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bb didnt want them to steam roll josh and others

so they rigged twist to have james back in

i guess bb want their first gay winner josh or james

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as cocky and obnoxious as matt can be, the fact is that he was playing the game by trying to round up the guys crew. I really didn't like the way he got in josh's face after the PoV ceremony, but it's a load of crap that after dodging one backdoor attempt and having the calvary on the way (Alex) that CBS turns around and throws James back in there.

Matt bugs me, but I enjoy the matt/alex bromance

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i think he getting bd

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not saying i want him to be bd

but i figure james will go that route

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Because I sooooo want him gone....it's what keeps me watching! I relish at how things get 'stuffed' back in his face!! I can't stand his self righteous attitude. He so thinks he looks like Cruse in his sun glasses, arrogant sleezeball. You can so tell he is a momma's boy. He will be single a LONG time after this show cause no women in her right mind would want him especially if they watched BB9. Then again, I wonder if he got so lonely he flips and turns gay.... :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:


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i hate matt so bad. he is still being an a$$ to natalie!!!! what he said to her while giving her a massage is awful. i hope they backdoor him!!! it would make my day so much brighter :animated_shocking:

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I really really feel for the poor girl who ends married to him. He shows all the classic signs of a woman abuser. If he is willing to treat a woman this way on national TV, can you imagine what he would be capable behind closed doors? He is by far my least fav HG of all time!!

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Matt is mean, plain and simple. I would NOT like to see him go this week. What I would like to see (but will never happen) is Natalie win HOH next put him up and have him unanimously voted out.

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I thought I read where James says he is honoring what he had promised to everyone before he got voted out to show he is a man of his word, what??? Now what good is that gonna do him?? He had better get Matt the hell out of there, and Natalie soon after, she is a mess and Matt is making her delusions worse, paaalease, he is the worst excuse of a man.

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james lied to matt once before

and he'll do same this week

no way i see james keeping a guy who hates his gut in the game

too much male ego to allowed that

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