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Fifth grade teacher by day and DJ by night, Casey will rap for anyone on request. Funny, outgoing and intelligent, this teacher is most proud of having a career where he has taught at schools located in low-income areas for more than 15 years. He takes great joy in knowing that he has the opportunity to work with good kids who are not growing up in ideal situations.

Casey calls his wife "terrific" if for no other reason than she puts up with him. An understanding woman, she will miss him during his stay in the house, but she realizes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Casey. He feels the most difficult part about being in the house will be being away from his family, and he is worried about the milestones he might miss in the lives of his 19-year-old and nine month-old sons.

With the BIG BROTHER cameras surrounding him at all times, he is quite nervous about his nose-picking habit. He's pretty sure that the cameras will eventually catch him. Other than that, he really doesn't have any fears and quips that there are only two things that he is afraid of: his "wife and the IRS." He is looking forward to getting outside of his comfort zone which will end up in self-discovery, adventures and awesome experiences.

One of his life's mottos is, "refuse to lose," and if he encounters any whiny people in the house, he will simply say, "life isn

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i think he will be in trouble of being made a leader by default due to his age and occupation

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1st Impression... ick, and double ick for admitting he has a picking problem. :lol:

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DJ by night...working with inner-city kids during the day...sure he has some social abilities.

It'll be a bit of a trick, but if he survives the first couple weeks and gets in with some of the crowd I could see him going the distance...alright...now that I've said it, it just doesn't sound right.

Who knows!

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hmm... not too sure about this one. I can see him trying to act young to fit in, but not sure how it'll work out.

I like this:

One of his life's mottos is, "refuse to lose," and if he encounters any whiny people in the house, he will simply say, "life isn

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Beside the nose picking habit (yuck!), I actually kind of like him. I don't know how well he will do though because of 2 things 1) he is one of the oldest in the house and 2) one of his kids is 9 months. If he can like a therapist he might be able to stick around . The fact that he raps whenever someone ask might be something entertaining to watch (even more so if he is not so good at it).

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He's on my love train and top three. I like that he does the whole inner city school thing which is something I can relate to. He actually sounds pretty cool.

And come on, we all pick our nose damnit. At least he admits it. I just hope he uses a kleenex and washes his hands after. If there's another Gerry/salad incident I think I'll vomit. Don't pick and flick!!!

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I like him. I think he will be able to get along with all of them. Being a teacher, especially inner city, he knows how to deal with people. You have to be a special type of person for that. And, who doesn't pick their nose? Come on, be honest.

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Let's not forget that as a Catholic School Teacher, Dan was not a favorite going into the game either. And then he stumbled on Brian's power play and was playing defense through the first half of the game.


Who does not judge any HG based on their pre-game interviews...

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For him

-terrific sense of humour (did anyone else think that whole nose-picking thing may have been a joke after the outrage of Jerry last year????)

-life experience factor (look kids; I have a responsible job but I also like to have fun because I understand how it is to need to have fun.....) Father figure to those who need one. Whether he picks or no :P


-overly peppy outlook on life may irritate HG's who do have tough situations

-how much of support in life is his wife? If she's truly his other half he may get lost without her beside him (sappy but true)

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In my top 5, Hope he doesn't play down his maturity to be one of the kids, if so he will drop to bottom five fast..(I using a 10 system cause there is two I know I hope dissappear fast!!)

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Let's not forget that as a Catholic School Teacher, Dan was not a favorite going into the game either. And then he stumbled on Brian's power play and was playing defense through the first half of the game.


Who does not judge any HG based on their pre-game interviews...

Excellent point - I thought for sure I would HATE Dan, and he ended up a favorite for me.

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this whole i am cool guy routine may grow old on the hg

i notice this in the ross interview which dade posted

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Well, I love Ross but, I don't think any of them came across well in those interviews. They sucked. jmho

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