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It is all about demographics.

Don't the advertisers aim at the 18-34 age group (something like that) So they are going to put people in the house that the targeted age group would like.

As much as I would like to see real people (not all models/aspiring actors/etc etc etc) in the house. It won't happen. We all see real people everyday.

Its all about money. They don't put the show on as a community service LOL.

Sad but true.

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Kaysar said he would not play for Michael for the power of veto game. I just felt that was a sorry situation. I felt that Rachel and Howie faked it as much as possible to make sure Eric and James won the POV. I wish Kaysar would use his HOH wisely. Doubt it.

I just do not find much to like about anyone in that house do you?

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Guest smalltowngirl79

I like Janelle and thats about the only one I really like. I can't stand Eric and everyone ( his click) are so stupid. They all go running to tell on someone else like he is all their father or something.

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To those of you who watch the live feeds -- do these guys ever talk about anything besides the game? Do they have any genuine interest in each other, other than to trash talk behind each other's backs?

I know you gotta play the game, but I thought part of this adventure was to experience meeting different people. Maybe getting to know yourself a little bit better in the process.

I don't know-- maybe that just makes for bad TV. But I always enjoyed watching relationships develop. Not just the 'hook-ups , but people forming an actual bond.

Maybe the fact they everyone this season already knew someone going in, they don't feel the need to try to make a real friend.

Ok -- Psych. 101 lecture over.... for now! 8)

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I agree...they are obsessed with strategy...and alliances.

For the long timers of BB...remember BB1 when no one had a strategy? No alliances other than all of the hg against the enemy BB!!!

How times have changed with the alliances and strategies from hour one. Paging Dr. Will Kirby! The best yet IMHO...

'round about the time the numbers of hg are dwindling, they generally get to chatting about other "stuff"...

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I like them getting to know each other too .. but this year that's hard for them because they're all so guarded about their personal lives for fear of revealing their 'partner' ..

Now that the pairs are coming out .. I think that there will be more bonding going on.

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Well.. it's harder to evict ppl who are your friend. I can understand them being game oriented, it protects themselves from getting burned, or burning someone you've come to admire (prime example, Survivor when Cody let Tina win... I think his name was Cody?)

Also, if you find out that Joe Blow beside you has a sick mom, and how helpful that money would be for medical care etc... it can really throw you off, you'd feel like crap if you won and he didn't.

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 How times have changed with the alliances and strategies from hour one.  Paging Dr. Will Kirby! The best yet IMHO...

Before tonight, I would have agreed with you that Dr. Will was, by far, the best player/strategist to ever play the game. Tonight Kaysar has shown himself to be a real player in the game. I'm not ready to put him in Will's catagory just yet but he has made a major step in that direction.

Only time will tell if he can join Will in the BB Hall of Fame.

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Guest Witness

Maybe it's just me, but there seems to be more talk about guests wanting to take drugs, smoke weed or crack than any other year.

HAs BB just thrown out drug testing for this show or what. Maybe they recruited this seasons contestants from some rehab. It would sure explain alot.

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Guest DraftKing

I've heard the houseguests talk about undergoing drug testing before the show.

To be fair, I'd also be needing some weed/xanax if I had to live in a house with Eric *and* Ivette 24/7.

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Zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooms in!!Crack?OH..drugs...dammit...och!I thought we were talking crack as in BUTTcracks.........nevermind.......stomps off.....

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Guest DraftKing
I'd like to do a lot of X with Sarah.

Well it's nothing illegal, but the houseguests did hit the hookah pipe last night...


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Does anyone else think these houseguests are a little too close to one another already? I mean after only a couple of weeks they are already frequently popping zits for one another! I don't even ask people I have known my entire life to pop zits for me! Maybe it is just the way I was raised or I'm introverted or something. I can't imagine sitting around farting all the time with people I barely know either. Is the majority of people really that gross?

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