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okay, I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this BUT James Diary room tonight made me cry. I feel bad for him.

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all dr's are acting jobs

even argument was phoney

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Boo hoo hoo, I was pink and now I'm blue.

Poor James, he should stick with his day job of being a bum riding around the country and looking for porn films to eat for the month because he will never be an actor.

Three questions down and he still wins this comp. Ryan is not trying at all with his outrageous answers, but Sheila appears to at least trying to win.

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I'm sorry, but James keeps repeating "the whole house is against me, and if I get this wrong I am leaving." He's not convincing me that he feels this. He is smirking the whole time, I do believe at that point he knows he's not going.

Josh is despondent, he wanted James to leave.

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I felt bad for James! It looked sincere to me. My, how harshly you all judge. Are we saying people can't have true feelings in this game? If you have ever been ridiculed before (like I have), you can feel when people don't really like you. From what I read and see on the boards, the houseguests are always talking about getting him out. He is alone in the house. They even admitted to him that they all want him gone. I would cry too if I was losing 500,000 to two faced manipulator like Sheila.

It actually shows that you are human when you have various emotions.

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ryan staying and getting nat lmao

worst bb alliance ever

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Its to have emotions for James when just two weeks ago he was being just as two faced and back-stabbing as he is accusing all the other house guests are now. He made his alliance and now he is claiming that he has no one, I just say BULLCRAP. He placed himself in the position that he is in. If he loses and goes to sequester it is because he chose badly. He cannot all of the sudden say that you have no one to talk to when all up to this point you have been in an alliance with the ones getting booted.

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i hate adam and nat more each day this arrogant fool stays

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James is the female Janelle. He stayed true to his alliance while at the same time, looking out for himself (which you should do in this game). He talked crap about everyone on the "other side" and he fought every week to stay in the house because people were "intimidated" by his ability to go out there and walk the walk as well as talk the talk. This is exactly what Janelle went through.

Its a lot easier to talk about what people should and shouldn't do in the house when we are sitting cozy in our homes on our computers.

I say James is playing one hell of a game and more power to him. As far as karma, they will all get it eventually as they are all hypocrites and liars.

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james is no janelle

janelle unlike him actually had competition her season

this season the hg are either throwing comps to him or voting the arrogant loser back in the house

janelle imho would mop floor of james in comps

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