the coup. I have been in the dark big time. So today Mon, after I spent the weekend moving and got organized my beautiful cable guy shows up right on time, and got the job done and here I am playing catch up. When will they reveal the coup d"a tat?? I presume everyone is wanting Jeff to get it, at least I am.lol

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Hi, fatcat!!! Glad you got moved. Voting on CBS.com will end Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. So go vote Jeff if you haven't already. I hope you didn't have a coup d'etat with your cable guy...kidding. Jess and Nat are isolating themselves....

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Ronnie was in bathroom talking to Chima about him telling his poor wife to look at sites and see what people said about him. Hopefully she stopped looking after the 1st week! He said he was also going to ask what kind of edits he got on the show. The thing these stupid people don't realize is WE WATCH THE FEEDS AND BBAD!!!!! You are not edited in those you moron.....people don't like you because of you Ronnie!!!! I don't want him to be hated outside the house, I just want him OUT OF THE HOUSE!!

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thanks Len, no and now this internet is not working properly.lol

They were just here a cpl hrs ago and now I am having trouble, have an apt tomorrow, better be up then,lol, it seems to be running now but really slow. I am going to try to go to CBS and vote

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I was reading updates and it was saying the Lydia was calling Russell a douchbag in front of everyone and he was smarting off back to her. When I was watching last night on the BBAD show, she was sitting in his lap! What happened? does anyone know why they are fighting?

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Nat ran up to HOH BR and told Russ Lydia was bad mouthing him. So this is yet another last ditch effort to save Ronnie's sorry butt.

I have to say that Natalie is one of the most nasty miserable houseguests I have ever seen. She is such a liar and trouble maker. She is also one of the most unhappy people. She never is happy and has zero personality and not a lick of a sense of humor.

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ITA, Marty. Let's hope Russell doesn't believe a word out of her mouth.

Straykat, I guess Veto Ceremony is going on now. Michelle said she plans to tell ronnie "I'll give you one more chance to lie to me again or at least tell me half the truth..." LOL

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Last nite/early morning Lydiot and Russ put Saran Wrap across the HOH door, and I guess Russ torn it down this morning, and wasn't too happy about it. That's all I know. But the Gnat needs to be stepped on and soon. Calling Orkin Exterminators. Spray the house for Gnats!!

Hi Len :animated_wave:

Also hi y'all.

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It would seem that it was Lydia that pissed Russell off. Is she the most stupid person ever? Sure, piss people off when it is an almost sure thing that you aren't going home. And Natalie is going to run that horse into the ground if she is able.

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When Russ got the HOH last week did anyone notice how Chima threw herself at him that nite? Crawling all over him, Russ, in bed, and talking all sexy flirty. She wanted him to kiss her. And of course trying to sell Ronnie to Russ, but it didn't work. And not he can't stand her (and her weave, too funny).

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