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Amanda - Week 9 - POV winner


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Well it's Aaryn this week, I know that, but it's definitely Elissa next week! :hurray:

Why do u think it will be Aaryn? I don't think that Amanda is ready to get rid of her right now. if GM, Spencer or Judd goes up, they are out. Andy is the only one that Amanda may keep over Aaryn. Otherwise, I really think Aaryn is safe. And now, since the McNasty's control the vote, who ever they keep will be beholden to them not elissa.

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Why do u think it will be Aaryn? I don't think that Amanda is ready to get rid of her right now. if GM, Spencer or Judd goes up, they are out. Andy is the only one that Amanda may keep over Aaryn. Otherwise, I really think Aaryn is safe. And now, since the McNasty's control the vote, who ever they keep will be beholden to them not elissa.

If she puts up Andy it's Aaryn that will be going.

I'm kind of torn because I think Elissa is in the house as a Grodner pawn to protect Amanda and that's why I think Aaryn will be gone. I think Aaryn was the target all along, who would attempt a back door this stage of the game? Could Elissa be so stupid or did her hatred for Aaryn get in the way or is she a pawn?

We will never know for sure.

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If she puts up Andy it's Aaryn that will be going.

I'm kind of torn because I think Elissa is in the house as a Grodner pawn to protect Amanda and that's why I think Aaryn will be gone. I think Aaryn was the target all along, who would attempt a back door this stage of the game? Could Elissa be so stupid or did her hatred for Aaryn get in the way or is she a pawn?

We will never know for sure.

Yeah, I think if it is andy vs aaryn, Amanda will have to some real thinking to do. However, I think she would keep Aaryn because Aaryn will bring along GM. But, at this point, even Amanda may know that it is time to break up teams.

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did anyone else catch the McNasty's talking about some "power" Amanda got? Mr. McN wanted to know if "they" had told her about it yet, and Ms. McN said they would tell her about it later.....???? Hmmmm

A secret power? The McRaes must be crapping their pants over it.

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They don't necessarily have the votes. Judd, GM and Spencer could still vote the way Elissa wants. Mcmanda only two votes. IF they could keep the alliance up they could still run the house and not the mcmandas.

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They don't necessarily have the votes. Judd, GM and Spencer could still vote the way Elissa wants. Mcmanda only two votes. IF they could keep the alliance up they could still run the house and not the mcmandas.

Things can change. Spencer already told her if Andy gets nom'd then he will vote Aaryn out. If Spencer holds to his word, Judd will run scared and vote with them. GM has not gone against the majority vote yet.

both of them were REALLY excited, saying "that's BAD". But Amanda said production was going to tell her about it later....hmmmmmm

That's odd. Is the secret power going to be tailor made by production or is Amanda just BSing? Hmmm, is right.

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Things can change. Spencer already told her if Andy gets nom'd then he will vote Aaryn out. If Spencer holds to his word, Judd will run scared and vote with them. GM has not gone against the majority vote yet.

That's odd. Is the secret power going to be tailor made by production or is Amanda just BSing? Hmmm, is right.

Hard to tell which it is....or maybe she OD'd on her meds

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If she got a special power, then I'm done. Of course I have said this before BUT I wont be able to watch her anymore.

I've watched less this season and have gotten a lot done around the house and sewing. If she did get some special thing, I'll be done. And I've never said that before

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Amanda tells Aaryon she is 100% safe over Andy and she tells Andy is 100% safe and she swears on her life.

Andy has votes from McSloths and Spencer.

Aaryn going home.

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Amanda up in HOH with Elissa telling Elissa no matter who she puts up against Aaryon is going home. She said put up Andy he goes home and you can take him off my hands.

Wow she is just snap thinking she is running the show.

OK I watched the second conversation and it is Amanda's plan to make her think Andy going home when if fact Aaryn going home.

What is the point for these concocted stories. They are trying to blindside Aaryn, and Elissa and GM.

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Well I've barely watched this season, but now I cannot watch this anymore, I'm over it for sure

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Well darn. Any hopes that I had for the rest of the season were pretty much dashed with Amanda winning. I was looking forward the McManda up against each other. All the other scenarios are pretty boring at this point.

The way this woman walks around the house is a big turn off for me this season. The only thing worse than a sore loser, is an over the top cocky winner, and Amanda has displayed both. There's not really much more that I can add to what hasn't already been said about Amanda. She's has has some issues that she needs to work on and I hope when she gets out of the house she can do some reflecting and get the help she needs to resolve those issues.

Judging from what I have seen and read about her this season, it's tough for me to imagine she could sell anyone a house, much less anyone that is educated and done well enough in their life to buy a high end house in FL. I picture her more as the manager of a trailer park :grin2:

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