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About furio22

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  1. your not just paying for the live feeds. you are also paying for a subscription to all of Reals stuff too. Theres nothing you can do because you agree to blackouts everytime you watch the feeds. Sit back and shutup and take it like the rest of us.
  2. My feeds just crapped out and aren't starting back up, anyone else getting this?
  3. well put Yana, I couldnt have said it better myself.
  4. Heya.. Furio i wanted to mention something about that - you do an amazing job with the screencaps and believe me that hasnt gone unappreciated here. It sometimes feels like I can follow the action just based on your choice of story moments taken. Excellent quality to your pics too! Props!! thanks alot man, I appreciate that.
  5. I sit here and watch all day so I figured I might as well do something productive, so I post pictures of the live feeds.I love seeing them on the front page of mortys.
  6. did yall notice how they left out the whole thing about everyone found out everyone had a partner?? They didnt show it but that is why Ivette was crying.
  7. Where did the horse go that was in the house?
  8. o yeah they are real close, but thats a good thing. Think of all the drama and fights that are going to happen because of that.
  9. James just called April nuts and told her she is fucking crazy.
  10. April just walked in and stood there, her turn
  11. furio22


    oh god, Aprils turn
  12. furio22


    I love how she keeps saying that she is not in the house with best friend, liar.
  13. furio22


    I really like James now, I love how outspoken he is.
  14. Ivette is pretty much bitching at James for Cappy.
  15. i cant believe they wont admit it. come thursday everyone will know.



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