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o thank god I am not alone

I swear James/Chelsia are such MASSIVE cry babies and can't handle the stress. I know for a fact I probably wouldn't handle the stress so I keep my butt of the game (plus I am not dramatic enough for em anyway)

It's just sad...this is a game and I watch people every day saying omg...I can't believe they picked on me...SUCK IT UP IT IS A GAME YOU SAD PATHETIC SACK

Chelsia wigged out and it was sad...just absolutely sad and thank you James for joining those ranks


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The way he was carrying on you'd think he was getting bullied or something. What, did he think, that everyone would want the strongest competitor to sail away until the end?

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Ya know, I have asked that question before, and never gotten an answer, it sort of looks like some oatmeal concoction, doesn't it, probably not that good from what they all say.

Good point Sisu power

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I do find it kind of funny that someone who is a fan of Daniele's thinks that James is a crybaby and just feeling sorry for them.

Its not faaaaiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Let's face it, life in that house brings out the worst in everyone.

Seeing as how Daniele cried when things didn't go her way and she still made it to the F2... Woohooooooooo!! Go James!!

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WTF..............I just came back and haven't read alot of the back pages but WHO can defend James CRYING like a baby AFTER he totally dissed Matt for doing the same.............oh, NOW, we're supposed to feel sorry for him because being on theblock is SO stressfull........

Give me a break!

He acted like a wuss or he's the biggest hypocrite in the house..........you can't have it BOTH ways!

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I do find it kind of funny that someone who is a fan of Daniele's thinks that James is a crybaby and just feeling sorry for them.

So true...so true...but you really can't hold people to the HGs they supported last season. There are plenty of Richard fans who cheered when he went off on Jen, Kail, Amber and Jameka, but have poo-poo'ed Josh and James for "just attacking girls..."


Did James get the Poopert edit or what? I really felt sorry for the guy. His tears actually looked legit, unlike Matt's that looked like eye drops.

I just really hope that James doesn't buy the BS Princess Blasphemy is dishing.

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i think sheila deserved the tirade too. she's so compleyely two-faced.

This made me laugh because James, IMHO, is the biggest two faced liar of them all. "no natalie, i will not put you or matty up, I promise"... how quickly we forget. I guess that if and when James wins HOH, natalie will be on the block... she's crazy if she thinks he's taking her to the final two. The dude is a liar.

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So true...so true...but you really can't hold people to the HGs they supported last season. There are plenty of Richard fans who cheered when he went off on Jen, Kail, Amber and Jameka, but have poo-poo'ed Josh and James for "just attacking girls..."

very funny but i notice that too

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At least James has the decency to wait for someone to "do" something before being two faced. He told Nat that he wouldn't put her or Matt up when they were hanging on the balls if she'd drop right then. She didn't drop immediately...she waited. and he didn't nominate Nat or Matt. but then Matt and Nat go around bold-face lying saying Matt voted to bring back James. Why would you be so stupid?? You're ass was safe, be honest. But NOOOO, Jesus told Natalie to lie (I guess). What do you think would happen?

I think if Nat keeps Josh, and James wins HoH, he would put up Shelia and Adam BECAUSE they are the only remaining couple. I don't think he would take out Natalie if Shelia and Adam are still in the house. Why?

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the lie was stupid

but james seem to be one who holds a grudge imho

so lie stupid as it was imho was necessary

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I try not to compare last seasons HG's with this seasons because they are all so different. Each person has his own way of playing the game. Liking someone from last season or any other season, should have nothing to do with who we like this year.mho This is a strange cast of characters and most of them don't seem to know exactly how to play the game well.

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bb8 behavior was bad

but gameplay actually made sense as to noms eviction etc... imho

this season the gameplay is just plain dumb outright bonehead

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i dont cause i know he get pov

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well that is true, and funny that the person this year who is winning all those vetos id James,lol, but the other James really was in my opinion a waaay better player, and sooo much better lookin, he did cry a little too when Janie ganve him his ouchies,lolol

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this year james is overrated in comps

the competition is lacking years imho

if comp is physical he is head and shoulder better than rest by far

even last year dani actually had legit comp from others such as her dad, zach

i measure hg pov, comp greatness based on their competition around them not on wins tally jmho

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