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Jen Week 1


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dont worry about it... your voice is just as important as the next here. one or two that dont like it... can go eat a cookie.

really though.. its ok if you dont like someone. right now i dont really "like" any of them.... except Dick

its not like we are all jumping around saying "i hate "fill in the blank". cause hate IS a strong word.

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LOL i love it, just because i want her in the house doesnt mean im infatuated or even like her, but obviously you cant see the difference between that and wanting entertainment. I mean, really. Next, you'll be telling us that this is as good as BB gets with these boring ass HGs.

I am with you sextypething405 Often posters in the forum will bash a players like jen to for over the top, but when the HG is gone Posters will complain how boring the show is, never making the connection that players like jen keep all the other HGs off balance and either knowingly or unknowingly keep the game very entertaining. People like Jen don't get on the show by dumb luck, and often a personality flaw of somekind is their ticket into the House.

To be honest, I am unsure if it an act or not. I have not seen enough to know if she playing crazy or she is really crazy.

Here is a question: Can a

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LOL i love it, just because i want her in the house doesnt mean im infatuated or even like her, but obviously you cant see the difference between that and wanting entertainment. I mean, really. Next, you'll be telling us that this is as good as BB gets with these boring ass HGs.

I am with you sextypething405 Often posters in the forum will bash a player like jen for being who they are in the game, but when they are gone Posters will complain how boring the show is, never making the connection that players like jen keep all the other HGs off balance and either knowingly or unknowingly make the game very entertaining.

Here is a question: Can a HG pretend to be crazy loon even in the DR? In other words, never reveal anything about how they playing the game even to the producers?

I tend to think the secret rule book requires them to be honest in the DR. Otherwise most players would simply clam up and say wishy washy stuff like" "I love everyone. It is great show, etc, etc".

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I don't want to spoil people's fun, but the style of posting is like IM chatting, and in forums it creates pages of endless back and forth one liners that make no sense to anyone but the few people holding that private conversation in a public forum. If you want to chat, please take it into IM. It is driving me nuts having to read pages of IM like talk that is unrelated to the topic or hard to figure out unless I want to go back pages. I really feel like I am filtering through spam.

I am venting just a little because it not just this specific topic, I can go into other topics and find the same thing. I don't know what Morty's policy is on using boards like IM, but I think it should be discourage by the board's moderators.

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