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I honestly don't think some of the verbal abuse was warranted and I was not cool with the things said to Amanda and the pickle juice thrown on Nat...

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So Matty is crying and saying he's gonna quit????? Wow! He's given up and not gonna try and fight to stay....what a baby! character0099.gif If he's watched the game at all he gotta know theres only 1st and 2nd place!



I cannot even believe the crap Matt is saying!!!!! He just said he should have never come to the game, he said he gave up love (possibly a future wife) - are you freakin kidding me??? That is why he let Nat blow him and made out with all the females!!! Benedict Arnold! , the promises he made his mom (he promised that he would get her out of the house), all that he gave up... James just tried to explain to him, it is the game, you knew what you were getting into. This guy baffles me...


If I have to hear Matt say one more time to how he's going to spend his birthday in sequester ALONE I'm going to start pullin my hair out.

oh woe is me. :bangin:


OK he just said I am spending my Birthday in sequester now to Chelsia as he is crying. (I think that is about 45 times he has said that in the last 2 hours)

He also said Natalie is out of his bed and he will go after her.

Natalie also told Ryan a while ago that she might be better without Matt in the game.

We are going to hear a lot of crying and a lot of I need the money for my mother and I will be spending my Birthday in sequester. He is begging Chelsia please please don't vote me out. cry cry cry more crying and sniffing and again I don't want to spend my Birthday in sequester. sniff sniff

Please Chelsia I will do anything. I have never done anything to anyone in this game. I have never crossed people.

again.... I don't want to spend my Birthday alone. He said he let his Mom down.

This jerk is 100 times more repetitive then Sheila.


I guess it was okay to have Nat on his side as long as she was giving him Bj's and hanging from a chain for 5 hours for him. Nat will flip out if he kicks her out of the bed.


Good grief... Matts Latest... 2:50 pm BBT - Matty and Chels in room talking... Matty crying, begging Chels to not vote him out, she said she is not promising anything, she is going to sit on it. Matt says he is getting out of Nats bed, Matt says that he doesn't want to spend his birthday alone, he has never spent his birthday alone... he said he was hoping that they would give him a camera or something... he wanted to be in the house and he hoped the HG's would give him a cake and put candles in it for him. He said that he would rather spend his birthday with people he hates than alone. Chels is making a lot of sense right now... Matt said he gets one call on his b-day and he know who he would call and they would hang up in him. Chels says I would call your mom, she won't hang up on you... Matt - I disappointed her too Chels - you won't disappoint your mom Chels says that maybe it is a life lesson maybe the person who wins the oney has to learn that money doesn't bring happiness. Then Matt continues to go on about this loving GF he had back home (yeah not anymore dipnoid!) Chels says that she doesn't know the types of girls he dates but if this girl truly loved him then she wuld stand behind him on his decisions (referring to the fact that she would have ruined his chance to be in the house had he told her) She says love is standing behind someone. Matt is now crying that he is going to be in Sequester on Easter Sunday and that is family day!!! That is worse than being in there for his birthday. Matt saying he is an a$$hole but a likeable a$$hole... Says he gave the kid a pair of jeans, he is a nice guy.


God.....I hope some one is capturing this so we can see a youtube video of Matty crying and begging....thats got to be classic!



Couldn't agree more TCS. I hate that I am not seeing it. I have to read it and I think that takes away some of my joy. While on topic thanks to all the live updaters. You have kept me hooked.


OMG he won't stop crying and begging. He is pathetic. I have never seen a house guest be this crazy about being on the block. Did he think he was going to win the game? He must have I have never seen anyone so crushed.

I am sure he will be crying all night on BBAD too.


I'm surprised he is not crying and secretly winking at the cameras like he has done in the past. I just can't believe that he is genuinely this upset. Maybe he had a "lightbulb moment" after he was puton the block.


What a naive bunch of hgs this season. Someone should read them the rules again and explain how the game isn't about bj's and dorm parties it's about noming two people each week and one of them has to go.


He is giving Sharon the full sob story about the girl he left to come on the show. He has 3 days he should give it a rest. He just told Sharon he doesn't want to spend his Birthday alone.

What is the big deal about his Birthday?


God what an idiot, I am now sorry I cut off the after dark, I am missing his sob story cryin, I want to see him squirm because he has beee such a di*k to natalie(well she isn't too far off from him) and has been such a smart ass callin himself King and really bein a legand in his own mind, I may have to call cable back and tell them to hook me back up,lol


He is working Sheila again. Matt just told Sheila he would come and sleep in her bed. Sheila laughed and said NO.


Like she would want him in her bed? MY God this guy really thinks he has some charm, get a life Matt. puke smilie,lol


Matt is working Adam right now for his vote. Adam told him he had his vote. Of course Adam says that.


Speaking of Matt's girlfriend....he claims she's on TV and on other sites....they're sayin the girl is #13 on Deal or No Deal... I think he's full of $h!t....there's no way that he could have a girlfriend that HOT! He says he left her to be on the show. I cry Bull-$h!t! He might have dreamed about her being his girlfriend. Pathetic!



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