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Dan - Week 8


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What did Libra do that was so great? Or Jessie, or April, besides winning that one HOH?

i clearly wrote in that post that they werent floaters no mention of their gameplay by me just stated they were only hg that werent floaters

dont put words in my post

But Dan ended up catching most of the heat from that fallout.

how did he catch heat and michelle told him it was ok and she never once thought of putting him on the block

last i check keesha and libra were on the block not dan

for someone catching heat dan butt sure was cool off the block

only hg dan caught heat from was jerry because jerry thought dan was under his control


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I am on the dan train all the way. How can you not think that guy has taken risks. To survive all that transpired to being in the final four. Let's recap: Lone person voted to keep Brian when Steven and Angie who were in the alliance gave in and voted him out. Huge target on his back after that. Then he was nominated again with Steven, but Steven for whatever reason was wanted out more. I think at this point Dan and memphis started to talk some. He escapes that eviction once again and became America's player. Do odd things to win the tasks assigned. Then the brillian and I mean brilliant eviction orchestrated by Keesha to evict Jesse during April's rein. The formed the fab four and they have been unstoppable even though each of the member's have been on the block at various times since they formed their group. I love it and I love them. I will be happy if any of them get to the end. I love Renny, but unfortunately, she has not done well in comps to keep herself alive and with Keesha up there too its everyman/woman for themselves. I am sure if Keesha does not perform well during this HOH, she will be going up again and who knows what the guys will be thinking.

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I will give it to those of you who are crazy about Dan that he has played the game, but he along with Memphis has had a Huge amount of luck involved as has Jerry. Sometimes it is just one of those things that is meant to be, in comparission to other seasons I think this group and Dan are lightweights, not up to snuff at all. It is like sometimes when that tbl gets sat in another servers station and that tbls is a big fat tipper, there is some luck involved there, being in the right place at the right time, that is all I can liken it to, I thnk Dan , Memphis and Jerry have had that kind of luck when they needed it. to say tho that Dan has run this game is sooo over stated in my opinion, he has tried to play it like one of his football games, but lordy if POV roulette is any sign of how he is a coach yikes, his team is gonna lose and be considered poor sports, of course this is BB and Dan shoulda just acted like that from the beginning and not tried to play that silly "I am weak" crap, Mr. Goody two shoes, cause believe me he is not squeeky clean, nor are most of them, they all want the big prize, but I can appericate someone who comes right out and says so and plays according, Dr. Will, classic, none of them can live up to that, just my opinion

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Dan or Memphis. I lean towards one, one day and perhaps the other, another day. Which is to say, I don't really care. Neither of them is Mister Personality. Dan is cuter. Memphis better watch his weight. They need each other and seem to have each other. They need to remember to remind the jury how often jerry bragged that he had the votes in his pocket. Whether they played well, cheated, fibbed, double-crossed or whatever in the game, they are on the threshold of being a part of the F4. That's what counts!

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I went to look at house calls, this one they did not yet know who had won the veto,lol Bunky said he absolutely would not give his vote to Dan, that he thought Dan was arrogant, and said the word mean, then he took back the word mean and smoothed that over, Gretchen said she dissagrees in every aspect with Dan, in his way of thinking but liked the way he played tthe game, so then Bunky said after what you just said are you telling me you would vote for someone who you do not respect them for most all of what they stand for,lol So it looks like ol Dan has cause some pro and con out there, myself I guess I am con, some things said reaffirmed what I actually think of Dan and who he really is.

The person or people I have liked got kicked out and are getting kicked out, so I do not know who I am for at this point. To make it really fun tho I would love to see Jerry goive Memphis and Dan a run for that money, oh yeah,lolol

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i thought libra and then dan caught most of the heat for the jessie ouster. renny and especially keesha got basically a free pass-and it was initially keesha's idea. once libra was gone, i think dan got the brunt of the judas-ness. i think he recovered as best as he could, but unfortunately[for me] he's playing for 2nd.

wow! by 24 he got his masters! now i know my dan connection-i love "good will hunting", too!

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Thanks for the link, flower!!!

Anybody know what Kinesiology is? Why doesn't Dan do that instead of teach at a private school?

OK, I googled it. Sounds like he helps injured people regain their motor skills. Are there not any kinesiology jobs available in Michigan? Maybe he could help Jerry with his neck?

Maybe Dan has a special degree in Insect kinesiology? Re: his fasination with bugs.

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Kinesology is the study of movement and mechanics in the human body, so in his sports field that would be helpful, I guess.

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Interesting little tidbit from the feeds. Dan just told Mem & Keesha that DR is always trying to get him to say "Cocky" things. That of course right before he got yelled at by BB for talking about production.

Obviously, the soft edit that I feel Jerry gets is being somewhat countered by Dan's edit . . . . . IMHO :disappointed:

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I am not on the Dan train but one thing I can say about him is that, like his game play or not, I think his head was always in the game. Every week he was looking at what he needed to do to stay in the house.

Nicely put. I don't think every poster feels intense enough about a TV show to fall into the crazy love or hate catagory over the people on it. Just enjoying the show and having favorites or admiring someone's game is enough.

Okay, there is the occassional LUST catagory. Like Evil Dr. Will... * chin wipe *

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Seems to me that if MEMPHIS didn't win POV this week and MEMPHIS didn't take Dan off the block, Dan would be walking out the door................nothing but luck on Dan's part

Can't really tell how it would have gone if he didn't. If Keesha won it, who would Jerry put up? He thought he had a deal with Memphis. Puts Renny up? Would Memphis talk Keesha into keeping Dan with her vote?

If Renny won, took Keesha down? Who would they choose?

Could have gone a few different ways and Dan always had the chance to be safe.

Luck played it's hand in many things this season.

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For those who believe that Dan is too cocky in his DR sessions, here is something from the Jokers Update site regarding the live feeds today (and you think the DR doesn't edit things so a certain persona is shown?):

Wed 12:00 PM BBT Dan: they (DR) always try to get me to say something cocky in there. BB: Dan, knock it off! NT - muddbull
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They might, but it also shows that they try to guide him into it. Its not the first time we've heard of the DR trying to get people to do or say things.

As for me, I've always wondered why Renny looks down when she's in the DR. Its almost like she's reading what they want her to say to evicted houseguests and to the viewers. I thought, why can't you look at the camera? She does fine for a little bit and then bam... she looks down again like she doesn't want people to know whats in her head. I am beginning to think that she's reading things that they write down for her to say.

I was always taught that if you have nothing to hide, you look at people straight on.

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Yes if Dan wasn't off the block he would be out of the house... and yes LUCK plays a HUGE part of this game.... BUT if Memphis hadn't won the veto Dan WOULD have.. so he wasn't going anywhere this week...so really Memphis was the lucky one in this situation

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Yes if Dan wasn't off the block he would be out of the house... and yes LUCK plays a HUGE part of this game.... BUT if Memphis hadn't won the veto Dan WOULD have.. so he wasn't going anywhere this week...so really Memphis was the lucky one in this situation

Absolutely! He was so close on time, and there was nobody else that really challenged either one of them for time.

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