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Visitors In The Bb House


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i heard someone say this is day 47? maybe there will only be 6 players left in the game after day 47? dustin things they will wake them up at 6:47 am. they seem to think there will be an all night contest of some sort. i think cbs watches the message boards and has no plan other than taking ideas from the boards. :lol::cookoo:

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If you read the book Alice & Wonderland, the Mad Hatter's watch is broken.

"The Hatter's watch, which only tells the day of the month, is broken. it's always been six o'clock, which is why they sit at tea all the time."

Afterall since the Hatter is "mad," the riddles could have opposite meanings.


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I give up!!!! My brain hurts....I've always been bad at clues and puzzles...

Please don't call me Amber Jr. though..... :rolleyes4: LOL

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What if all these things are a clue to America's Player. I can't figure them all out though... maybe there's more coming?!?

A - Ace

M - Mad Hatter

E - Eric

R - Rabbit''s

I -

C - Card

A - A cappella

S - Stilts

P - Pirate

L - Liars

A - Actors

Y -

E -

R -

I don't know... just some thoughts. :animated_scratchchin:

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CBS is really F'ing Eric over if they reveal the America's player twist right now. Everyone will know in a matter of minutes that there's only one person who's vote can never be accounted for: Eric.

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I agree with that djb. I don't even really think that my suggestion is accurate... I just threw it out there in case it helps someone else with something more realistic. LOL

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CeCi- I don't know if your theory is right, but its definitely creative and interesting. I just doubt the BB producers are smart enough to come up with something like that. I'm fairly certain that some of the "clues" (if that is indeed what they are) point directly to AP, i'm just not sure whether they're planning on revealing it or just leaving the clues out there for the HGs to either figure out or fail trying to.

I liked Eric at first, but have hated him since the Nick eviction. However, he's started to regain my respect with his actions in the last day or two. I think it'd really suck for him if CBS gave up on AP at this point.

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Well I did just hear Amber or Jameka (can't remember which said it) that the little guy kept following Eric around, while he was here. So, maybe it is about America's Player. Who knows.

I agree with you that it would totally suck if the producer blew it for Eric. I don't like Dustin or Dick (and would prefer Dick out now... but, I really don't care which goes... Dustin is an idiot for putting himself up, and deserves to go just on that alone.) But, I think D/D are correct when they tell J/E that Dustin will turn on Eric.

I feel bad for Eric. I think he knows that his best strategic move is to get rid of Dick but, he also realizes that America is mad at him and he wants to make "us" happy, so he wants Dustin to go, to get in our good graces again.

I really believe that either way he is screwed. Either America will get back at him if he doesn't get Jess to agree to evict Dustin and if he goes with D/D... he'll lose in the end because D/D will win the game.

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I didn't see this anywhere...

I was watching the live feeds when they came back and Dick and Zach were in the BR right before Zach laid down to take a nap after they came back inside. Zach told Dick that he thought this whole thing was being done to keep Dick in the house? Damn, Zach must be a lot smarter than he looks.

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Well I did just hear Amber or Jameka (can't remember which said it) that the little guy kept following Eric around, while he was here. So, maybe it is about America's Player. Who knows.

I agree with you that it would totally suck if the producer blew it for Eric. I don't like Dustin or Dick (and would prefer Dick out now... but, I really don't care which goes... Dustin is an idiot for putting himself up, and deserves to go just on that alone.) But, I think D/D are correct when they tell J/E that Dustin will turn on Eric.

I feel bad for Eric. I think he knows that his best strategic move is to get rid of Dick but, he also realizes that America is mad at him and he wants to make "us" happy, so he wants Dustin to go, to get in our good graces again.

I really believe that either way he is screwed. Either America will get back at him if he doesn't get Jess to agree to evict Dustin and if he goes with D/D... he'll lose in the end because D/D will win the game.

Agreed on Dustin. Anyone arrogant enough to volunteer to go up on the block (especially considering everything he's said this week) deserves to go. Dustin is WAY too comfortable with his position in the house and has been since his HOH.

As for Eric, I think he pretty much HAS to align with Dick at this point, because whether he does or not, America is basically playing for D/D at this point. Staying with Dustin/Jameka/Amber is suicide for him right now because he's going to HAVE to target them in the next few weeks whether he likes it or not. Not only does aligning with D/D foster trust with the viewers, who from what i've seen (and from my own feelings) are none too happy about his performance as AP, it also makes him part of a potentially dominating group that shouldn't have too much trouble blasting its way through the competition these next few weeks, in my opinion.

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I thought Eric looked extra uncomfortable so maybe he knew it was about him being the twist and that's why he's taking nothing away from it.

AND did anyone notice that the hatter was saying certain things to certain people alone? Even Jen said he kept repeating the fish statement to her and Jess said that he was saying the web one repeatedly to Eric.

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I was watching the live feeds when they came back and Dick and Zach were in the BR right before Zach laid down to take a nap after they came back inside. Zach told Dick that he thought this whole thing was being done to keep Dick in the house? Damn, Zach must be a lot smarter than he looks.

Zach made a number of idle musings today that were (although nothing more than their namesake) DEAD ON. At one point, he said something along the lines of "Maybe someone in here isn't on the same level playing field as the rest of us, like they're getting outside info or something."

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"A stitch in time saves nine" -possibly the evicted houseguest will remain in the house? This would "save" the humber nine by keeping nine people in the house

"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead" -not sure but I think this actually has to do with the number 5, not the humbers 2 or 3

The numbers 5 and 9 keep presenting themselves. 5 people evicted so far and 9 in the house....hmmm

I honestly think that this could be for a memory HoH this week or the beginnings to a riddle-challenge for the veto (sorta like BB4 when Jun went to NYC) or another "special power."

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I tried to lay down and go to sleep but, I've had another thought. :animated_rotfl:

There have been 5 hg's evicted and 5 different "objects" in the house today.

Carol = The singing quartet

Joe = The pirate in stilts (Tall)

Mike = The statue that doesn't talk

Nick = (Can't figure out how the little guy is Nick but, maybe someone else can. Did Nick say these cliches while he was in the house?)

Kail = The 3 rabbit's for her 3 business.


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Oh, 1 more thing. I think the 6:47 on the little guys clock is the time the next HOH will be named and then he/she will go to the DR to nominate.... because it's a double eviction week?!? :animated_bouncy:

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dustin seem to think something 647 also. i guess he'll be up at that time

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AND did anyone notice that the hatter was saying certain things to certain people alone? Even Jen said he kept repeating the fish statement to her and Jess said that he was saying the web one repeatedly to Eric.

Great point, I did not realize this, but I think that there could be something to that.

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My theory is that all of the famous sayings are numbers. Maybe the combination to a safe or something? Here is my take on the numbers:

A stitch in time saves nine. Number = 9

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive. Number = 1

Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Numbers = 3 and 2 (which could be 5 if they are added together, or could be 32, or could be 3 - 2 = 1, or could be two separate numbers.)

Fish and visitors stink after three days. Number = 3

There is no little enemy. Number = 0 (zero)


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Maybe I posted this on the wrong thread:


I think I've got it!! (I didn't read to see if anyone else had posted this, yet - so apologies if someone else already did) but:

In "Alice in Wonderland", there was a caterpillar on a mushroom smoking a hookah....

KAIL was on a mushroom in the first competition to win the HOH...When she was evicted and spoke with Julie, Julie didn't reveal that AP was Eric during her exit interview...

KAIL snitched out her alliance to Dick...

Has Kail been in sequester only she has had access to the live feeds? Is she coming back in?

AND, they could have America decide who is evicted the same way that American Idol singers are eliminated - by a phone in vote, with results to be announced the next night.

Anyone else think this is a possibilty?

Still thinking about the rest of the clues, for now....


PS: Is KAIL actually Alice???

AAANNND - Another thought on it....

WHO is always running chess moves? Who always fiddles with the chess game outside HOH? Who was running around in a bunny suit for so long - I mean, thoroughly loving it....

Is ZACH the white rabbit???

It is entirely plausible that CBS could have "planted" the story on the board to get people talking about the game. It's not an employee leaving, but CBS' way of dropping hints that there's a biiiig shake-up coming!

I love the twist! (If it is real)

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Is is just me or does the Mad Hatter look alot like Eric and eric too me if you go back and watch the videos looks kinda upset that he is there...I dont know kinda like he is annoyed? Is it just me...or doesnt he look like a mini-me for Eric.....I dunno what do yall think?


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