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Visitors In The Bb House


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after all thats said and done... it will come down to this question:

what color underwear did the mad hatter have on?

:animated_rotfl: Thank you for the laugh, Fizzle!

Actually, you never know...BB may be trying to really throw them off the track with a bunch of quotes and have it turn out to be something very simplistic, so you may be on to something. ^_^

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Ok, here's my guess:

I think the clues refer to AP, Eric. He's going to have a choice to make. He can "snitch" on himself to all houseguests that he has been America's Player and no one goes home this week, thereby saving all 9 houseguests, and he will get to play the rest of the game as himself to try to win the million.


He can choose not to reveal that he is AP, and both nominees go home, but they are told that he is AP. 3 will know the secret, but 2 will be "dead" because they are evicted, leaving Eric in the house to continue on as AP.

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Wow, Chill, that sounds really good. Sounds like that could be a big twist!

Still, I would have thought Julie would have announced a twist coming up this week last Thursday. She's done that before as a spoiler of what's to come. But, expect the unexpected, and this could be a totally new surprise!

And welcome to Morty's, Chill!

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The only problem w/that would be that the 2 being evicted would know about the AP, and if Eric made it to the final 2, he wouldn't have their votes, which wouldn't be fair to him. Or did you actually mean go HOME, and not to sequester?? :animated_scratchchin:

Otherwise, I like it!! :)

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ChillTownRulz - that's the most creative (and logical) idea so far.

As far as all the quotes there were repeated by the "vistors" - I agree with JFetch - they all relate to the Big Brother game in some way just like last year's "You Reap What you Sew"; however, I think they may be used in conjunction with something similar to the Coup D'etat or the HOH challenge (in a similar way to the Seance last year). I don't think BB's ideas are that sophisticated so it's not really worth reading too much into these events (although the Alice in Wonderland theme is actually brilliant because of the theme's of Games/ Learning the Rules and Language and Logic/Illogic). As usual, I think this "mystery" is more interesting and exiting than the conclusion will prove to be. JMHO


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Ok, here's my guess:

I think the clues refer to AP, Eric. He's going to have a choice to make. He can "snitch" on himself to all houseguests that he has been America's Player and no one goes home this week, thereby saving all 9 houseguests, and he will get to play the rest of the game as himself to try to win the million.


He can choose not to reveal that he is AP, and both nominees go home, but they are told that he is AP. 3 will know the secret, but 2 will be "dead" because they are evicted, leaving Eric in the house to continue on as AP.

Best idea i've heard so far. Welcome to the boards. :animated_wave:

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Chill that is a great theory. Good on you for coming up with that, even if it doesn't happen! But it does sound very plausible!

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Ok, here's my guess:

I think the clues refer to AP, Eric. He's going to have a choice to make. He can "snitch" on himself to all houseguests that he has been America's Player and no one goes home this week, thereby saving all 9 houseguests, and he will get to play the rest of the game as himself to try to win the million.


He can choose not to reveal that he is AP, and both nominees go home, but they are told that he is AP. 3 will know the secret, but 2 will be "dead" because they are evicted, leaving Eric in the house to continue on as AP.

I think that would put too much power in Eric's hands. Why would they let Eric decide that? Doesn't make sense to me.

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My friend thinks that each visitor represents an evicted HG.

Mad Hatter= Carol because Alice in Wonderland was written by Lewis Caroll and Mad Hatter is a character from the story.

Rabbits= Kail because she wore the bunny suit and she was nominated so many times with the veto being used.

Statue= Joe because he was a "poser" in the house.

Barbershop Quartet =Nick because of his haircut (barber) and the song was about Harry (hairy).

Pirate=Mike because when he stood up to Dick he did not have a leg to stand on anymore in the game.

She thinks HG will have the option of bringing one back, who reveals Eric's secret. In 3 more days there will be a double eviction.

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I think that would put too much power in Eric's hands. Why would they let Eric decide that? Doesn't make sense to me.

In a shocking twist, Eric is revealed to be an associate producer who is in the house trying to influence the game in CBS' favor. :animated_rotfl: :animated_rotfl:

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If chill is right, and eric reveals himself to Dustin & Dick and they are bot on the jury, than Eric has some MAJOR work to do if he wants to win.

BTW - was he the only one that went to the DR this morning? before lockdown?

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He can choose not to reveal that he is AP, and both nominees go home, but they are told that he is AP. 3 will know the secret, but 2 will be "dead" because they are evicted, leaving Eric in the house to continue on as AP.

For me, they can't tell those two and not the rest. From what I have heard they are not allowed to discuss the game or anything related to it when they go to sequester. That would be unfair information to the "First jurors" unless they revealed it to everyone as they went to sequester. Plus how would he or they explain why both left w/o being voted out?

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"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead."

Have we just assumed that no one will be brought back? Aren't there 3 evictees that know about AP? Maybe one is coming back in, therefore all 3 know, but 2 are dead and the person coming back keeps the secret...even from eric?

Sorry if anyone already thought of this, it just hit me and I quickly came to post w/out reading...

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think the "3 people can keep a secret if 2 are dead" is talking about the 2 mistery votes that eric cast and Nick and Mike know about them, but are dead. So basically it means, Nick, Mike and Eric can keep a secret because 2 are gone. Which will ultimatly end up having Julie tell them eric is AP after the eviction ceremony. This is just my kabuki theory, but i think it makes sense.

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