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Memphis - Week 3


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I'm sure that since he calls himself a "mixologist" he would get equally pissed off if someone called him a bartender.

Still not understanding how someone who knows him only three weeks can call him a womanizer and piss him off.

I just think he hates Jerry and no matter what Jerry calls him ("let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you") he'll get pissed.

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I would so call him a "Bartender" if I was in there, over and over, and every chance I got,lololol

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mixologist my ass lololol

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no, one penny, that is a way to say your service sucked,lololol

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Oh that would be cold, fatcat. I agree, the easiest way to push Memphis button would be call him a bartender. And do it so nicely, that he would look like a fool.

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