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Jocasta Odom (Week 1)


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lucky she wasnt on last season

i dont think she will win

i expect her to be in a few fights

well that is why they cast her to be a running joke

minister and big brother well that goes hand n hand .....NOT

it seems to be a running joke with the black folks they cast

ollie church boy had sex in the house many times ....sure his folks was proud

keith another church person was sex crazed horn dog

i dont think she will be having sex in the house but i do think she will give folks a lot of material to make fun of her


pretty much but even worst than i expected :animated_bouncy:

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Piece of TRASH.


IF god existed would it help her be in and win a stupid game over starving kids, dogs being abused....

SHUT UP with the god garbage lady!


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Don't like bow ties on most men, let alone as a necklace on a lady....her religion is going to stand in her way. Sorry to tell her God is busy with a lot more than whether or not she wins a comp. I don't ask God to give me a strike when I bowl, but I do say thanks when I get one!

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I don't have a problem with her praying as long as she doesn't request I join in. I think she is a person who uses prayer in her life and evidently it doesn't bother the other house guests yet. I like her more than I thought I would except the tie thing don't get it.

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I didn't see most of the others brush their teeth but Jocasta left the water running the whole time she was brushing. Later Donny came in and only ran the water to wet the brush, then again to rinse his mouth. Now I really want Donny to stay longer than this woman.

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I have ZERO respect and FULL disgust for anyone who believes their god, jesus, zues, fairy godmother, what ever... grants them wishes ( so called prayers )for the likes of winning games, successful minor surgeries, new job, swell kids etc. when up to 20,000 kids starve PER DAY on Earth, animals are tortured and all those horrific things that ARE true reality.

Ignorance and narcissism aren't pretty.

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I have ZERO respect and FULL disgust for anyone who believes their god, jesus, zues, fairy godmother, what ever... grants them wishes ( so called prayers )for the likes of winning games, successful minor surgeries, new job, swell kids etc. when up to 20,000 kids starve PER DAY on Earth, animals are tortured and all those horrific things that ARE true reality.

Ignorance and narcissism aren't pretty.

completely with you on this one Wicked and can we just get her out of there?

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If she prays... So what ? She as an individual is annoying, I could care less if she prays and talks about God. To each their own. JMO

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@ MJCMS3 the attitude about praying is part and parcel of what makes her so annoying. I am not annoyed by Frankie doing a meditation, but anyone who thinks that a Creator of the Universe would be involved with whether a person wins a competition with BAr B Q sauce pouring on them...is hopelessly dumb and ego centric simultaneously. Her religion is like a reflex it never involves her brain because that would be too much effort. Everything in her life is up to something outside herself so she has no responsibility to enact her own life.

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If she prays... So what ? She as an individual is annoying, I could care less if she prays and talks about God. To each their own. JMO

Of course you are absolutely right and I know that. I'm not sure why it annoys me to see another prayerful person on a reality show but it does. Maybe I am of the opinion that a lot of that is done for show? Not certain. I am certain that she needs to lose the bow ties. :cool2:

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It's as much my allowed personal opinion that religion and belief in sky daddy's creates wars, greed, delusion, brainwashing, death and bigotry. There's proof in that.

But when some fool proves it further by claiming their Zues, god, whatever is helps with little crap like games or finding your lost keys while IT's supposedly almighty powerful self allows millions to suffer disease, starvation..... yeah.. I have a HUGE issue with that. Religion is not harmless and Jocasta is a TOOL.

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Wasn't knocking anyone's opinion of her religion annoying them . Just stating it didn't bother me. She's extremely annoying , I believe, with or without her praying. JMO

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one thread i am made the starter of and it is this one

geez :animated_bouncy:

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