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* Natalie *


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She told Jesse. He'll keep it quiet until telling benefits him.

You took the words right outta my mouth,lol. She made a mistake tellin Jessie because he will use it against her when it suits him. I don't know tho if she told him about being into Martial Arts. I cannot stand this chick. I thought I disliked Lydia, but boy Natalie is a piece of work. Eventually there will be a showdown between Nastalie and Lydia for Jessie. I smell it coming,lololol :giggle:

Hey the typo on "NASTALIE" was a mistake, but I think it fits!!!

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I would really like to see her push Jessie to get rid of Lydia. Lydia is really Nastalie's only threat.

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Does any hg know she was the sole vote for Laura to stay? She totally did this to make Michele and Casey look shady.

Good gameplay on her part, IF she can manage to keep her mouth shut.

Don't think anyone knows yet, not even Jessie? She can't keep her mouth shut for anything. And the only reason she wants Casey out is that he almost got her busted. (being the only one who wouldn't give Michelle/Chima immunity for throwing the HOH) Can't stand this girl! I want her out more than I want Ronnie out. :inquisitive:

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jesse was the main one wanting laura out so i think she did it out of jelousy to make jesse think lydia did it and drive a wedge between them.for what ever reason i think she is right ,it will shake the house up a bit and right now foth seems to be the most exciting part of the show

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From what I have seen on the feeds, Natalie has no romantic interest in Jessie at all. She constantly avoids any type of cuddling with him even when she lies on the bed with him and has brushed off the few comments he has made about liking her that way. This is why he has gone to his ho Lydia for that purpose.

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From what I have seen on the feeds, Natalie has no romantic interest in Jessie at all. She constantly avoids any type of cuddling with him even when she lies on the bed with him and has brushed off the few comments he has made about liking her that way.

Of course not! He's definitely not her type...he's a man.

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The only thing I like about Natalie is that she's playing the game. I can't stand when people sit idly by and watch themselves get picked off one by one. Frig, get in there, cause trouble, make yourself valuable, and at least fight to stay. Even though her side is "safe", she's still playing. This could be her week to relax and just chill out, but instead she's playing things over in her head, being sneaky, and thinking ahead. The worst part of her game is sticking by Jessie too much. She should start shmoozing with others more. If she doesn't figure out that Jessie is trying to keep Casey safe and do something about that... then she's not as smart as I'm giving her credit for.

I don't like her. She's annoying as heck and never shuts up. But I give her props for at least playing the game and not using her body to do so.

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The only thing I like about Natalie is that she's playing the game. I can't stand when people sit idly by and watch themselves get picked off one by one. Frig, get in there, cause trouble, make yourself valuable, and at least fight to stay. Even though her side is "safe", she's still playing. This could be her week to relax and just chill out, but instead she's playing things over in her head, being sneaky, and thinking ahead. The worst part of her game is sticking by Jessie too much. She should start shmoozing with others more. If she doesn't figure out that Jessie is trying to keep Casey safe and do something about that... then she's not as smart as I'm giving her credit for.

I don't like her. She's annoying as heck and never shuts up. But I give her props for at least playing the game and not using her body to do so.

She has NO body!!! But I agree, she's playing the game, but, it will catch up to her eventually, and I can't wait for that to happen... And I can't stand her either!!!

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week 4 is usually endurance and usually favors the lighter hg

looks like the athletes will be in power again

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She has NO body!!!

Hey now, some people like little boys! Okay, I'm waiting for the backlash on that comment to begin, because holy crap, I'm sure it will.

Seriously though, Jessie's in total like with her and she doesn't even care. She could be all over him trying to secure herself, instead she's not. I respect that.

To be fair, Laura didn't have much of a body until she got a boob job. Picture Laura with out boobs, it's not a pretty picture. She's really not a pretty girl at all. Then she gets boobs and people pay attention... actually no, they didn't. She tried to use her body, but people weren't interested because take the boobs away, and she's still not a pretty girl.

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I totally agree. So did my hub. Not pretty.

She may not be all over Jessie, but if I were her boyfriend at home I don't think I'd appreciate the rub-downs he gives her, the fact that she fetches whatever he asks her to, or that fact that she hangs out in bed with him.

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Exactly BBS, that's what I said. I liked Laura, thought she had potential to be a great player, but like the boob job she got to get attention, she needed to tell everyone what she thought to get the same sort of attention.. that whole, "look at me, aren't I great/smart?" attention seeking behaviour. Ya, it drives me nuts.

Her hair was thin and gross. Her teeth were way too big and her lips were way too thin. She had nothing pretty about the structure of her face or eyes. And her body looked ridiculous being so skinny with such giant boobs.

Maybe it's because I'm a girl and have boobs of my own that I don't get excited when I see other big boobs, but it takes a lot more than boobs for someone to be considered pretty in my perspective.

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week 4 is usually endurance and usually favors the lighter hg

looks like the athletes will be in power again

I was thinking the same thing! Endurance is Natalie's forte. Ugh guess we'll have to wait a few more weeks before Jessie's minions start turning on each other.

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I have an idea that Natalie knew that by her casting that single vote to keep Laura that it would prey on the other's minds. Not knowing who did that is driving them crazy. If you think about it, it's irrelevant because she was evicted anyway but these people are so paranoid the least little thing sends them into a frenzy. It could easily be explained - Laura didn't want to be evicted with a unanimous vote. No biggie.

Natalie may have her own plan in place. Better keep an eye on her.

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