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Dick Week 6


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Dick and Daniele are so into conspiracy theories and are so hot and cold on everyone that it really all depends on who would be in the jury with them, to work on them.

I also think Dick loves the limelight of the fights. He told Jen last night that they "make some great t.v." with their fights.

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ok, so everything is Dick's fault.... Add to the list... true or not.

darn, i ran out of toothpaste.. its all dick's fault

darn, i stubbed my toe... its all dick's fault

darn, the hottub water is cold... its all dick's fault

darn, there is sticky stuff on the kitchen floor... its all dick's fault

darn, someone said my name... its all dick's fault

darn, jen tripped zach.... its all dick's fault

darn, jameka prayed i would get a zit.... but its all dick's fault

darn, amber is mad that dustin took the money... but its all dick's fault

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ok, so everything is Dick's fault.... Add to the list... true or not.

darn, i ran out of toothpaste.. its all dick's fault

darn, i stubbed my toe... its all dick's fault

darn, the hottub water is cold... its all dick's fault

darn, there is sticky stuff on the kitchen floor... its all dick's fault

darn, someone said my name... its all dick's fault

darn, jen tripped zach.... its all dick's fault

darn, jameka prayed i would get a zit.... but its all dick's fault

darn, amber is mad that dustin took the money... but its all dick's fault

Amber is a drug addict ~ It is all Dick's fault.

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Um no, but it is his fault he is as abusive verbally to everyone. Even his own daughter said he was like that outside the house. That's what most people have issue with. Don't blanket our criticism or opionion of him with a childish statement like above.

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nope.. its always been dick's fault.. i will say last week for a few days eric got some attention.. but everything has always been dick dick dick...

even after dick is gone, people will still be blameing him...

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population explosion...Dick's Fault

war in IRAQ...Dick's fault

price of gas...Dick's fault

people who LUV Eric...Dick's Fault

Kail's cheating on her hubby numerous times...Dick's Fault

WAAAA-mber's multiple abortions...Dick's Fault

the ONLY reason I am still watching this poorly cast fixed reality show...DICK'S FAULT!!!

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but everything has always been dick dick dick...

But is that really a bad thing?

The hamster died a couple days ago. His name was Monty. It was Dicks fault.

Wait... maybe it was the weasel that got him!

edit: Monty was our hamster. Didn't want it to be confused with Morty, the famous guy who writes about hamsters.

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I watch BB to see what Dick will say next ..... IT IS ALL DICKS FAULT.

America told Eric to vote out Kail two weeks in a row thus got him put up for eviction ..... IT IS ALL DICKS FAULT.

Julie Chen could not tell Eric from Nick ..... IT IS ALL DICKS FAULT

Jameeka said bitch ..... IT IS ALL DICKS FAULT

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I go to bed at 11:00, can't sleep...and keep getting out of bed at 12:00 to turn on BBAD. I'm down to less than 5 hours of sleep a night...I'm tired, I'm cranky, I'm not getting all my work done.

It's all Dick's fault!

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