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BB15 Backyard Interviews w/ Jeff Schroeder


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CBS has announced there will be backyard interviews with the house guests following the finale. The interviews are scheduled to begin at 11:15pm ET/8:15pm PT

Here's the link to the CBS site;


I wish he would ask some hard hitting questions but I'm betting his hands will be tied by CBS to be all jolly, merry and not stir the pot.

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CBS has announced there will be backyard interviews with the house guests following the finale. The interviews are scheduled to begin at 11:15pm ET/8:15pm PT

Here's the link to the CBS site;


I wish he would ask some hard hitting questions but I'm betting his hands will be tied by CBS to be all jolly, merry and not stir the pot.

Are they going to be live on TV or just an Internet stream?

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Are they going to be live on TV or just an Internet stream?

If you go to that link, that's where they'll show them on the CBS site. I assume that will be just like the live feeds. It won't be on television.

BTW there may be more websites that have live backyard interviews but I haven't seen any others yet. When or if I do I'll post them. :)

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If you go to that link, that's where they'll show them on the CBS site. I assume that will be just like the live feeds. It won't be on television.

BTW there may be more websites that have live backyard interviews but I haven't seen any others yet. When or if I do I'll post them. :)

Thanks! I was hoping they would be on TV though...I hate watching things on the computer.

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OK, about the amount of things Julie has brought up at the HG's exit interviews....

I was hashing it over with a friend and they brought
up that CBS may be skirting the issues trying to avoid Defamation of Character suits.

From what I was told and read... it seems like there's a very fine line, that - when crossed -
can cause a sticky and lengthy law suit.

I thought I'd bring it up because we're sooo close to the end - and interviews will be a big part of it.

here's a site that's suppose to explain the law in layman's terms

I know Julie's interview with Aaryn touched on some things about her actions while in the House.
I wonder now, if how Julie worded those comments was well thought out by CBS ahead of time.

I'm sure Jeff isn't too overjoyed about having to do the Backyard Interviews (lol - except for the money)

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Ok so the time is off for me. Survivor premiers at 7:00 mountain time and is 90 mins, and then the finale of big brother which would be 8:30 mountain time until 10:00 mountain time. So if those are correct times the interviews are being done before the show is over right? Am I missing something. I think it would be strange to start the interviews before the show airs.

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Ok so the time is off for me. Survivor premiers at 7:00 mountain time and is 90 mins, and then the finale of big brother which would be 8:30 mountain time until 10:00 mountain time. So if those are correct times the interviews are being done before the show is over right? Am I missing something. I think it would be strange to start the interviews before the show airs.

Those times are eastern time which means the backyard interviews will begin about 15 minutes after the show goes off the air.

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Ok so the time is off for me. Survivor premiers at 7:00 mountain time and is 90 mins, and then the finale of big brother which would be 8:30 mountain time until 10:00 mountain time. So if those are correct times the interviews are being done before the show is over right? Am I missing something. I think it would be strange to start the interviews before the show airs.

Janis, I'm in Mountain time and the way I'm reading it is if the interviews are at 11:15 Eastern time they'll be on at 9:15 here. BB goes til 10 so it'll be part of the show.

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Janis, I'm in Mountain time and the way I'm reading it is if the interviews are at 11:15 Eastern time they'll be on at 9:15 here. BB goes til 10 so it'll be part of the show.

Roli are you in Colorado? I think we are going to have to watch them on the live feeds after the show. Since the show ends at 10:00. Go Broncos..........
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Roli are you in Colorado? I think we are going to have to watch them on the live feeds after the show. Since the show ends at 10:00. Go Broncos..........

Yes, I'm just down the road (and by "road" I mean I-25) from you. I hope you weren't affected too adversely by the fires and subsequent flooding.

I usually watch BB early on ustream because my husband doesn't like the show at all, so I'll be watching early and can let you know if the interviews are shown.


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Yes, I'm just down the road (and by "road" I mean I-25) from you. I hope you weren't affected too adversely by the fires and subsequent flooding.

I usually watch BB early on ustream because my husband doesn't like the show at all, so I'll be watching early and can let you know if the interviews are shown.


My husband is a big brother fan lol go figure. He is a Fire Chief and he was at the Black Forest Fire for days it was a little too close to me but we made it. The flooding we have been lucky but Manitou Springs was wiped out that was sad. Are you North or South?
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My husband is a big brother fan lol go figure. He is a Fire Chief and he was at the Black Forest Fire for days it was a little too close to me but we made it. The flooding we have been lucky but Manitou Springs was wiped out that was sad. Are you North or South?

South. Lived here for over 30 years and absolutely love it. We don't have essential things like you guys do (like Jimmy John's, Panera, P.F. Changs), but we also don't have the traffic and where I live it would be virtually impossible to get flooded. Wow, I bet you're on edge all summer with your husband being a fire chief.

My husband doesn't just dislike BB. He loathes it. He's bothered by the lack of morals and that back stabbing and lying are part of the game. I've tried to bring him on board by saying it's a study in human behavior, but he doesn't buy it.

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I hope you're right Slowpoke. Now THAT would be entertainment to watch as they're told. Spencer was already

going a bit panicky on the live show. Julie nipped it -- since they didn't have the "time" as she said.

Oh yeah, they're going to need some time all right.

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