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Frankie Grande BB16 (Pre-season)

Guest 6Borders

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I have no clue who his sister is; even after googling her. I am clearly out of touch and next season I don't want anybody under-37 on Big Brother. The man is 31 and has pink hair. What can I do but wish him well?

I didn't think I knew who she was either because the name meant nothing to me- but after checking her vevo channel on youtube, I was shocked at how many of her songs I've heard on the radio. This one I have been hearing currently because it's getting a lot of air time right now.

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She is precious and the song is catchy. Thanks, Marty. That's one of those songs that I hear but don't hear in the background when I am shopping and all of a sudden my bootie is moving to the beat. That's a lot of hits. It could possibly affect voting. It has happened before. Yes?

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Well seeing as she has over 10 million (some say 15 million) Twitter followers and if she says vote for my brother.... kids are very smart and will be doing that on their computers or cell phones. Fans are crazy like that.

I never heard that you have to have the feeds to vote. Most people that vote just watch the show on TV and don't have the feeds.

This statement was included in the press release from CBS;

BIG BROTHER Live Feeds subscribers will also have the chance to affect fun aspects of house life with exclusive Live Feed Votes throughout the season.

I'm not sure if all the votes will be done this way but at this point it's only live feed subscribers. :)

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I've never heard any of these songs. I feel old... Though I'm the same age as some guy who looks like he uses cotton candy for mousse (which he probably can't spell) so it's not so bad...

11 year difference between Frankie and Ariana? How many kids did these Grandes crap out anyways?

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i hope he isnt the person who gets the feeds cut for always singing :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

This statement was included in the press release from CBS;

BIG BROTHER Live Feeds subscribers will also have the chance to affect fun aspects of house life with exclusive Live Feed Votes throughout the season.

I'm not sure if all the votes will be done this way but at this point it's only live feed subscribers. :)

Oh were it only true, but my "15 seasons of BB cynical side" says this is not only a way to get more subscribers (duh) but Sis' fan base will be signing up & voting if signing up is the only way they can vote. "Terms of Use" and "Must be 18 and older" mean nothing anymore and who checks?? (Jace BB5 said he lived in Decatur and he was living right down the block from CBS, right under their nose; nobody at CBS tracked down Caleb's derogatory remarks, which were all over the net, in their very thorough background check...just for a few BB examples, etc. etc).

These kids either have their own credit cards or they borrow their parents' card (and I have been shocked to see how many times mom & dad just hand it over). You click "yes I accept", your credit card goes thru and who cares.!!! I'm working with young people in Humane Education again this Summer and I can't believe the amount of money the parents hand their kids to spend on Cyrus and Bieber so I can't imagine Frankie's sis would be any different (tho just my opinion she's way more talented). Over half of my 9-14 group are BB fans and live feed subscribers and have been for a few years...some on their parents CC and some on their own CC!

If the voting is going to influence the game in Frankie's favor the fan base is going to be there voting, regardless of whether or not he's outed in the house for a famous sis!

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I agree with much of what you say, Borders. I will have to see how Frankie acts and whether I like him or not. I want an aggressive winner this time. I am done with the floaters like Andy. In the final analysis, has anybody ever won BB because of outside votes? Did Rachel Reilly (barf)? He is no doubt proud of his little sister's success and good on Frankie for having that in his pocket if predictions prove true as to vote. I guess. Hell, we might LOVE Frankie and want her to gather some votes for him. Right?

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I guess his zanie personality got him on the show but please don't tell me I have to watch an over the top gay dude prance around the house like Tinkle Bell all summer long. I'd rather have Andy, he was cool.

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Eh... ditch the tongue out thingy...

Quit pimping your notasfamousasyouthink sister.

Personality hasn't completely put me off....................................................................yet

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He doesn't seem to walk normally. Kind of a high skipping around the house. Yes I think he does levitate. Facial expressions are priceless.

lose the Speedo dude.

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I am officially old. My nephew knew who this guy was right away. I still have not heard of his sister. I kinda like him it will be interesting to see if he has already told the house guests who his sister is, I think he will tell them. I found I liked some of the people that I really thought I wouldn't but its only been 1 show.

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I think his sister is more famous than you realize, at least as far as mainstream top 40 music goes. My commute to work is only 6 minutes, but I heard Ariana on the way to work yesterday morning, on a co workers radio less than an hour later, and again on the way home. I think she's also on tour with Justin beiber right now. She's getting more radio rotation than lady gaga or Miley Cyrus.

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