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Jen Week 1


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i dont know.. i think it would be a very boring place if we could talk like we do. it just wouldnt be the same.

it is what it is because of the people that come here and for the chit chat that is created. i dont think anyone knows how to post without the "in betweens"


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ok, back on topic..

last night at dinner, as they went around the table and said what they would do with the money if they won... dear jen had this to say:

"i think it would ruin me if i won the money. i am not here to win." when asked what she is here for, she said " i like to do different things try new things, i got my motorcycle license just to see if i could" joe asks if she would invest in the movie she wanted to make.. she said "no, i already did that"

:bored: yeah, i would rather see a bunny with a pancake on its head in the bb house.. lol

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she did.. she was running off a list of

10% to my moms church

10% to my grandmas church

10% to my 3 nieces

10% to my sister

and so on.. lmao it was like she had a list right there and was reading it.

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Back to the subject of silly exchanges between posters . . .

I'm sure that for many, if not most of us, our lives in the real world are not always fun and games. So this forum provides a pleasant, fun diversion. If we were limited to, say, serious discussions about personality disorders, I probably wouldn't be here.

For anyone who is not interested in light-hearted

repartee between, or among posters, I would suggest he/she just continue scrolling down. It can't take that long, can it?

I guess most of my posts fall into the fun, silly category. Knowing that, anyone who wants to remain deadly serious and stay dead-on topic should keep on scrolling when he or she sees my name.

Okay, I'm done. Back on topic .. . .

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:hurray: oldguy!!!!!! if you wanna know the truth, sometimes i scroll past the people that talk so serious! :animated_rotfl:

and when i see oldguys name, i always... ALWAYS stop and read, cause i always get a chuckle and sometimes i even learn a thing or two! :)

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i don't mind when I see people talking about something off topic, sometimes it just happens, it's funny. i dont mind it at all....

anyway, i see a little Chilltown vibe when jen said she wasn't there to win the money, i think the only difference is, people will still try to get her out of the house.. well, hopefully people won't fall into that old trap about not wanting to win, everyone WANTS to win.

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This place has been such a great place to hang out. I have laughed myself silly at some of the off topic posting.

I had a dream last night that Jen won HOH? YIKES!

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I just posted something about Jen in the media thread... Go have a look and let me know what you all think... Personally I now want her gone more than ever...

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She is no Chilltown! And Boogie is no Will!

CBS just screwed up with letting this out. As if the viewers weren't already ticked enough that they keep picking people with established acting careers and goals, they are now taking referrals???

Vote her overexposed :censored: out!!!

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I knew I wouldn't be the only one peeved off about this... I mean come one... Coached by Boogie and him doing an interview to confirm that... I really hope she leaves soon just for that reason alone... I will again ask has anyone seen Twincities lately? I am starting to think maybe she was more connected to Jen than we knew... She just disappeared...

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I don't know who Twincities is, Yana...

But no, you're not the only one pissed about this.

The thing people like about reality tv is not just the drama... its about believing that REAL people can become famous. Jen's not a real person in that house, she's a coached surgically-enhanced slasher.

("Slasher" is the term for people trying to become something else... here in Nashville we have a ton of songwriter"slash"bartenders... in LA its always actress"slash"cocktail waitress... you get the picture.)

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Twincities was posting a lot here just before the show aired... Then after the cast was announced she told us she had met Jen from another BB board (I think it was a yahoo group)... Then once the show aired she disappeared...

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