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Jen Week 1


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I bet she is afflicted with this horable mental disorder.

This Is What Body Dysmorphic Disorder Is:

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental disorder that involves a disturbed body image. It is generally diagnosed in those who are extremely critical of their physique or self image, despite the fact there may be no noticeable disfigurement or defect.

Most people wish they could change or improve some aspect of their physical appearance, but people suffering from BDD, generally considered of normal appearance, believe that they are so unspeakably hideous that they are unable to interact with others or function normally for fear of ridicule and humiliation at their appearance. They tend to be very secretive and reluctant to seek help because they are afraid others will think them vain or they may feel too embarrassed to do so.

Ironically BDD is often misunderstood as a vanity driven obsession, whereas it is quite the opposite; people with BDD believe themselves to be irrevocably ugly or defective.

BDD combines obsessive and compulsive aspects, which links it to the OCD spectrum disorders among psychologists. People with BDD may engage in compulsive mirror checking behaviors or mirror avoidance, typically think about their appearance for more than one hour a day, and in severe cases may drop all social contact and responsibilities as they become homebound. The disorder is linked to an unusually high suicide rate among all mental disorders.

A German study has shown that 1-2% of the population meet all the diagnostic criteria of BDD, with a larger percentage showing milder symptoms of the disorder (Psychological Medicine, vol 36, p 877). Chronically low self-esteem is characteristic of those with BDD due to the value of oneself being so closely linked with their perceived appearance. The prevalence of BDD is equal in men and women, and causes chronic social anxiety for those suffering from the disorder.

Phillips & Menard (2006) found the completed suicide rate in patients with BDD to be 45 times higher than in the general US population. This rate is more than double that of those with Clinical depression and three times as high as those with bipolar disorder[2]. There has also been a suggested link between undiagnosed BDD and a higher than average suicide rate among people who have undergone cosmetic surgery.

Very strange! Hope she gets some help!

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i agree she is an attention whore to the fullest

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Jen strikes me as having the opposite problem as this disorder. From what I've seen, she's extremely vain. I don't think a person with BDD could be a bikini model. I would think they'd always be covered up with baggy clothing and not wanting to be looked at. I've seen her turn around and show her bum to the camera plenty of times.

I do agree she has some mental issues going on, though.

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End of story.


As a friend of mine says:

Nothing to see here, folks.

Let's move along.

Go home to your families.

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but if any it would be a personality disorder possibly Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

To get the attention craves, he may try to create crises that return the focus to him. (the picture incident, the workout)

Overreacts to criticism, becoming angry or humiliated

Uses others to reach goals

Exaggerates own importance

Entertains unrealistic fantasies about achievements, power, beauty, intelligence or romance

Has unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment

Needs constant attention and positive reinforcement from others

Is easily jealous

retreived from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Revised

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That's actually not true, nothing...but there is certainly room for confusion.

The terms "Personality disorders", including and especially "Borderline Personality" are greatly overused and misused.

There are very specific criteria that must be used before ascribing these sorts of psychiatric diagnoses to anyone. Jen does not meet most of these criteria...at least from the little we've seen.

And even if there's room for curious speculation--as there always is--I think we'd all agree that diagnosing someone on the basis of a few camera appearances is probably not a good idea!

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actually, mine was not an attempt of diagnosis because pop pyschology is one of my peeves. However, bb is the perfect oppurtunity to observe someone, especially with the live feeds, I would say observation is 50 % of a diagnosis and testing the other. With that said, I used BB6 as the bases of my graduate reports and it was a hoot. However your point is well taken.

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What ABOUT you, Fizzle?

Does it always have to be about YOU??!!!

We all know you're crying out for attention with your Dirty Hookers Club.

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Fizzle, since you asked, one of the things I've noticed about you over our long and intense relationship, is your tendency towards detail, to the extent that I believe you fall within the Obsessive-Compulsive spectrum.

The spectrum is far-reaching; in point of fact, you most likely do not have a full-blown OCD, but rather the more mild form which is known as Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder---highly treatable with SSRI medication and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Please don't hesitate if I can be of any help.

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the only who i see may have a disorder is danielle

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