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Dick Week 6


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Okay I am soooooooo sick of Dick right now! I read the update board with him approaching Dustin in the kitchen in the morning and I swear it is just absolutely sad. I hope he leaves now! I see now y he wasn't around when Daniele was growing up. He is frightening!!! :shocked2:
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Dustin and Amber in bathroom and Dick follows them in there saying he is going to follow them all day - he starts in again. Attacking Dustin for being gay and Amber for being mother of the year. Now he is going off an Eric asking if he took his medication. Scream fest continues.

Getting right in their faces. Dustin is trying to do stretching and Dick asks how many times he has sucked his own d***.

Wow, Dick is a homophobic just like Kail. But Dick will come out smelling like roses on this one while Kail was said to be a horrible parent. Hmmmm....

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No, but it would be okay if they treated Dick like that. Why in the world would Dani deserve to be treated the way her Dad treated someone else? That's a little weird.

Dick is NOT homophobic and probably doesn't even believe Amber is a bad mother. He is purposely trying to get to people's weakest spots, PURELY to ensure his eviction. There is nothing more to it than that.

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None of them deserve it. Why is it ok for Dick to do and nobody else should be allowed to do it?

Why do they have to do it to dick? They didnt start it with dick but you excuse him doing it. There is no reason not to excuse them doing it to dani then. You cant have it both ways. Either it is excusable for all or excusable for none. It cant be ok for Dick to do it but not for others to do it.

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Lynn I never said she should be punished for Dicks actions. I asked if it would be OK for them to treat dani like dick treats everyone else. Apparently dick is allowed to act however he wants but the other people are not. Funny double standard is shown towards Dicks behavior.

Whatever Dick would do to Eric (doubt anything) I would be more than happy to do to Dick. I think when Dick gets out of the house it is time the Bully got Bullied himself. :)

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I still love Dick to death and I understand what he is trying do, but he is taking things way to far right now... He really needs to find another way to go about what he is trying to do...

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I asked if it would be OK for them to treat dani like dick treats everyone else.
Oh I misunderstood then. I thought you were asking if it was okay to treat Daniele that way BECAUSE Dick has treated everyone else that way. Sorry.And Arrowhead, I agree 100%.
I still love Dick to death and I understand what he is trying do, but he is taking things way to far right now... He really needs to find another way to go about what he is trying to do...
I agree.
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Don Imus was fired for offensive statements made about a group of young ladies who weren't fair game. Dick is making equally or arguably more reprehensive statements to people who are fair game by virtue of having applied and/or agreed to being on the cast and by divulging information that he could then use as a weapon.

I posted my thoughts about what he said already in the "Dick Should Be Kicked Out" thread, so I won't repeat them here, but I want to play Devil's (no, not ED's) advocate. Dick's stated goal is to annoy the LNC so bad that they vote him out and keep Dani safe. As out of control as he appears to be, he's got to be somewhat in control because his attacks center around:

  • Drug use
  • body shape
  • homosexuality
  • Christianity
  • psychiatric conditions
  • greed
Drug use and greed are seen as fair game in most circles, ridiculing body fat, psychiatric conditions, and sexual orientation were taken to an art form by Donald Trump and only sparked a smattering of outcry (probably because his target was fair game), and those protesting anti-Christian portrayals are fodder for mockery even by mainstream media.

Conversely, he has not (as of yet) in his attacks:

  • Gone after Eric for being Jewish. Anti-Semitism is the kiss of death in LALA Land and guess where Dick lives?
  • Gone after anyone's race. Al Sharpton may be a reverend, but he's not raising an Army to protest how Dick is attacking Jameka's faith like he would if Dick dared to go after her for being black.
Dick's behavior shows that not only does he know what and whose buttons to push, he knows EXACTLY what is too far out of bounds for him to say and not be yanked by the producers. He knows they're going to keep him even if they don't like what he says so long as it draws in the viewers.

The ONLY way anything Dick has already said to Amber, Dustin and Jameka is going to get him yanked is if some advocacy group goes nuts, and even if they do, he'll most likely be evicted before their march on CBS even makes the evening news. He may cross that line yet, but I wouldn't count on it. Given that, CBS should look at him to replace the guy who came in as a replacement for Imus.

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Oh I believe it yada. I think a lot of people have changed their minds. Today's rant was the worst so far. I didn't see it, I read it and it was disturbing. I think he's starting to feel desperate because he thinks they're going to keep him.

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I still find it funny that people think he's acting like this to save his daughter. Come on, it's got to be in you to talk like that and not just because the time is right. Remember, he said bad things previously (before their noms) and did he have a valid reason then to do so.

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