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Tuesday 7/17 Show

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Me too, i am out, keep on keepin on everyone, later

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"I get the vibe that all that glee was to cover up her angst over the obvious, that Dani was going to win the POV."

Dont know where the quote button is, but someone said this about Jen jumping around when she won the unitard, I agree totally, also she acted like a 4 year old who doesnt know how to act in certain circumstances. She reminded me of Stewart from Mad TV!!

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What can I say I simply loved the show tonight I just watched it on innertube!!! Few thoughts.

Jen just proved once again how stupid, self centered she is. This chick seriously has to go next week. The crap she pulled on Amber and Joe was dispicable in my book. And I absolutely loved the entire segment before veto perfect. You go Danielle, Dick, Amber, Dustin, Jameka, and Joe for sticking it to Jen!!!!

Zach I hated his whole attitude towards Jameka tonight. WTF was up with that??? He really has never done anything to get on my nerves. But that crap to Jameka was just uncalled for and he is enemy number 1 now in my book once Jen is gone.

The veto competition went perfectly it was great to see Mike, Jen, and Joe gone right of the bat!!!!!!!!!

I kinda smell a possible huge house divide like there was in season 6. But this time the two groups I could really learn to like. I mean I picked Mike for final 2 and really like him even though he hasn't done much.

Dick and Danielle though have to be my two favorites right now. I really like them both. What Dick said after POV was just so unbelievable. Evil Dick ain't so evil in my book. I really hope these 2 last for a long time and can mend there realtionship it would be great to see.

I also loved when Jen was getting told in the HOH room by Kail, Zach, Mike, Amber, and Dustin to put up Joe then she leaves sees Nick with Danielle comes back up and says Nick is going up. The reactions on the faces of everyone in the room before the commercial break after she said that priceless. Just shows once again how dumb she is! I can't believe Will and Mike Boogie associate with this chick.

Jameka is golden!!! Omg I thought this chick was never going to make it past the first couple of weeks. She has really blended in so well. I hardly even remember she is even in the game. When I saw her encouraging Amber I was like o yea Jameka lol!! She is going far!!

Who knows I mean the way this game is going I could honestly see Jameka, Eric, and Jessica all sneaking into the final 4 to 3.

Amber I picked her to win and I really do like her. However I have to agree her crying is a little too much now!!!

All in all great show and im sure there is stuff I have missed that I wanted to mention o well!

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O and anyone that says Jen is Dr. Will like!! I have one thing to say to you she is a Dr. Will wannabe is all she is.

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They are, for the most part (only reason Danielle is up is because crazy Jen won HoH) extreme floaters who I think could sail by most of the game simply because they have the votes and are NICE outward but when they're alone they're constantly whispering and bad mouthing people like Jen. It annoys the piss out of me. At least Jen and Dick have the cajones to say what they want to people's faces but these guys like to go off into corners of the house when no one's around and whisper behind their backs. It annoys me just like when the Nerd Herd did it.

I'm not saying they're as bad as the NH, nothing was worse and more shady than that. Thus, I suppose I should say they are NHIT, or Nerd Herd In Training.

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Well, that description certainly applies to Jameka---does anyone have ANY sense of who she is????

She's been quite invisible, both visually and audibly. She's just sort of....there...

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I totally agree with almost everything Deedsy said. I think that those 3 very possibly will make there way to finals cause they are playing the game but not bringing so much attention to themselves. I really like Jameka!

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i dont think they should get a penalty nom.. i think they should just get a penalty... like make them scrub the bathroom floor with a tiny spong. or like the australia BB had.... they had a punishment room.. they would make them do things like seperate all the brown rice out of a bucket of white rice. :animated_rotfl:

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I guess I have a different view of floaters than most people. I see a floater as some one who floats to the group in power, willing to sell their vote to the highest bidder or best liar.

Jameka I see as an independent thinker. She states her own opinion and tries to stay out of the drama. I am so over alliances/HoH trying to bully people into obeying their every directive. A little bit of power can bring out the worst in some people.

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Amber, Dustin, Jameka and Danielle are the new Nerd Herd.

no way like the NH. yeah jameka is quiete, and amber crys.. so what? and how is Dustin a floater? i dont see it at all. he hasnt played in any vetos, so its not like he threw those. and there has only been 2 HOH comps so far.. so are you saying if you havent won anything by week 2 your a floater? i dont think so...

danielle is no way like a NH Member. for one she is winning stuff, and she stood up to jenn when she made Amber cry.

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I understand what Xal said, but also as Mendes said, not necessarily floaters, but people that aren't in an alliance. You don't have to be in an alliance in this show, and that doesn't make you a floater, either. Jameka and Jessica, for example. I wouldn't call them in an alliance, or floaters. Eric, I would almost call him a floater. He's definitely going to both sides and acting like he's with both. Is he doing that b/c he doesn't want to commit to one side without hearing what the viewer's vote so he gets into trouble? Or is that just his strategy, to play both sides?

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I feel bad for Eric because he can't committ to anyone since he is America's Choice player. If he says he will keep one and we vote for the other he will be known as a liar to everyone there. He is in a bad position. I hope people are voting as if they were him in the house and not just to mess things up so bad he gets kicked out.

I love how Eric didn't give in to Jen's drunken talk flirt last night. He gives her the funniest looks, I have grown to like Eric alot he is very cartoonish! haha

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Mendes...I agree 100%. Just b/c Jameka, and Jessica aren't beating their chest, and showing all their moves, and who they like and don't like does not make them a floater. They are being smart. They give their opinion, but they know to stay in the background and let all of the egos battle it out, and take each other out. I hate that follow the HOH crap stuff too. I guess, I would be out of the house the 2nd week, b/c I don't take too kindly to threats, or somebody trying to tell me what to do. I guess that's why I couldn't see myself joining a sorority.

I can't remember who said this...but the house isn't totally divided with two alliances...there is the Mrs. Robinson Alliance...then there is the other groups...who are made up of little alliances...who just want to break up the Mrs. Robinson alliance, then I think they will then branch out into their own groups...Amber and Dustin...Dick, Danielle and Nick, and Jameka and Jessica...again...Eric is in the middle, but I would put him with Jameka, and Jessica. They just want to break up the group that came in off the bat with an alliance and trying to play everybody stupid.

Although Zach and Mike are in an alliance...they still lay low...they barely talk.

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To me a floater is anyone who sits in the background and gets by because they don't stir the kettle, all the while talking bad behind people's backs where it's "safe".

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