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Dan - Week 10


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fake fight wasnt smart for dan imho

because he has shown all season fighting wasnt his style

rather tacky


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I do not think you have to trick an old man who really is not that stupid to lose the game, Jerry is gonna try regardless, all this stuff is stupid because i also think hands down that Memphis will take Jerry if he wins the final hoh, if he doesn't I would be shocked. I think memophis would see that as the ultimate play, and that he thinks or his ego thinks he can beat jerry in the end.

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i wouldnt even called that a win


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I hope it does not happen that way, cause I detest memphis, but I think he is a snake and he could not care less, whatever he thinks in that egotistical head of his is what he is gonna do to win, or he thinks he will win, yuk!!!!!

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So I was wondering why they wanted to still fool Jerry. I don't understand what the point is now. I admit it's going over my head! what's going on?


I do not think you have to trick an old man who really is not that stupid to lose the game, Jerry is gonna try regardless, all this stuff is stupid

Well, if they can get Jerry to continue to think that Dan is so po'd at Mem over the Keesha eviction, he might perhaps slow down a little in the 2nd comp feeling secure to let Mem win! I emphasize perhaps. Is it stupid to play this little charade? Perhaps . . . . . But!

Consider if this were a Deer Hunt during deer season. Most states have a limitation on how many deer you can take(kill)! So if you live in a state that permits you taking 2 deer, does that mean you only take 2 bullets? Heck no, because what happens if you miss with 1 or both shots. So you take extra bullets!

I think they're just taking additional shots with Jerry hoping to throw him off his game, even if just a little.

Now it's possible they'll go overboard and make Jerry suspicious, but we'll just have to wait and see!

BTW - My apologies for the deer analogy, it was NOT meant to be cruel or crude!!! :dork:

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Dan's the man..... :band:

Memphis and Dan to the end...

Good Bye Jerry!!!!!

Anyone notice how they cut tonights show to act like Dan had no idea Memph...was getting rid of Keesha...and the scenes from the HOH had keesha saying that to Dan and memphis. Memphis wasn't even in the room...dan and keesha where watching him on the spy cam....

Its funny how they put the show together....


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I think Dan was getting the better end of the deal with the Keesha Conviction and Memphis keeping Jeryy on his side was stupid.....Keesha had planned all along to take Memphis and he had her trust...now memphis better win on his own because Jerry could very well take Dan even though he has a deal with Memphis...

Hope their gamble plays off.... :animated_bouncy:

Now keesha goes to the Jury house with 1 vote towards and Dan....Good game play and so many of them already think memphis hasn't done anything in the game.....

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Dan did not write that on the duck. It is one of the temperature ducks. If the water temperature is too hot, the word hot on the bottom of the duck changes color. I think Dan just said there was a message there to embellish his "fight" with Memphis. You know--just to make it look like he was siding with Keesha over Memphis so that Jerry will feel more secure.

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Dan ultimately picked a side and stayed with it. Memphis just pretended to the entire game and ultimately bailed out on Keesha, his biggest ally since Angie left because he went to her before he linked up with Dan. I think the jury is going to tear into Memphis more than Dan. I'd love it if Dan swept the jury votes and Memphis never even heard his name called before Dan's winning key was pulled.

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I still wonder what he wanted to tell her though because he said he had 2 messages for her. Him waiting to tell her about Michelle may backfire because she was so angry last night that it may not have mattered whereas she looked a little upset after hearing it. He told her last night that it was brought to his attention that he'd never get Ollie's vote which must have been from what Michelle said because he implied it a little bit. I wonder what all he was told.

I think Keesha played the best game this season but of the remaining HGs, Dan should win. Memphis has only won POVs and Dan has literally thought out everything beforehand and gets people's permission to help him advance his game by throwing out scenarios that they give their okay to. Also, Memphis SUCKS at answering questions. It's going to be a Ryan/Adam ending all over again because Dan is better at expressing himself but if he overdoes it, it could be a problem. Ryan's dumb-struck answers to the jury last year cost him the game and it'll do the same with Memphis, his DR's are even dull and lifeless.

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