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Tuesday 7/17 Show

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I agree totally with yana.

OT I agree with Marty as well Mortys is great cause we can all disagree but we TRY (atleast most of us regulars ) not to offend or bash someone elses opinion. Except BB6 Everyone I liked everyone else disliked. That being said it would be boring if we all agreed on everything all the time.

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I just think Jen says the stupidest stuff, or maybe it is the lack of content of what she says that stands out. I am not sure negative is the right word I want to describe her even tho I did state her in that way the other nite, she is just apathetic in my eyes. The unitard was really special (not), on the feeds it did not show her jumping with glee over her unitard, I get the vibe that all that glee was to cover up her angst over the obvious, that Dani was going to win the POV.

I also do not see Dick as negative, he is lacking tact alot of the time, he does not know when to shut his mouth, but I get the distinct idea that if you are involved in a relationship with him he would treat you like a queen, I see past all that other stuff, I do not think he is verbally abusing, or let me say it this way, I do not think he is meaning to sound abusive, I think he is the type of person who absolutely says what is on his mind, take it or leave it, I would rather take it and know where I stand , he never acted any different to Jen then he did from day 1 when she got hoh, in fact he told her he disliked her from day 1. I heard Dani say she trusted her dad the most in the house tonight, that says something to me. AND I loved the fact that Dick swallowed his pride and recognized that he possibly has been wrong about his part in his relationship with his daughter and was not looking at it from her shoes at all, I believe he is for real.

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After tonight's show... my husband and I aren't talking to each other. :animated_rotfl:

I love, love, love Jen and well,... he hates her more than any player that's ever been on BB. Also, he thinks BB needs to give Jen a psych evaluation because she's going to "fatal attraction" Nick's ass. :rolleyes:

He wants Joe gone, I want Dick gone.

He doesn't think Daniele is using Nick and I do...

It's going to be one FUN FUN FUN BB season in this house!!! :animated_bouncy:

P.S. The ONLY thing we agree on is... we both think Amber is RIDICULOUS and the sooner she goes the better.

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Okay think I'm good to go now. Now where was I? Hating on Jen...

edited...how come my avatar didn't change? dangit....sorry about the OFF TOPIC>..i'll hush up about it now

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Guest jordansmom
He wants Joe gone, I want Dick gone.

He doesn't think Daniele is using Nick and I do

OMG CeCi I thought i was the only one who felt this way.
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That is sooo funny cicimom. I only have 1 friend at work who watches BB, and I have not seen her yet to see what she thinks, you guys here at Morty's are my only BB connection :animated_bouncy:

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Jen may be an adult, but she is still just a little girl mentally. She has no capacity to understand another person's situation, which is why she has made so few friends in the house. Yes, Dick was aggressive in his tirade against Jen...but there was no indication that Dick would ever actually hurt her. The sad part is Jen couldn't even take her mind of off herself long enough to listen to anybody. Daniele telling her to "wipe the smug look off her face" was priceless. Daniele has been my favorite HG so far and I think she could make it all the way in this game.

Long story short:

Jen.....GROW UP!

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Thank you Marty ~ Hugs~

Now back to BB...I died laughing when america's player had to climb in bed with Joe. That was hilarious!

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I also find it hard that women condone Dick's behavior - I know it's just a show (as others should notice) but no matter how you slice it - it's verbal abuse. I'm sure the married ladies on this board would not appreciate their husbands speaking to them like that. So, I base my opinion on Dick and Jen how she remains in control at all times and he does not. That means something to me.

I completely agree with you on Dick, Ginger. What turns me off the most about Dick is the way he talks to/about women.

I believe Danielle when she says he was a "mean" friend to her, always putting her down. he does it in the house all the time (behind their backs mostly). he's referred to Carol as a twa*, has called Amber stupid and an idiot, even though he "likes" her. Talked to Kail as if she was beneath him. Not to mention how he's treated Jen.

I don't find him "straightforward" either. He's more of a bully, IMO, using intimidation or lying and making false promises to everyone to get his way, while claiming he tells it like it is. He provoked Jen because he wanted to be nominated. To me he's nothing but an attention seeking pig, and I woudn't mind watching him go at all.

There! I said it, now... be gentle :hide:

PS. Cecimom, I agree with you 99.9% Just cuz I don't love Jen, but I don't hate her either.

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lying and making false promises to everyone to get his way

That's what this game is all about... I don't dislike Jen for her intimidation of others, I dislike her because she is letting her crush on Nick control her emotions in the game and that's always a bad idea... Dick is playing the game and that's why I like him...

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lolol, hey to each his or her own, we all see certain things differently, I am anxious for the After Dark tonight. I stayed home from work tonite, then I remembered it was BB.

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