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Jen Week 1


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Oh how quickly we forget. What did Chilltown do last year that made them the most unique entity in BB history? They TRIED to get themselves evicted. They did EVERYTHING they could to get the other houseguests to vote them out. Hell, Will even went so far as to ASK, even BEG to be kicked out of the house. THAT was their strategy last year, to be in your face, annoying and bold.

Somehow, miraculously, it worked.

IF Jen is with CT, it would appear she is trying something very similar, although I think she's going about it the wrong way because there's something different about her than CT. She's a woman.

Women will accept idiot, annoying men, but if it comes to another woman, well to be blunt, women are catty and vindictive with other women.

I'm not saying this IS what Jen is doing, I'm just saying that CT was MORE over the top than Jen and it WORKED for them.

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I think Jen may be another one of BB8's twist. There's got to be an explanation why they would put such a psycho in the house.

its because BB does not do a complete psychological evaluation anymore. the crazier the better!!

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Did anyone see the opening shot of her when After Dark started up last night? Sprawled back on the bed with her feet on the floor?

You can't tell me that even CT coached her to do things like that! Although, she is used to some highly suggestive posing. For those who haven't had enough, check these pix at HollywoodZap

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CT lucked out because of how stupid the rest of the house guests were. If I was in that house with them, I'd have targeted Will first. If for nothing else, because he was a previous winner. But everyone else was completely oblivious to their plan. It got boring to watch near the end of the season, because I had thought Janelle was brilliant the year before. But in All Stars, she had no clue what was going on around her.

As for Jen, obviously it was Boogie who trained her, because she has all the subtlety of him. I just want to say that without Will, Boogie would have been voted out first thing. He was way to stupid to come up with the plans that Will did.

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Shouldn't they have a rubber room prepared for this bim the moment she leaves the house?

That's what's great about Jen, give her some frozen grapes and a mirror and chance are she won't even notice she's left the house when she does.

I too want to see her as HOH before she leaves, I think it will be a riot...LOL :figment:

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That's what's great about Jen, give her some frozen grapes and a mirror and chance are she won't even notice she's left the house when she does.


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no no no.. he was saying that you were gonna say the bunch of US were Jealous...

i dont think anyone would even think you or anyone else for that matter would actually.. uhhh .. well... "like" her. :shocking:

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