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Sunday, August 17th


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Everyone's been sitting around in the Sauna Room discussing "Where were you when...?"

OJ - White Bronco, Acquittal


Kennedy Shot


Tonight we see the nominations and Food comp.

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Thanks for all your hard work, Cecimom! I guess only Renny and Jerry remember Kennedy Assassisnation. I was 15 and never want to live through that again. The only three channels we had on TV then (PublicTV came along later in 60s). I can't imagine how bad the media reaction today would be. It is the worst thing in our country ever until 9-11.

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As i'm sitting here watching the Jesse eviction episode it's so weird to see how Memphis would even talk to April considering she wanted him out 2 weeks ago. And Manchelle could careless Memphis was even up or Angie left , all she cared about was Jesse. Now Memphis and Manchelle are partnered up in their secret alliance. Guess it is funny how chit changes week by week. Keesha was telling April tonight when they were Libra bashing how Libra called her fake, yet in the DR she herslef was proclaiming her hatred for April and can't stand how fake she is. Have I mentioned how I can't stand Keesha?

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The dudes operating the live feed cams just can't get enough of Dan since he got his haircut. They are watching every move he makes. LOL, I didn't know getting your haircut could be such a show stopper around there, rofl

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His hair cut is the most exciting thing to happen on BB this weekend!! It's been like watching paint try on BB.

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Watching PAINT dry is more exciting!

Where is Libra,all this KUMBAYA stuff is boring! :angel:

Seems as though they have all gone into angel mode(at least face to face) since everyone from here on out will be a jury member, and they are afraid to offend anyone!

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yep very boring

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First Michelle and now April is not talking to Dan asking where her head is. She is flirting with him. She said with every eviction that is comes down to Dan and what he wants. He is the deciding vote. April tells Dan she just has such a big heart.

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Now April giving her big speech to Dan. She has not been mean or done any of the things that Jerry has done. She kind of outed Michele for being in an alliance with her. She said you should talk to Ollie and Michelle. Whispering and background noise it is hard to hear. Pretty much April is defending all her actions. Dan is pretty much just playing her.

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That HEART of hers just keeps getting BIGGER and BIGGER,is she trying to convince them or herself?! Pretty soon she won't be able to stand up because of it! It like Memphis' car appreciating UP UP,has it gone past $70,000 or still holding there??

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