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Memphis - Week 3


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listen Memphis showed his arse, and Jerry sat calmly. I do not care that much for Jerry, but I think Memphis's display of temper was just silly. I also cannot stand Memphis, I do not care for him, Michelle or Jesse, those are a few that I dislike the most. Of course throw Libra in there too,lolol

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I don't blame Memphis either for reacting that way...I just don't think his reaction did him any favors gamewise. Jerry got the reaction he wanted out of him. I wish Memphis had remained calmer when confronting Jerry.

But in fairness to Memphis...he hasn't done anything wrong ...he is in a committed relationship and I'm sure he doesn't want his gf to get upset or get the wrong idea about his friendship with Angie. Plus...he doesn't want the house to think he is a snake either...it'll ruin/tarnish his image/reputation in the house. One of my best friends is a married woman...I'm good friends with her husband as well...but often go out socially alone with her...completely plutonic. If anyone ever accused me or her of any inproprieties...you better believe I'd have a strong reaction too. Planting seeds of doubt in people's minds is tough to get out once in there...especially when those people are sheep...

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I don't feel much one way or another about Memphis. And I don't care if he yelled at some old guy. But threatening an old guy physically makes him look soooooooo STUPID! How embarrassing!!!!

It's like watching a ninth grader beat up a fourth grader and thinks it made him look tough. Stupid.

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I wish so bad it was equal and slut and womanizer meant the same thing but unfotunately for women it does not. I hear men bragging every single day they are womanizers, their little black book, the notches on their belt etc. Most women don't brag they are sluts. some day this might change but there is still a double standard. You cannot compare the two.

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So if someone jerry's age called you gals whores you'd be ok with that and wouldn't get angry at all? You all must be better people than me because I'd go off.

Jerry's age or a nineteen year old. I don't sweat names. Never really cared what others thought of me. Does it show?

Going off:

Verbally yelling

Physically threatening or contact.

Apples and oranges

He could've yelled until the BB cows came home. Who cares. Put he and Libra in the same room for the poor souls who lack self control.

But threatening an old guy. Dear Memphis, you looked STUPID!

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I wish so bad it was equal and slut and womanizer meant the same thing but unfotunately for women it does not. I hear men bragging every single day they are womanizers, their little black book, the notches on their belt etc. Most women don't brag they are sluts. some day this might change but there is still a double standard. You cannot compare the two.

Usually, the word womanizer is used for married men who like to have affairs, but it also goes for single guys who just like to have a lot of women around them (not at one time, but I guess that qualifies) too.

So, I get back to when did the word womanizer become a fighting word?

The word womanizer draws up the image of a James Bond type, women falling at his feet.

A slut is usually a woman who gives sex away for free. It draws up the image of some sleazy female giving out favors for nothing in return.

You're right - they are different.

Definitely, going crazy and losing control over an old man is ridiculous!

See, I also think an "old man" losing control is equally ridiculous. Jerry looked like he could stroke out....is it worth it over a game show?

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He may have overreacted but if someone called me a name and meant it in a derogatory way like Jerry did then I'd kinda be PO'd over it. Unless it's a kid that doesn't know any better, i'd be mad... Jerry is old enough to know right and wrong. He said it maliciously whatever the meaning. I don't care much though cause it's a tv show and i'm hoping i'm never put in that situation where someone calls me a name and they don't have a clue as to who I am. I'm going to defend Memphis' overaction with the fact that they are cooped up in that house all day long with nothing to do and i would imagine it's quite stressful... who knows how each of us would react if we were in that situation.

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