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Daniele Week 8


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Daniele already thinks she is better then anyone in her biological family.

True. She should stop and think, since she doesn't get along with so many people in her family, that maybe some of the blame lies at her own feet, as her father pointed out. Instead, she just whines, "It's not my faaauult!"

We have a saying for people like her here in KY. It's called getting above your raising.

She should be thankful she has a father who loves her and is willing to go to any length to work out their differences. Many people would do anything for that chance.

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Does anyone really believe that Dani the brat would share anything with anyone? Dani is the only one I hope would not win, besides she probably already won a bunch on power of ten

I think dani is a truely self-centered person who has no room in her heart for anyone but herself and very young, sge acts like a 10 yo have the time

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Oh Danielle would share her money with Nick!! They're soul mates....honestly, you just don't understand!!

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In fact yes, I do see Daniele giving up to live and start a relationship with Nick.

Do you notice how she beams with smiles when she talks about Nick?

Do you notice how she cant wait to go on her EuroTrip with him without her dad , so it could be their romantic getaway?

Do you notice how she gives him signs that she thinks about him all the time?

Do you not notice these simple little things?

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Do you not notice these simple little things?

Easy to note the simple little things about Dani, because she is little and simple. She has a lot of growing up to do in my eyes. And though she is a great competitor, she is no more honest and truthfull than any other player. She has told many a bold faced lie, not to mention her snide remarks behind someone back.

:animated_wave: Sorry K6, I know you luv's her, and I am glad, but she's just not my pic for this and never has been. But I still luv's you too, my friend. :smitten:

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Btw; How do you quote ?

First copy what you want to quote. Then go to add reply, and there is a button right above the text box with a little bubble like in a comic book. Just press it and then paste the copied text in the middle of the quote boxes that apear.

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I am quite surprised of the skelewhore's performance thus far. She and Jessica/Eric might be the most deserving for the final two.

Why do you have to call her something so mean? Seriously, this is getting ridiculous. She is not a whore. She gave plenty of signals to her ex-boyfriend that she just isn't interested in him anymore. She didn't want to break up with him on National Television but how else was she going to do it? She has no contact with the outside world.. She couldn't do it in person. She is young and i'm sure while spending time with Nick she realized that Kris isn't the one for her. She is still young and she still has time to find the guy for her.

She isn't skeletor either. She is petite and yes, a very skinny girls. I saw some pictures of her before going into the house and she actually had a very nice body she wasn't as skinny as she was. I'm guessing she lost some weight before going into the house and during slop. Come on, She eats a lot. She doesn't have an eating disorder. Atleast, not to my knowledge.

You don't have to go insulting her like that. I'm tired of hearing it. But, hey - I guess it will never stop. *sigh*

Btw; Her whining doesn't bother me. She is a good game player and I like that.

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It's just that if it's Dick or Daniele it's ok to put them down and call them names, but god forbid you do so to one of their favorites... In my opinion, it's childish to call the players names...

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Honestly, every player has been put down and called names on this board by a myriad of people. It gets my dander up when people say derisive things or make up names for my faves. I don't think its fair to imply that it only happens to Dick and Daniele or that people are defending every other HG except them.

Its symptomatic of message boards that posters will give nasty names to all the HG. Sad but true. Doesn't make it right no matter who it is.

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I don't think its fair to imply that it only happens to Dick and Daniele or that people are defending every other HG except them.

I never said that... I was saying that some people think it's ok to call Dick and Daniele names, but don't want you calling their favorite player names...

I don't think it's right to call ANY of them names... I never called Maggie Maggot, I never call Cappy any names, I never called Ivette any names, etc...

Calling Eric a weasle isn't something I would do either...

These are my opinions and I am entitled to them...

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LOL It's ok TML... Sometimes it's hard to tell what someone else is thinking through the computer... I am glad that at least someone gets what I am saying...

I am not saying that the people that call them names shouldn't, that's their opinion and they are just as entitled to it and I am to mine... I am only saying that I wouldn't do it... :)

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What I mean is, you have a quote button so it automatically quotes the poster's post

We do have a qoute function, but I don't think we need one that quotes the last post before yours... Maybe one that if you hit reply for that one post it would quote... Is that what you mean?

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I meant something like, if you read through a thread and you want to quote it to reply to them, you press a button called "quote" and it automatically does it for you...

I'm lazy.


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I meant something like, if you read through a thread and you want to quote it to reply to them, you press a button called "quote" and it automatically does it for you...

LOL... Well, the way ours is is just one more step... :)

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For the same reason you defend her and lecture us about it...

You are a much older group than I. I'm fifteen, btw. :)

As a fan, I find the need to defend my favorite player.

Just like most of you would defend your favorite players.

I know some of you do not agree with me and that is ok because we all are entitled to our opinions.

I don't know who started this whole skeletor, skelewhore, Danorexia, and other names..

But they aren't very nice. Just like the other names for other players isn't very nice.


I must get used to it because everywhere I go, she is getting bashed.

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