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Memphis - Week 3


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He was right but should not have lost his temper like that. Makes him look bad to the older viewers. If BB has any older viewers....

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So, just because Jerry is older he can be a dick? He's a game player just like anyone else, in my opinion. No passes for age.

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I'm getting into the same debate on another board--they think that Jerry should get more respect from Memphis because he is old and a vet. Screw that crap! These are people who just watch the CBS show and I have told them about Jerry's other antics, but they keep their head in the sand.

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He's creepy to me. Hey, it's a level playing field coming in, right?

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It's a debate that could go on forever. Jerry is very annoying and I've said it many times, he is too old for this game.

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I do agree that he's really too old for this game... I also agree that I haven't seen Memphis do anything to justify what Jerry was calling him, but I am saying if you live to be that age and have gone through wars and such that you do deserve to be a little arrogent about it... Arrogent it's the same as being disrespectful to people...

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Jerry is being a hipocrite and making people his age look bad. I have no problem when he grabbed April's boobs... she offered, the other's egged him on. I have no problem with him buying a whore. He was fighting in a war. How many of our father's have done the same thing? But, then when he goes and talka about Memphis like he's never done anything like that, well that makes him a hipocrite. Arrogance, I can forgive. Hipocrisy? Nope.

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I'm an "older person", closer to Renny than Jerry in age but I can't stand Jerry........I doubt many people will like him just because he's old.

He's been out of line many times, his remarks to Memphis just one, IMO.

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Oh I agree 100% that first he doesn't have the right to call anyone any kind of names... He don't know them that well, and I also agree with the fact that he was doing the same things... I don't have a problem with him feeling April up, and I don't have a problem with him paying for sex during a war, a lot of men do it, and I would agree that a lot of our fathers might have done it, and I know we don't want to think about it, but those of us that are old enough to have son's in the current war, they prolly are too... I know my son said when he was in Japan, (he was a dental assistant) he said that young guys came in all the time with their gums having sores on them and they had to tell them there was nothing they could do, that it was an STD and couldn't be cured... He left the Navy because of this, and now is in the Army doing HVAC... I wouldn't like to think that my son did pay for sex, but I won't say he hasn't, I just know for sure that if he did he used protection...

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Hey, Yana, you did good to make sure your boy knew all about protection! That's all a parent can do these days!

And the dumbest thing about Jerry vs. Memphis tonight was what the heck was so awful about calling someone a "womanizer"? That's right out of the 1890s!

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Well, I'll admit it, when I was in the Navy in Italy, I paid for it. I was young and stoopid and a good thing I didn't catch anything. But, many foreign ports are teeming with all kinds of things to get American servicemen in trouble. I'm older and much wiser now. I'd never do it again, but I understand what being in that situation is like. Jerry should too. (Not that Memphis needs to pay for sex)

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Yes, they did, IV girl!! In the 1940s movies they would often spoof 1890s comedy...someone would say (when the bad guy comes on stage) Look!!! He's WOMANIZER!!!" Then you would hear dramatic organ music.

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Jerry is the typical 75 y/o who cuts you off in supermarket lines, cuts you off on roads and highways and walks around demanding respect, yet gives very little respect to others.

Known in the real world as a "geezer."

But, he is someone's husband, father, son and brother.............................and I feel bad for his family members.

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Ginger, his family is probably so happy for him right now. He claims that he's a hugh fan of Big Brother and he's got his chance to be on the show. They more than likely don't care how he behaves or acts and is thrilled that he is having the time of his life. They probably not only love him but love the ground he walks on.

At least that's how I would feel if he were my grandfather. Also, know that I would be climbing the Big Brother house fence going after the first person that got in his face! LOL!

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Jerry has been gunning for Memphis from day 1...he was going to put him on the block when he was hoh...and Memphis knows it and remembers it. So Jerry throws out the accusation of Memphis being a womanizer knowing the hgs will bite on it...knowing full well that Memphis and Angie are just friends...also knowing that Memphis has an underlying temper and can get a rise out of him. He remained so calm in the chair when Memphis started going off and threatening him...knowing it would only reflect badly on Memphis...saying "No you won't"...so sure of and proud of himself for creating this drama in front of the group.

He did the same thing to Libra...saw an opportunity to get a rise out of her and he took it. Remember...after he started it with Libra, he calmly walked past the guys sitting at the counter and said "I know what I'm doing". Then got Renny involved to continue the fight while he stepped out of it. Again...drama in front of the group.

Jerry is calculating and playing this game...very subtly by making some of the more visably strong players lose their tempers and appear untrustworthy...meanwhile he's aligning himself with the "seemingly" sweet and innoncent Keesha. (Little does he know how much she trashes him behind his back...and what a bitter vetch she really is...but tha's a whole nother post...;)) He's playing the game and not very nicely either...so I don't really care about his age or his military background from a game perspective and giving him more respect or cutting him more slack than I would for any of the other hgs. In the house...he's an equal as far as I'm concerned. Outside of the house...I give him a lot of props for what he's done in his life.

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I think that is exactly what Jerry did, was stir the pot, he sat there very calmly while Memphis had to be held back, and that was a pretty childish display over being called a womanizer,lolol that is nothing to get riled about.

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