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Dan - Week 8


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Dan has sown too much discord with the majority of people who will be on the jury. I would be surprised if he got enough votes. However, stranger things have happened in this game like Adam winning season 9. Holy crap, I didn't see that coming at all so anything is possible.

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Dan needs to win HOH and in turn, Keesha or Memphis need to win POV (that's if Keesha stayeth and Renny goeth and I don't think Renny can win much of anything at this point). Renny spent 20+ minutes on the last POV Comp. Next close was 5 minutes plus. It WASN'T all that difficult. If Dan wasn't playing the game well (Memphis removed him from the block) he would still be on the block and headed home Thursday night. I understand that Dan can be somewhat annoying but he isn't all that bad. Bear in mind that I want Memphis to win. Not saying that I am in agreement with memphis' actions at removing Dan. I dunno about that so much.

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To win, Dan needs his own personal Daniele...aka Keesha.

Jerret will kick Dan to the curb ASAP if he Jerry has a chance. Memphis should go, because he is so smug. And we all know Memphis will be selling that Jalopy he won is now worth $180 million dollar, according to used car expert extraordinaire April.

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After Dick's win, anything is possible. If they look at Dan just playing the game, he will indeed get the votes.

It was a win win situation for Dick, had nothing to do with admiring Dick's gameplay. If he was up against Zach (who was pretty much useless until the final few weeks) he would have lost by a landslide. Dan is losing no matter who he goes up against., the only person he has a shot of making the votes somewhat close with is Jerry.

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Dan is smart enough to know to get rid of Renny but I wonder if he is overlooking Jerry's overwhelming ability to comeback - Jerry is right about POV being so important. I am just not so sure that Jerry wouldn't win the big bucks if F2. It would be quite a coup and is possible.

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Me, too, Slimcruz! Jerry has at least three votes..April, Ollie, Michelle...If Keesha is sent out by Dan or Memphis, she might even give Jerry her vote. Libra and Renny would both hate Memphis over Jerry. Not sure about Dan with Lib/Ren. Renny might feel like Dan was never her real friend. IMO, Dan reminds me of this girl I knew in high school (and college) who was like Doris Day (the Perinnial Virgin)...After she got married (and married and married) she calmed down a lot. Dan needs to A) f@ck his girlfriend (IF she's not a beard) or B. Come out of the closet and go over the rainbow with Memphis/Brian/Steven...

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I really don't understand the Dan hate! I wish that I did but I don't see it! Dan is a 25 year old guy who is a prankster! I think that he's trying to emulate Dr. Will in some ways too! He teases Renny like she's his mother. I don't every really hear him talk too bad about people--sure he kind of makes fun of Jerry a little bit but who doesn't? As far as him being loud and cocky in the DR...I love it! ED used to do it and Will too!

And as far as Dan mocking Renny...I think that he was trying to imitate Eric when he mocked ED and it was hillarious! Dan was trying to be funny--not be mean. Sure, he's trying to get Renny riled up--he's trying to win $500K but at least he's not dropping the f-bomb, yelling at her and calling her names (like some people in the house)! And let's remember, Renny is a moody somebody and sometimes I don't know how to take her and I'm sure that Dan wonders how to too. Let's remember when she was HoH and was the Commandant!

And for the swimming trunks...it's not like he's working up a sweat in that house. Who cares that he wears them almost every day?? I think that it's funny!! If he truly stinks (which I doubt that he does) then the HGs would tell him. If that's one of the only negative thing that someone can say about him...Woooow!

I agree with Marty! Dan is a nice guy and I would love for a nice guy to win this season.

So, all you Dan haters--keep a hatin'! For all you Dan Fans--1-2-3 Gooooooooooo Dan! :party_smilie:

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I noticed tonight that Dan and Memphis had on identical swim trunks. I posted a few days ago Dan is probably like me at his age. I would find certain shirts or jeans that really seemed to me to fit me just right and I would buy several pair of the same jeans, etc. And as long as he dunks himself in the chlorinated pool that kills a lot of germs. I don't dis Dan. I just think a lot of the Sequestered Ones aren't that keen on him.

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I noticed tonight that Dan and Memphis had on identical swim trunks
Those are the ones that BB provided for them. They took a lot of their clothes away that had brand names on them. I think they talked about they had their trunks taken away by Big Brother.
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I have no doubt that BB told Dan to be ANIMATED in the DR. His swim trunks nor his DR sessions do not diminish the fact he played the game which cannot be said for the other HG's. Memphis quietly played but Dan was out there taking risks. I don't have to like TV reality stars to appreciate their efforts. And I don't take it personally. It's a tv. You know, with an on/off button. Click on... Click off.
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one hoh week and dan is taking huge risk lmao

that was the only week he took any risk

and the risk he took in terms of bb was a dumb risk in terms of the end game

end game being jury votes

beside that week he was pretty much on the float train


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two risk wow

he was still on the block the next week

and the only reason hg evicted steven over him wasnt because dan was more loyal but the simple fact that steven was a rodeo champion

but beside that week he pretty much went with the herd typical floater gameplay

and jessie week wasnt much of a risk since libra and keesha got the blame as being the mastermind

and they were the mastermind

only hg that were never a floater were keesha, libra, april, jessie pretty much everyone else were at one point or another a floater


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I second that UPV

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UVP are you saying that you and I agree on a player? Well, at least that we don't like the game play?

yep :animated_bouncy: :animated_bouncy:

its not so much i dont like the gameplay

its more of i dont see him as being this great bb mastermind that was taking huge risks left and right and manufacturing hg eviction


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and jessie week wasnt much of a risk since libra and keesha got the blame as being the mastermind

and they were the mastermind

But Dan ended up catching most of the heat from that fallout. That vote, yes it was America's Choice, but he planned to get jessie out either way, turned April, Ollie, Michelle, and Jerry against him. Hardly not taking a risk, hardly flying under the radar like a floater does.

only hg that were never a floater were keesha, libra, april, jessie pretty much everyone else were at one point or another a floater

What did Libra do that was so great? Or Jessie, or April, besides winning that one HOH?

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Libra, Jessie and April just yelled and whined a lot. They didn't play the game. Keesha in her own way is floating and going along with what Memphis wants.

Dan is hardly a floater. He has to battle being the odd man out and keep from being put on the block. He had to overcome the the America's Player paranoia that went on for weeks. He was on the hit list over and over. He had to play the game like one of his football games. He had to plan and adjust his game constantly. He has played this game and played it well.

Dan had to overcome the Judas and being hated and targeted for that. He has been the target over and over and he is still in the game

He even had set himself and the one that they think the jury hates. He has made moves to keep in question if he really is in an alliance with Memphis. I think Dan has played a brilliant game.

No Dan is not a floater.

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