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TEAM America (Donny + Frankie + Derrick) - Joey


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Well what they should have done is have the voting going on for the first two weeks (well until July 6th). Then have all 3 players be informed the same day. It's so stupid the way they did it; I'm not sure how after all this time they didn't see it coming that the first person could have been voted out so early.

BTW, I know people are wondering why Joey was voted. If you think about it, America had to vote for people based on their interviews (if they even watched) and ONE episode of BB. So it was a total crapshoot no matter what.

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For Donny's sake, I don't think that he needed the pressure of being America's Whatever. Lot of good it did Blue.

I agree do not like the twist .... will put a target on Donny...whom is currently a fave... This position is not an honor!!! I would vote my least favorites to be America's Team because they will be outed at some point for drama...

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Will they be told there are others who are Team America... or will they be told separately and have separate tasks ?

I can't imagine 3 of them pulling off ONE specific task... without screwing up or looking too suspicious while they try and plan it.

Julie sure hasn't done a good job explaining a lot of these new Twists.

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I do believe their tasks will involve voting and even nominating (or conspiring to nominate) because the way TA was explained was that we (America) would be a houseguest and influencing the game.

That said, they do not HAVE to vote the way we want; however, that's the only way they will each get $5k.

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Lame options and just another way for BB to manipulate the game. I wish there were two other players than Derrick and Frankie since I can't stand either one of them. Does everyone think that they will protect each other like they said they would?

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I feel bad that Donnie seems to think they should be working together info and vote-wise. Now he will be sharing info he shouldn't and more easily manipulated.

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This Team America team is already having problems. Derrick is throwing Donny under the bus for no apparent reason other than he thinks Donny "disrespected" him when Donny questioned why he was put on the block.

Derrick is fast becoming an even bigger tyrant than Devin. However, to his defense, Derrick seems to be a more intelligent player. But only time will tell.

On another note, was the guys of Team America told that they could tell other HG's about their team if it would help their game? Then how come Joey was given that option? Was it because Grodner hoped that it would weaken Joey's game because she was not happy with Joey as America's choice?

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This Team America thing *has* the potential to sink someone's game. Both voting options, if executed well, could send someone out the door. If I'm sitting in the BB house, the first person I'll vote out is anyone I suspect is in a showmance followed by someone I think has a connection to someone that was in a previous season of BB. I'd be looking for reasons to vote people out, and it wouldn't take much to get everyone else on that bandwagon. Heck, if I was on Team America, I'd seriously be considering waiting for one of my teammates to start the rumor, then exposing them and getting them out as a "troublemaker". I'm evil like that. LOL

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Which Houseguest do you want Team America to get on the block next week?
Someone they believe is a floater.
Someone they believe is a physical threat.
I really don't like the Team America stuff. I wonder how they determine who a floater is. Could it be a person like Zach or Britney? Who determines who a physical threat? Some of the slight women might crush some of the guys in some of the endurance comps.
I call bullchit on this one.
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Guest 6Borders

Just plain stupid twist!!!

Does this mean that Team America (Donny, Derrick and Frankie) cannot target each other??

They are supposed to be working together and Derrick and Frankie keep leaving Donny out..that's

not much of a team!

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Don't think they need three to stay AT. They don't want to work with Donny, not as AT and not in the regular aspect of the game. I don't think Donny will get too far. They might keep him until jury since they will think he would vote for good game and not emotionally. I hope he wins HoH before they can kick him to the curb and I hope he causes pandemonium in the house with his noms.

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Team America is already pretty much over with from what I can see (unless production steps in). Derrick literally brings up Donny's name to be nominated in every conversation about this coming weeks noms. Cody was saying he didn't really want to put up Donny if he won HoH and Derrick is pushing for it.

I don't get it, why push for an ally to be nominated when you could go after other people first. Even if Donny isn't in "The Detonators" wouldn't it be smarter to keep him around and have an extra player on your side. All he had to do was keep him in the loop somewhat and I don't doubt Donny would have been loyal till the end.

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Guest 6Borders

So, if I have this right, this Grodner joke called Team America (minus Donny, because Frankie and Derrick leave him out of everything unless they need him to do their dirty work for them, then claim the credit, and I am frankly surprised they are not both in the DR saying they should split his 5K between them) have decided that the biggest "physical threats" are Donny and Amber????

Had there been 3 choices (among the 2 stupid already out there) I would have added "Biggest Mental Threat" and maybe that would be Donny, because the rest of these people are mental morons when it comes to this game!

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The quest all 3 had to agree who they thought the biggest physical threat was to do the challenge. Frankie wanted it to be Amber and they all agreed.

Donny is just playing his game the way he wants to. His fans are always coming to his defense. He for sure he will get America's Favorite if he makes it to jury.

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If they put up Amber as the physical threat I think they should be told they failed. I am begining to dislike Derrick more and more he is so sweet to Brittany's face then pushes for her to go home this week he is a douche. Cody is an idiot if he doesn't at least try to get Caleb out this week because Caleb will be gunning for him first chance he gets.

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