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Daniele Week 8


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well the only die hard people i like is AMY and DANNI.

yeah, i havent really ever liked any of the guys on BB, im not sure why.

lol, lets see.. season 2, Nope..season 3, nope... season 4, i kinda like nathan, season 5-not really, season 6- i kinda liked james and howie.

yeah, BB sucks at picking guys, lol

the ONLY girl i like this season is danni, the rest are snobs.

Good luck daniele! and AMY. lol ginger

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Soyyo. they cant give ANY money or buy Anything for houseguests. they have to sign a contract. maggie bout plane tickets for all the NH one time, and BB found out about it and wouldnt let them use them.

King123, I would buy that if I hadn't watch Will and Boogie, who are not related, boast about how you can get around that money contract by becoming "partners" on business deals or whatever. Maggie made what she did public, maybe cus she really didn't want to spend that money on her sheep, so CBS couldn't let it go...Dick is Daniele's father, he can buy things for her and pay for whatever she asks him...So, I repeat, Dan and Dick for final 2 is a win win situation for Daniele, for Dick, unless he wins the money...not so much :)

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Soyyo ,I agree with them being father daughter it makes it even easier as they could have a lawyer create real estate trusts . Dick could buy stock and give it to Danille as a gift. There are many creative ways that good lawyers could design to transfer money and CBS could not do a damn thing about it.

The problem might be if Daniile wins big will she ever share it :animated_rotfl:;)

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Dick could and would buy Danielle whatever he wants. Danielle, on the other hand, with the obvious animosity she holds toward her father, wouldn't feel even slightly obligated to buy her father a thing. I doubt she would either. She seems to have a sense of entitlement just being his daughter (victim of circumstance), with no return obligation. As rude and crude as Dick is, he still loves his child unconditionally. She's a brat with alot of growing up to do. It's really a sad situation to watch.

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I remember a post about Dick being all pissed over Danielle not giving him back a money loan. So maybe he wouldn't share with her if he wins. I don't believe any of the enemy stuff anyways....they'll be living large on that money if either one of them wins.

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Arrowhead and Kywildcat, totally agree with you.

Ginger, the alleged money riff between D/D was because Dick, (his version) asked her, repeatedly, to pay him back a loan he'd given her and, after his 30th phone call to her, Daniele stopped talking to him cuz he was being annoying and I'm sure it was soooooooo frustrating for her to have to listen repeatedly to Dick wanting his money back and all... :rolleyes:

As much as I dislike Dick, I think he'd share with Daniele should he win. If Daniele wins, it will only make it easier for her to totally disassociate from Dick and the rest of the Donato Clan cus she will need them even less than she did before and she's already said she doesn't feel close to them as family.

King123, you love Daniele so your judgment is clouded, LOL!

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the alleged money riff between D/D was because Dick, (his version) asked her, repeatedly, to pay him back a loan he'd given her

This was actually Vincent's(Dick's son, Dani's brother) version. I don't think I have heard Dick mention anything about Dani owing him money, only that she felt he called to much so she decided to end comunication altogether. I agree with the other posters, that Dick would share but Dani probably wouldn't. I don't even know if Dick would want her to share with him, but would rather she hooked Vincent up. I doubt she would do that either though, as I think Dani is the biggest snob in the house, and if she wins she will consider herself better than her father and brother.

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Dani is the epitome of a snob...

Funny she has no basis to be though but I agree she tries to think she has that standing. :animated_rotfl:

I still say she was jealous of Jen's lifestyle and now wants to be friendlier with Kail since she thinks she is rich .

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