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How does PoV work? (a.k.a. "The History Channel")


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No, whoever wins the veto can take themselves off or the other person but they cannot be put up

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If you win POV, you can't be put up. That's been the rule since the beginning of time.

Actually, it's only been the rule since season 4.

In season one, there was no HoH.

In season two, there was no veto.

In season three, veto was introduced, but if you used it you could then be put up as the replacement, which was practically incentive NOT to use it. Marcellas Reynolds did, and was put up as the replacement and voted out.

In season four, veto was changed to the "golden" power of veto, which is what we still have today. (Veto was silver-colored in season 3.) The "golden" power meant that you could NOT be put up as a replacement nominee, leaving the veto holder free to save one of the nominees without fatal repercussions and consequences.

Also in season four, when there were only four houseguests left, they tried calling it "the diamond power of veto" since if any of the three non-HoH houseguests won it, they would use it if on the block (or not use it if not on the block) and then be the only vote deciding who would be evicted.

(Production later realized that calling the final-4 veto by a special name was stupid/useless, so they never called it that again.)

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Actually, it's only been the rule since season 4.

In season one, there was no HoH.

In season two, there was no veto.

In season three, veto was introduced, but if you used it you could then be put up as the replacement, which was practically incentive NOT to use it. Marcellus did, and was put up as the replacement and voted out.

In season four, veto was changed to the "golden" power of veto, which is what we still have today. (Veto was silver-colored in season 3.) The "golden" power meant that you could NOT be put up as a replacement nominee, leaving the veto holder free to save one of the nominees without fatal repercussions and consequences.

Also in season four, when there were only four houseguests left, they tried calling it "the diamond power of veto" since if any of the three non-HoH houseguests won it, they would use it if on the block (or not use it if not on the block) and then be the only vote deciding who would be evicted.

(Production later realized that calling it by a special name was stupid/useless, so they never called it that again.)

Damn Jedi, you are a plethora of information.

Probably misspelled that huh?

Edited by JEDI
fixed spelling of "plethora"! LOL
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But the diamond power of veto did make a second appearance in Big Brother 12 when Matt won it in secret during his second HOH in Pandora's Box. He only had a two week time span to use it, and he used it the next week when Brendon nominated him. The power associated along with the diamond power of veto included not only removing a houseguest from the block, but also naming the replacement nominee. Matt removed himself from the block, then nominated Kathy. Kathy was then evicted.

(Two can play at this game. :) )

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Well played, sir, well played!

I forgot to mention that the "golden" power of veto actually made its appearance as the the final veto of season 3. It allowed the possessor to remove THEMSELVES from the block, where the "silver" power did not. Also of note is that in seasons 3 to 4, all houseguests still in the house participated in the veto competition. In season 5, they had the HoH and nominee each pick an additional player, and starting in season 6 the 3 additional players were chosen by random draw, because of a situation that arose in season 5, when Nakomis was HoH and the whole house conspired to nominate Jase as the replacement nominee and evict him, without giving him a chance to play in the veto competition and save himself, which became known as "the six-finger plan".

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Ah yes, season 3 was the first appearance. How did I miss that? However, I must correct you and say that it was not season 6 when players were chosen by random draw. That changed during season 7 with all-stars. Remember that the six-finger plan was also implemented in season 6 to oust James. When April won HOH at the final 7, she nominated Janelle and Howie. April, Janelle, and Howie chose Maggie, Ivette, and Beau to participate in the veto while James hosted it. No matter who won, the veto was going to be used and James was going to be evicted. April won the veto and saved Janelle. She then nominated James in her place, and he was successfully backdoored.

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Oh I love all this info I had long forgotten

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In season 3, I don't know if the veto winner could be the replacement nominee if they won veto. I know Gerry won veto, but he used it week 1 to save it Marcellas, but then Lisa, who was HOH I believe, nominated Amy. I believe the error was when you said that Marcellas Reynolds did use it and was put up as the replacement nominee which is an incorrect statement. Marcellas won the Golden Power of veto at final 5, which was the last veto for the season. In all subsequent seasons, the final veto was at final four. Marcellas won the Golden Power of veto in which he could remove himself, but he chose not to, and was voted out.

As far as "golden" meaning you couldn't be put up the replacement nominee, I thought golden meant that you could save yourself from eviction. The veto winner, if not nominated, was still safe from nomination if he or she used it if that person was not nominated pre-veto.

Am I on the right track?

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Excellent info!!! :notworthy:

I have CRS too when it comes to BB, but a pretty good memory of this board.

What I do remember is that Cajun is the original creator of "The Inanimate Objects" thread and probably has the longest running avatar. I believe slowpoke has had that avatar a long time and myself.

There's been a plethora of avatars coming and going on this board since 2005.

Ivette did wee wee on the astroturf...I will never forget that little HG tidbit.

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If you win POV, you can't be put up. That's been the rule since the beginning of time.

lol many on various boards i visit ask that same question to the point i feel it should be sticky

but i notice it tends to be ask more often when an unpopular hg's wins veto and not the other way around :animated_bouncy:

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In season 3, I don't know if the veto winner could be the replacement nominee if they won veto. I know Gerry won veto, but he used it week 1 to save it Marcellas, but then Lisa, who was HOH I believe, nominated Amy. I believe the error was when you said that Marcellas Reynolds did use it and was put up as the replacement nominee which is an incorrect statement. Marcellas won the Golden Power of veto at final 5, which was the last veto for the season. In all subsequent seasons, the final veto was at final four. Marcellas won the Golden Power of veto in which he could remove himself, but he chose not to, and was voted out.

As far as "golden" meaning you couldn't be put up the replacement nominee, I thought golden meant that you could save yourself from eviction. The veto winner, if not nominated, was still safe from nomination if he or she used it if that person was not nominated pre-veto.

Am I on the right track?

Yes, you got it.

I had posted that Marcellas had used the veto and was put up as the replacement, but as you noted, he won the Golden Power of veto in which he could remove himself, but he chose not to, and was voted out.

MadMarty is correct about the Platinum Power of Veto.

It was made with some aluminum foil in an effort to mess with the other houseguests' minds.


And GingerSnaps, I've had this avatar since the old board, and possibly the older board before that. There are a few old timers who can say the same, I think.

" plethora "

great word.... think I'll try us use it sometime tomorrow

Slowpoke, looks like GingerSnaps beat you to it!

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I like change and have been through a lot of avatars.

In fact I keep begging Jedi to CHANGE the emoticons.

I have a ton of fun ones if he wants any. Jedi doesn't like change... pillow_fight.gif

Ah, but Jedi's are FAIR so we'll let the smilie thingy slide............................................................ for now.

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